Noblesse, nobleness,
Nobley, nobility, splendour,
Noised, reported,
Nold, would not,
Noseling, on his nose,
Not for then, nevertheless,
Notoyrly, notoriously,
Noyous, hurtful,
Obeissance, obedience,
Or, before,
Orgule, haughtiness,
Orgulist, haughtiest,
Orgulite, pride, arrogance,
Orgulous, proud,
Other, or,
Ouches, jewels,
Ought, owned,
Outcept, except,
Outher, or,
Out-taken, except,
Over-evening, last night,
Overget, overtake,
Overhylled, covered,
Over-led, domineered over,
Overlong, the length of,
Overslip, pass,
Overthwart, adj., cross,
Overthwart, sb., mischance,
Overthwart and endlong, by the breadth and length,
Painture, painting,
Paitrelles, breastplate of a horse,
Paltocks, short coats,
Parage, descent,
Pareil, like,
Passing, surpassingly,
Paynim, pagan,
Pensel, pennon,
Perclos, partition,
Perdy, par Dieu,
Perigot, falcon,