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Ruth Amstutz is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the University of Lucerne. Her doctoral thesis investigates diagrammatic representations and metaphors of mixedness and multiplicity in in the field of human population genetics.

Chip Colwell has a PhD in Anthropology and is the editor of SAPIENS, a digital magazine of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. He has published many books, including Plundering Skulls and Stolen Spirits: Inside the Fight to Reclaim Native America’s Culture (University of Chicago Press, 2017) and Inheriting the Past: The Making of Arthur C. Parker and Indigenous Archaeology (University of Arizona Press, 2017).

Magnus Fiskesjö is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Cornell University. A former Swedish cultural attaché in Beijing, Fiskesjö is an expert on Chinese archaeology and anthropology. He has published numerous articles and books on East and Southeast Asian culture, history, and politics.

K. Ann Horsburgh is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Florida State University. She has published many papers reporting ancient DNA data, as well as several critiques of the ways in which ancient DNA data are used in anthropological contexts. Together with Lisa Matisoo-Smith, Horsburgh is the author of DNA for Archaeologists (Left Coast Press, 2012).

Anna Källén is Professor of Museology at Umeå University and has a PhD in Archaeology. Her research interests are in critical heritage studies and the international history of archaeology. She was principal investigator of the multidisciplinary project “Code, Narrative, History: Making Sense of Ancient DNA in Contemporary Culture” between 2018 and 2021. Källén’s most recent book is The Trouble with Ancient DNA (University of Chicago Press, 2024).

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