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ā€œYou sure this is where you want to stop?ā€

It was after five p.m., and Reeny had parked her Altima in the lot of a small shopping center, near an ice cream shop called Sprinkles. The wipers moved back and forth in a steady rhythm, keeping the windshield clear enough to give her a good view of the place. The lights were on inside, and three people sat at a small round table ā€“ two women, one man. Since the spots directly in front of the shop had been taken, sheā€™d had to park a couple of rows back, and she couldnā€™t make out any specific details about the trio. Sheā€™d never been to Sprinkles before. Brianā€™s favorite ice cream place was the Cold Stone near where they lived. She hadnā€™t even known there was an ice cream shop here until Brian had told her to pull into the lot.

ā€œThis is the right place,ā€ Brian said. ā€œTheyā€™re inside. I can feel them.ā€

She didnā€™t know who they were, and she really didnā€™t care. She was becoming increasingly concerned for her son. His voice had a strange, flat quality to it, and his manner seemed older than his years. Quite a bit older. Then again, she supposed being resurrected was bound to mature a person.

Without saying another word, Brian unfastened his seat belt, opened the door, and got out of the car. He shut the door behind him and started walking toward Sprinkles, oblivious to the rain. Reeny had an umbrella in the car, and she wished heā€™d waited for her to grab it, but then again, the rain would hopefully wash away the worst of the blood from his neck wound, so that was good. She decided to forgo the umbrella as well, for the same reason. She got out, shut the door, and started running after Brian. Even if sheā€™d carried the umbrella, she still wouldā€™ve run. She always did, and her husband Charles never failed to tease her about it.

Are you afraid youā€™re going to melt? You might get a little cranky sometimes, but youā€™re hardly the Wicked Witch of the West.

After theā€¦incident at the mall, she and Brian had gone looking for Lori. But they hadnā€™t been able to find her. Reeny tried calling her, but she didnā€™t answer. They drove to Get Moving! and found the place swarming with police and reporters. Then they tried Loriā€™s apartment, but when they knocked, no one answered the door.

As they drove away from the apartment complex, Brian said, ā€œI donā€™t understand. I should be able to sense her. Itā€™s why Iā€™m here. But I canā€™t.ā€

She hadnā€™t been sure what he was talking about, but it didnā€™t matter. All she cared about was that she had her son back, and together they would punish Lori for her role in causing his temporary ā€“ she didnā€™t want to think the word death, didnā€™t want to engage with the awful reality of it, so she let her thought drift away. She wasnā€™t certain exactly what Lori had done to contribute to Brianā€™sā€¦current condition. But Brian insisted his aunt had done something, and as much as Reeny loved her sister, she believed her son. She had to. She was his mother, after all.

But after failing to find so much as a trace of Lori, Brian said that they needed help. She could tell by the irritation in his voice that this was galling to him. She didnā€™t like it either, wouldā€™ve preferred to continue searching with Brian, just the two of them. Keep it in the family, you know? But Reeny didnā€™t object. If Brian wanted something, it was her job as his mother to make sure he got it, whatever it was. Hence, their stopping at Sprinkles. She wondered if Brian simply wanted to take a break from their search, maybe discuss a new strategy with her over ice cream. Could he still eat? She wasnā€™t clear on how this whole coming back from the dead thing worked.

Brian reached Sprinklesā€™ door and pushed it open. An old-fashioned jingling of bells announced their presence, but there was something off about the sound, and Reeny realized it was some kind of recording. She found this sad. Was Brian only a recording too, a facsimile, an imitation of the boy heā€™d been? She didnā€™t want to examine this thought too closely, so she put it aside and followed her son into the shop.

The first thing she noticed was the blood. It was everywhere. On the floor, the walls, the ceilingā€¦. A half-dozen bodies in various states of mutilation lay on the floor, where they hadnā€™t been visible to her from the car ā€“ four adults and two children. There was blood on the front counter and on the large menu hanging on the wall behind it.

Three living customers sat at a table, each holding ice cream cones. Reeny couldnā€™t tell what flavors they had, but their ice cream was dotted with blood. Sprinkles, indeed.

One of the women had a long gray braid that undulated in the air like a serpent. The other had clawed hands, sharp teeth, and uneven tufts of fur covering her skin. The man looked as if he suffered from some kind of hideous skin disease. His shirt was open, exposing a lumpy mass of discolored growths on his chest. There were smaller ones on his neck, face, and hands, as if whatever was wrong with him was spreading outward from his chest to infect the rest of his body. Their clothes were soaked with blood, and if Reeny had had any doubt who was responsible for the dead bodies scattered on the floor, she no longer did.

The three looked at Reeny and Brian as they entered, and the cat woman hissed. The one with a braid put a hand on the womanā€™s shoulder.

ā€œItā€™s all right, Katie.ā€ She smiled. ā€œTheyā€™re our kind of people.ā€

Reeny hadnā€™t recognized Justin at first. Part of that was due to the obscene growths covering his flesh, but a bigger part was that he was so out of place in this nightmarish scene ā€“ the blood, the bodiesā€¦. She didnā€™t know Justin well. Lori hadnā€™t been seeing him all that long, and while Reeny had invited them over for dinner once, Justin hadnā€™t talked much about himself. Heā€™d talked about his job as a lab tech, when he talked at all. Justin had struck Reeny as a nice enough guy, not particularly complicated ā€“ which was a point in his favor after Larry, who was all complication ā€“ but heā€™d also come across as anxious, almost neurotic, and she didnā€™t think he and Lori were going to work out as a couple. This was fine with her, as she thought her Sissy could do a lot better.

ā€œHello, Justin,ā€ she said.

He started to speak but was overcome by a sudden burst of violent coughing. Small black chunks were expelled from his mouth to land on the table, as well as on the ice cream cones of his companions. Neither of the women seemed bothered by this, and the cat woman even licked one of the gobbets from her cone and purred as she chewed it. Reeny had heard the expression coughing up a lung before, but this was the first time sheā€™d actually seen it happen. Brian seemed delighted by the manā€™s discomfort. He clapped his hands and laughed as the man struggled to get control of himself.

ā€œSorry,ā€ Justin gasped when his coughing fit subsided. ā€œWeā€™re still having some trouble adjusting to each other.ā€ His voice changed then, sounded like a chorus of voices speaking in unison. ā€œTrouble, yes.ā€

Weā€™re? Reeny thought.

ā€œYou two know each other?ā€ the woman with the braid asked.

ā€œYeah,ā€ Justin said. ā€œSheā€™s Loriā€™s sister. The boyā€™s Loriā€™s nephew, Brian.ā€ His voice changed again. ā€œLori bitch. We no like.ā€

The woman with the braid smiled, displaying her teeth. ā€œWell isnā€™t that just wonderful,ā€ she said. ā€œWonā€™t you join us? Justin, would you please pull up a table for our new friends?ā€

Justin rose, shuffled over to the nearest table ā€“ the surface of which was speckled with blood ā€“ and dragged it over next to the trioā€™s. The tableā€™s metal legs slid through blood on the floor and made streaks on the tile. He then brought over a couple chairs and set them down. There was blood on them too, and he tried to wipe it off with his hand but only managed to smear it around. He gestured for Reeny and Brian to sit.

Brian did so without hesitation.

ā€œWould you like some ice cream, sweetie?ā€ Reeny asked him.

ā€œYes,ā€ he said.

Brian might not be able to digest ice cream, she thought, or even taste it, but maybe heā€™d enjoy the texture. She walked over to the counter, stepping carefully around both blood and corpses. When she was behind the counter, she saw a seventh body, that of a young woman wearing a blue apron with the Sprinkles logo on the front. There were copious amounts of blood on the floor, but no sign of the girlā€™s head. She wondered where it was.

She made Brian a cone with a double scoop of butter pecan ā€“ his favorite ā€“ and took it over to the table. She didnā€™t get any ice cream for herself. She didnā€™t need the calories. And she didnā€™t have much of an appetite at the moment.

When she handed Brian the cone, he looked at it for a moment, then he looked at her. It took her a second to get the message, but when she did, she bent over, ran her fingers through a pool of blood on the floor, straightened, then held her hand over Brianā€™s ice cream. Blood dribbled onto the butter pecan like strawberry syrup, and when the ice cream was completely covered in crimson, Brian said, ā€œThank you.ā€

Reeny smiled, nodded, then lowered her hand. She wanted to go back to the counter and get a fistful of napkins to clean off the blood, but she didnā€™t. Instead, she let her hand hang down to her side so she wouldnā€™t get the remaining blood on her clothes.

Brian lifted his treat to his mouth, extended his tongue ā€“ which had become a mottled gray ā€“ and began licking. Reeny sat down, and the cat woman, Katie, looked at the woman with the braid.

ā€œSo these two are after Lori, just like we are?ā€ Her voice was a feline purr, and Reeny found it soothing in its way.

ā€œYes,ā€ the Braid-Woman said. She turned to Reeny. ā€œIā€™m Melinda, and this is Katie. You already know Justin.ā€

ā€œIā€™m Irene, and this is my son Brian.ā€ She glanced at Brian, saw his mouth was smeared with blood and ice cream. ā€œPeople call me Reeny. Itā€™s a nickname from when I was a kid.ā€

ā€œWhat did Lori do to you?ā€ Melinda asked. ā€œI assume she did something or you wouldnā€™t be here.ā€

ā€œSheā€¦. There was a shooting at the mall. Brianā€¦. Lori caused it. I donā€™t know how, exactly, but she was responsible.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to make her pay,ā€ Brian said happily.

A part of Reeny that was still fully herself ā€“ a part buried deep down in her psyche ā€“ protested that Brian would never talk about his Aunt Lorlee like this. Not only was it out of character, it was creepily adult. This part also told her that sitting in an ice cream shop with corpses strewn about the place was not, in any sense of the word, normal. Something had happened to Brian, had happened to her. Something bad. They werenā€™t themselves anymore; they wereā€¦what? She didnā€™t know. She only knew they werenā€™t right, and that they should get up and leave this place immediately, before things became even worse than they already were.

But then she remembered what it had felt like to hold her dead son in her arms, and cold anger swept through her, wiping away her doubts and fears.

She smiled at her son. ā€œYes, we will.ā€

ā€œSo youā€™ve heard the same call we have,ā€ Melinda said.

ā€œNot that weā€™ve been able to do much about it,ā€ Katie said. ā€œWeā€™ve looked all over this goddamn town for your sister, but we havenā€™t been able to track her down. Thatā€™s why we came in here ā€“ to take a break and try to figure out where she might be. Do you know where she is?ā€

ā€œNo,ā€ Reeny said. ā€œIā€™ve tried calling her, but it always goes to voicemail.ā€

ā€œSame,ā€ Melinda said.

ā€œItā€™s like she vanished off the face of the fucking Earth,ā€ Justin said. ā€œGone-gone.ā€

ā€œItā€™s extremely frustrating,ā€ Melinda said. ā€œWe were created ā€“ or maybe I should say re-created ā€“ to go after your sister and convince her toā€¦.ā€ She frowned, as if trying to remember. ā€œTo do something, but we canā€™t find her.ā€

Brian had continued working on his disgusting ice cream while the adults spoke, but now said, ā€œI know where sheā€™s at.ā€

They all turned to look at him.

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