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But before I can share this news with Krakenos, there’s something else I need to address. A plan that’s been forming in my mind, one that could change everything.

I find Krakenos in his study, poring over ancient scrolls. He looks up as I enter, his eyes softening in a way that still makes my heart skip.

“Krakenos,” I begin, my voice steady despite the nerves fluttering in my stomach. “I want to propose something. I think we should finally meet with Draven and Natalie.”

He stiffens, his gills flaring slightly. “Why would we do that?”

“Because I believe we have a chance for peace. Real, lasting peace between all the races of Mythos. But it has to start somewhere.”

Krakenos’s expression is unreadable, but I press on. “Think about it. We both are certain Draven chose the collective cure, just like you did. And Natalie… She’s human, like me. We already have so much in common, and I’m sure she wants peace as much as I do.”

“It’s not that simple, Mia,” Krakenos says, his voice low. “There are centuries of blood feuds between our people.”

“I know. But don’t you see? That’s exactly why we need to do this. The cycle of violence has to end somewhere. Why not with us?”

Krakenos is quiet for a long moment, his gaze distant. When he speaks, his voice is thoughtful. “I share your same optimism, but I think it’s too soon. Our people are still adjusting to our new reign.”

I move closer to him, taking his webbed hand in mine. “Then we don’t tell them. Not at first. We meet in secret, just the four of us. If we can find common ground, then we bring it to the council, and to our people.”

He looks down at our joined hands, then back up at me. “If word got out…”

“I know,” I say. “But isn’t it worth the risk? For a chance at peace? For…” I trail off, my free hand unconsciously moving to my stomach.

Krakenos’s eyes follow the movement, a flicker of something passing over his face. But before he can question it, I forge ahead.

“We have a chance to build something better here, Krakenos. Not just for the Aquarians, but for all of Mythos. Isn’t that worth fighting for?”

He’s silent, his alien features inscrutable. Then, slowly, he nods. “You’re right. It won’t be easy, but… You’re right. We have to try.”

Relief washes over me as Krakenos nods, and a wave of affection follows close behind. He’s not just agreeing; he’s defying centuries of hatred and mistrust. The weight of his decision isn’t lost on me—it’s a brave step into uncharted waters. As I look at him, I see our future unfurling before us, filled with unity and understanding. Without thinking, I lean in and press my lips to his, sealing our silent pact. In that kiss, I feel the promise of a new path we’ll forge together, one of peace and endless possibilities.

As we break apart, I know it’s time. Time to share the other piece of news that could change everything.

Krakenos’s watches me, patient and curious as I struggle to find the right words.

“Krakenos, there’s one other thing I wanted to tell you,” I begin. My hand instinctively moves to my stomach, a gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by my mate.

His fins twitch slightly, a sign of heightened attention. “What is it, Mia? Are you unwell?”

I shake my head, smiling despite my nerves. “No, I’m not unwell. I’m…” I hesitate a moment longer before saying, “I’m pregnant.”

The words hang in the air between us. Krakenos goes completely still, and for a moment, I wonder if somehow he’s upset by the news.

But then, slowly, his expression transforms. His eyes, usually so dark and unreadable, seem to light up from within. His fins flutter rapidly, and a low, melodious sound—something between a hum and a purr—emanates from his chest.

“A child?” he whispers. “Our child?”

I nod, holding back tears. “Yes.”

Krakenos’s hands cradle my face gently, and I feel a slight tremor in them. “Mia,” he begins, “you’ve given me the greatest gift imaginable.”

He drops to his knees before me, pressing his ear against my stomach as if he might hear the tiny life growing there. The gesture is so tender, so un-kingly, yet so endearing.

“Our child,” he murmurs again, looking up at me with wonder.

I run my fingers along his finned head. “This changes everything, doesn’t it?” I ask softly.

Krakenos rises to his feet. “It does. Now, more than ever, we must work toward peace. Our child deserves to grow up in a world free from the conflicts that have plagued Mythos for so long.”

“You’re right,” I say, my hand instinctively moving to my still-flat stomach. But now that he has agreed to my plan, I’m suddenly filled with doubts. “But how do we even begin? Like you said, the feuds between your people run so deep. What if Draven sees our peace offering as weakness, and he attacks us instead?”

Krakenos’s fins twitch as he considers. “It’s a risk,” he admits. “But for our child, it’s one we must take.”

I inhale slowly, my fingers curling into fists at my sides as I gather my courage. The path ahead seems fraught with danger, but as I look into Krakenos’s eyes, I see a strength that bolsters my own.

This is bigger than just us now.

“Okay,” I say. “Let’s do it. Let’s reach out to Draven.”

As Krakenos embraces me, I wonder if we’re making the right choice. But as I feel the subtle changes in my body, the promise of new life growing within me, I know we have to be brave.

For our child, for Mythos, for the future—we have to try.



I stand on the shore, my feet half-submerged in the lapping waves as I scan the horizon. Months of careful planning have led to this moment, yet I’m still uncertain how it will play out.

Arranging this peace talk was no small feat. We relied on an off-world trader, a neutral party who could ferry messages between our kingdoms without raising suspicion. Every word was scrutinized, every proposal weighed against centuries of mistrust and conflict. One wrong move could have shattered this fragile hope before it even began.

I glance at Mia, her hand resting protectively over her slightly swollen belly. My mate, my queen, the mother of my child. How much has changed since she entered into my life.

Before Mia, I was consumed by duty and pessimism. Now, I see the world through new eyes. Her compassion has softened my edges, her determination inspiring me to reach for what once seemed impossible. Peace on Mythos—a dream I’d long abandoned.

My gaze drifts back to the water, thoughts turning to the life growing within Mia. What kind of future will this little one inherit? Will our child know the constant threat of war, or will it grow up in a world where former enemies can become allies?

A slight movement on the horizon snaps me to attention, and I watch as a large winged figure lands, a smaller figure getting off his back.

My jaw tightens. This is it.

“They’re here,” I murmur to Mia, squeezing her hand gently.

She looks at me. “Remember, we’re all on the same side now.”

I nod, and as Draven and Natalie draw closer, I allow myself a moment of cautious optimism.

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