The senate, considering that the great difficulty and danger, viz., that of repulsing the Carthaginian fleet, was now past, ordered Regulus to send home nearly all the ships and a very large part of the army, and with the rest to commence his march toward Carthage. Regulus obeyed: he sent home the troops
which had been ordered home, and with the rest began to advance upon the city.
His difficulties.
Just at this time, however, news came out to him that the farmer who had had the care of his land at home had died, and that his little farm, on which rested his
sole reliance for the support of his family, was going to ruin. Regulus accordingly sent to the senate, asking them to place some one else in command
of the army, and to allow him to resign his office, that he might go home and take care of his wife and children. The senate sent back orders that he should go on with his campaign, and promised to provide support for his family, and to see that some one was appointed to take care of his land. This story is thought to illustrate the extreme simplicity and plainness of all the habits of life among the Romans in those days. It certainly does so, if it is true. It is, however, very extraordinary, that a man who was intrusted by such a commonwealth, with the
command of a fleet of a hundred and thirty vessels, and an army of a hundred and forty thousand men, should have a family at home dependent for subsistence
on the hired cultivation of seven acres of land. Still, such is the story.
Successes of Regulus.
Arrival of Greeks.
The Romans put to flight.
Regulus advanced toward Carthage, conquering as he came. The Carthaginians
were beaten in one field after another, and were reduced, in fact, to the last extremity, when an occurrence took place which turned the scale. This
occurrence was the arrival of a large body of troops from Greece, with a Grecian general at their head. These were troops which the Carthaginians had hired to fight for them, as was the case with the rest of their army. But these were Greeks, and the Greeks were of the same race, and possessed the same qualities, as the
Romans. The newly-arrived Grecian general evinced at once such military superiority, that the Carthaginians gave him the supreme command. He
marshaled the army, accordingly, for battle. He had a hundred elephants in the van. They were trained to rush forward and trample down the enemy. He had the
Greek phalanx in the center, which was a close, compact body of many thousand
troops, bristling with long, iron-pointed spears, with which the men pressed forward, bearing every thing before them. Regulus was, in a word, ready to meet
Carthaginians, but he was not prepared to encounter Greeks. His army was put to
flight, and he was taken prisoner. Nothing could exceed the excitement and exultation in the city when they saw Regulus and five hundred other Roman soldiers, brought captive in. A few days before, they had been in consternation at the imminent danger of his coming in as a ruthless and vindictive conqueror.
Regulus a prisoner.
The Roman senate were not discouraged by this disaster. They fitted out new
armies, and the war went on, Regulus being kept all the time at Carthage as a close prisoner. At last the Carthaginians authorized him to go to Rome as a sort of commissioner, to propose to the Romans to exchange prisoners and to make
peace. They exacted from him a solemn promise that if he was unsuccessful he
would return. The Romans had taken many of the Carthaginians prisoners in their naval combats, and held them captive at Rome. It is customary, in such cases, for the belligerent nations to make an exchange, and restore the captives on both sides to their friends and home. It was such an exchange of prisoners as this which Regulus was to propose.
Regulus before the Roman senate.
When Regulus reached Rome he refused to enter the city, but he appeared before
the senate without the walls, in a very humble garb and with the most subdued
and unassuming demeanor. He was no longer, he said, a Roman officer, or even
citizen, but a Carthaginian prisoner, and he disavowed all right to direct, or even to counsel, the Roman authorities in respect to the proper course to be pursued.
His opinion was, however, he said, that the Romans ought not to make peace or
to exchange prisoners. He himself and the other Roman prisoners were old and
infirm, and not worth the exchange; and, moreover, they had no claim whatever
on their country, as they could only have been made prisoners in consequence of
want of courage or patriotism to die in their country's cause. He said that the Carthaginians were tired of the war, and that their resources were exhausted, and that the Romans ought to press forward in it with renewed vigor, and leave himself and the other prisoners to their fate.
Result of his mission.
Death of Regulus.
The senate came very slowly and reluctantly to the conclusion to follow this advice. They, however, all earnestly joined in attempting to persuade Regulus that he was under no obligation to return to Carthage. His promise, they said, was extorted by the circumstances of the case, and was not binding. Regulus, however, insisted on keeping his faith with his enemies. He sternly refused to see his family, and, bidding the senate farewell, he returned to Carthage. The Carthaginians, exasperated at his having himself interposed to prevent the success of his mission, tortured him for some time in the most cruel manner, and finally put him to death. One would think that he ought to have counseled peace
and an exchange of prisoners, and he ought not to have refused to see his
unhappy wife and children; but it was certainly very noble in him to refuse to break his word.