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As I fought, my emotions threatened to unravel me. Fear, guilt, and self-doubt clawed at my insides. But I couldn’t afford to fail.

‘Focus on your mates,’ Maz had told me. Images of their faces gave me the strength I needed to keep going. If I failed this test—failed to expel the demons, as well as the Dark Ones—then my men would be lost. As would Artemis, Ethan, and everyone else I cared about.

The trial continued to test my endurance; each obstacle becoming more difficult than the last. And as I faced them head-on, I could feel the power within me growing more potent, molding itself to my will.

“Enough!” I screamed, exhaustion finally taking its toll. “What more do you want from me?”

For a moment, the underworld seemed to fall silent, as if considering my plea. And then, just as suddenly, it roared back to life, throwing more challenges my way.

“Bring it on,” I muttered through gritted teeth.

“Sierra, remember your purpose,” Mazarin’s voice drifted through the thick mist as I was nearing a breaking point. “You are the Reaper, and you have the love of your mates to guide you.”

“Easy for you to say,” I muttered, wiping sweat from my brow as I faced the next obstacle – a bridge made from interwoven shadows that seemed to sway precariously over an abyss. “I never asked for this.”

“Nobody asks for their fate,” Mazarin’s voice echoed over the abyss. “But you were chosen for a reason. Trust in yourself.”

“All right,” I whispered, steeling myself as I took the first tentative step onto the bridge. It wobbled beneath my feet, and I fought the urge to glance down at the darkness below. Instead, I remembered something I’d read once, that being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. I pictured the faces of my loved ones as if they stood on the other side, beacons guiding me across.

“Excellent,” Mazarin praised as I reached the other side, her spectral form flickering once more before disappearing.

Despite her encouragement, my fears and guilt continued to resurface throughout the trial. In a moment of weakness, I found myself confronted by shadowy manifestations of my mother in a drunken state, accompanied by some of her loser boyfriends, taunting me with past mistakes and cruelties.

“Look at you, thinking you can be some sort of savior when you couldn’t even save yourself from us.”


“You’ll fail here just like you failed to keep Ethan safe.”

“Enough!” I shouted, struggling to hold back tears. But their words had already struck a nerve.

“Sierra, do not give in to your doubts,” Mazarin’s voice echoed in my head. “Ethan and your mates love you for who you are. They believe in your strength and resilience.”

“I will not fail,” I shouted at the mocking shadows. “I am stronger than this!”

I unleashed a torrent of energy, banishing my tormentors back into the darkness from which they had emerged. I breathed heavily, both relieved and exhausted by my triumph.

I dragged on, the mist swirled around me, dark tendrils reaching out like sinister fingers, eager to pull me down into the abyss of my own fears and insecurities. My breath came in ragged gasps as I struggled to maintain control and keep moving.

“Almost there, Sierra,” I told myself, struggling to believe it. “Just a little further.”

Yet as I ventured deeper into the abyss, the trials seemed to intensify. Shadows lunged at me like hungry beasts, but I wielded my newly honed Reaper abilities with precision, slicing through them and leaving only wisps of darkness in my wake.

With each obstacle I overcame, my faltering confidence grew. My powers surged through me, as natural as breathing, as though they had always been a part of me. June felt like nothing more than an extension of myself as I cleaved through dark spirits and demons alike.

As I finally reached the edge of the abyss, I knew what awaited me – the final test of my abilities as the Reaper, though I didn’t know exactly what it would be. The darkness swirled menacingly and rose up greater than before, a thousand hungry red eyes within it, but I had come too far to falter now.

With a deep breath, I called upon every ounce of power within me and charged forward, determined to finally prove myself as the Reaper.

With a primal scream, I unleashed a shockwave of power. The shadow creatures disintegrated, leaving me alone once more.

I pressed forward into the dark cavern, my senses on high alert. The shadows seemed to move and writhe around me. My heart pounded, but I refused to let fear overtake me. Though that proved difficult to do when a blood-curdling screech pierced the air.

A massive, winged demon dove from above, its talons aimed right for me. I rolled out of the way just in time, its razor-sharp claws barely missing me. The creature circled back for another strike.

This time I was ready. As it dove, I flung a ball of crackling dark energy. It struck the beast head-on with a sizzling thud from June. The creature crashed to the ground, writhing and shrieking. But it wasn’t finished yet.

It rose up and let out an ear-splitting wail. The force of its cry knocked me back, pain ringing in my ears. I shook my head, trying to regain my senses. The creature lunged again, its fangs bared.

I raised my arms to shield myself and twisted the cleaver to the side, pulling from all my strength to gather light to the sharp metal edge. With a flick of my wrist, a blinding light filled the cavern. I heard the monster’s agonized howl as it recoiled, but it wasn’t enough. The demon was already gathering for another attack.

I focused inward once more, channeling all my love and strength into pure light. When I opened my eyes, beams radiated outward, banishing the shadows. The winged beast let out one final shriek before disintegrating into dust.

I had survived another test, but my relief was short-lived. More creatures stirred in the darkness ahead. With deep breath, I pushed onward, my light leading the way.

I strode forward, my light casting back the shadows as more winged beasts emerged. Their shrieks pierced the air as they recoiled from my radiance.

One darted in, swiping with razor claws. I raised a shield of light to block it. The creature bounced off with a pained wail. Two more dove from either side. I swept my arms outward, light exploding to force them back.

They circled overhead, hissing and snarling. I stood firm, gathering my strength. As one creature swooped lower, I released a pulse of energy, knocking it from the air. It crashed to the ground and did not rise again.

The remaining beasts closed in. I swept my gaze over them, then closed my eyes. I focused inward, drawing from the love I held for each one of my mates. Their strength and passion flowed through me, increasing my energy.

My eyes flashed open, blazing with white fire. I unleashed a shockwave of light and power. The winged horrors dissolved with agonized shrieks.

I stood alone as the dust settled, and the cavern fell silent. I had passed another test. Yet it seemed the mist-shrouded cavern wasn’t done with me yet. Despite my success so far, I was growing more tired. My slowing footsteps echoed eerily against the damp stone walls. The air grew heavier, pressing down like a physical weight.

Up ahead, the path forked. I paused, considering each shadowy tunnel. This was another test, but which path led to the end of the trials?

Closing my eyes, I called upon all my reserves once more – my Reaper training, the power the former Reapers had bestowed upon me, and all the love I felt for them and everyone else. I was nearing the end, but their strength flowed through me, their own love guiding me like a beacon. When I opened my eyes, the path was clear.

I turned right, moving with renewed purpose. The mists parted before me as I descended ancient stone steps. Torches flared to life along the walls, revealing intricate carvings and symbols.

At the base of the steps lay a small chamber. In the center, upon a stone platform, sat an ancient tome. Next to it lay a quill and small inkwell.

This was it - the final test.

I crossed the chamber and ascended the platform. Taking a deep breath, I opened the book. Blinding light erupted from within, forcing me to shield my eyes.

When it faded, the pages were blank. I flipped the back and forth, checking throughout, and held the book up to the torchlight to see if I could make out any impressions left by earlier writing, but there was nothing. Even tried using reflected light off June, but that didn’t reveal anything either.

Now would be a good time for a clue, I thought at Mazarin.

Radio silence. Of course. While I appreciated the encouragement she’d given me earlier, I could sense that this time, I was truly on my own. I was going to have to figure it out to pass the test.

I put the book back on the podium and glanced at the cobalt-blue inkwell and metal-tipped quill. Okay. I must be expected to write something, but what? I unscrewed the cap off the small inkwell. It was empty.

Shit. What now?

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