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Critical Perspectives on Ancient DNA

edited by Daniel Strand, Anna Källén, and Charlotte Mulcare

The MIT Press

Cambridge, Massachusetts

London, England

© 2024 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This work is subject to a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license.

This license applies only to the work in full and not to any components included with permission. Subject to such license, all rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used to train artificial intelligence systems without permission in writing from the MIT Press.

The MIT Press would like to thank the anonymous peer reviewers who provided comments on drafts of this book. The generous work of academic experts is essential for establishing the authority and quality of our publications. We acknowledge with gratitude the contributions of these otherwise uncredited readers.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Strand, Daniel, 1984– editor. | Källén, Anna, editor. | Mulcare, Charlotte, editor.

Title: Critical perspectives on ancient DNA / edited by Daniel Strand, Anna Källén and Charlotte Mulcare.

Description: Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2024] | Includes bibliographical references.

Identifiers: LCCN 2023037457 (print) | LCCN 2023037458 (ebook) | ISBN 9780262548090 (paperback) | ISBN 9780262378772 (epub) | ISBN 9780262378765 (pdf)

Subjects: LCSH: Biomolecular archaeology. | DNA, Fossil—Research. | Human genetics—Research. | Anthropology, Prehistoric.

Classification: LCC CC79.B56 C75 2024 (print) | LCC CC79.B56 (ebook) | DDC 599.93/509009—dc23/eng/20231124

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023037457

LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023037458



Critical Perspectives on Ancient DNA: An Introduction

Daniel Strand and Anna Källén

1  Gained in Translation: Interdisciplinary Challenges in Ancient DNA

Charlotte Mulcare and Mélanie Pruvost

2  Diagrams of Human Genetic Kinship and Diversity: From the Tree to the Mosaic and the Network?

Marianne Sommer and Ruth Amstutz

3  Past Pathogens and Precarious Futures

Venla Oikkonen

4  Twisting Strings: Hopi Ancestors and Ancient DNA

Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa and Chip Colwell

5  Whitewashing the Neanderthal: Doing Time with Ancient DNA

Amade M’charek

6  The Lagertha Complex: Archaeogenomics and the Viking Stage

Andreas Nyblom

7  Ancient DNA and the Politics of Ethnicity in Neo-Nationalist China

Magnus Fiskesjö

8  Concluding Commentary

K. Ann Horsburgh



List of Figures

Figure 2.1

“Average linkage tree for 42 populations.” Used with permission of Princeton University Press, from Luigi L. Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi, and Alberto Piazza, The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994), 78. Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center Inc.

Figure 2.2

ADMIXTURE bar plot. David H. Alexander et al., Admixture 1.3. Software Manual (2020), https://dalexander.github.io/admixture/admixture-manual.pdf.

Figure 2.3

Representation of the first genome-wide analysis of global human genetic diversity with STRUCTURE. From Noah A. Rosenberg et al., “Genetic Structure of Human Population,” Science 298, no. 5602 (2002): 2382. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.

Figure 2.4

“Three scenarios that give indistinguishable ADMIXTURE results.” Daniel J. Lawson, Lucy van Dorp, and Daniel Falush, “A Tutorial on How Not to Over-Interpret STRUCTURE and ADMIXTURE Bar Plots,” Nature Communications 9, no. 3258 (2018): 3.

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