Foined, thrust,
Foining, thrusting,
Foins, thrusts,
Foot-hot, hastily,
For-bled, spent with bleeding,
Force (no), no concern,
Fordeal, advantage,
Fordo, destroy,; fordid,
Forecast, preconcerted plot,
For-fared, worsted,
Forfend, forbid,
Forfoughten, weary with fighting,
Forhewn, hewn to pieces,
Forjousted, tired with jousting,
Forthinketh, repents,
Fortuned, happened,
Forward, vanguard,
Forwowmded, sorely wounded,
Free, noble,
Froward, away from,
Gad, wedge or spike of iron,
Gainest, readiest,
Gar, cause,
Gart, compelled,
Gentily, like a gentleman,
Gerfalcon, a fine hawk,
Germane, closely allied,
Gest, deed, story,
Gisarm, halberd, battle-axe,
Glaive, sword,
Glasting, barking,
Glatisant, barking, yelping,
Gobbets, lumps,
Graithed, made ready,
Gree, degree, superiority,
Greed, pp., pleased, content,
Grescs, steps,
Grimly, ugly,
Grovelling, on his face,