Hilda said: "Glawen doesn't even command full Agency status, and the way things look, he never will. Isn't this something of an extravagance, making him a captain?"
"Not at all," said Bodwyn Wook.
"Neither law nor common sense debars a collateral from whatever rank he is able to earn."
Again Hilda sniffed.
"I've heard it said that for three diseases-pride, pomp and Clattuc birth--a strong dose of humility is the best medicine."
"Aha!" cried Bodwyn Wook.
"These trifles of folk wisdom often conceal nuggets of pure truth! .. What is that you are saying, Glawen?"
"I cited another nugget of folk wisdom. It's just as well that it went unheard."
Kirdy spoke in a flat voice: "He said: "A cow that has never been bred yields very sour milk, if any."" Bodwyn Wook rubbed his chin.
"Quaint, yes; relevant, no.
Hilda, you are going?"
"I have work to do."
"Call the travel office and discover the next departure for Soumjiana on Soum."
"I can tell you at this moment," said Glawen.
"The Sagittarian Ray departs at noon tomorrow."
"Very good. Captain Clattuc and Captain Wook, go at once to the
travel bureau and procure passage' vouchers then pack for the voyage. I urge that you make do with one small valise apiece. Tomorrow morning come here for your credentials, money and final advisements
Glawen and Kirdy departed the office. In silence they descended the stairs. On the ground floor Glawen said: "Let us sit a moment in the rotunda."
"I have something to say to you."
Kirdy turned aside and followed Glawen to a bench near the central fountain. Glawen seated himself and indicated that Kirdy should also be seated.
Kirdy stiffly refused.
"I will stand. What do you want of me?"
Glawen spoke in a neutral voice.
"We must resolve the issues that lie between us, here and now. They can wait no longer."
Kirdy laughed: a husky grating sound.
"I am in no hurry. I can wait until the proper time."
"The proper time is now."
"Really?" Kirdy chuckled.
"Is it for you to call the tune to which I must dance?"
"It is for me to ensure that this mission goes smoothly.
Under present conditions, it is not possible."
"That is a fair statement. What, then, must we settle?"
"Your antagonism. It is not justified."
Kirdy frowned in puzzlement.
"You are not talking sensibly.
After all, it is my antagonism, not yours. How can you know on what basis it is founded.?"
"Your sufferings at Yipton were severe. I did not share them, and for this reason you are resentful. Am I correct?"
"In some degree."
"Your own blunders and bad judgment brought on your troubles. It is not rational to blame me. It is the work of your subconscious mind, which does not want to admit a fault. You must bring yourself under control."