Glawen looked at Zaa and again sensed the emotion on her face. She took pleasure in his humiliation. He spoke soberly: "So you seriously plan to keep me here against my will?"
Zaa had once again masked herself.
"It is not a frivolous decision," she said.
"The terms of our contract are explicit."
Glawen moved toward the passage.
"I am leaving. Interfere with me at your own risk."
Mutis and Funo stepped slowly forward; Glawen pushed them aside and strode through the passage into the vestibule.
Mutis and Funo followed without haste. Glawen went to the door, but could find no latch or release. He shoved and tugged, but it refused to swing open.
Mutis and Funo came slowly forward. Glawen stood with his back to the door, prepared to fight as best he could.
Liio intervened.
"Do not struggle; they will hurt you badly, and make you meek through pain. Do not give them the chance!"
"How do I get out of here?"
behind Lilo. An odd staircase for so massive a structure, he thought. It was steep, irregular, devoid of railings, and twice changed direction at eccentric angles. Lilo had described it as dangerous, especially in the dark. It might well be so.
Liio led him out into a long bleak hall and took him to a chamber lined with bins and racks.
"This is a small preliminary step, but it is essential. You must be cleansed and dressed in a proper garment, that you may conform to the standards. You may now remove and discard your alien wear, which is not suitable for the seminary. You will not be using it again."
"Of course I will be using it again," said Glawen between clenched teeth.
"This is sheer madness! Has the world gone insane? I don't want to be here, and I don't intend to stay here!"
"As to that, Glawen, I cannot say. I can only obey the Ordene. You will find that it is the easiest way."
"But I don't want to obey the Ordene."
"So it may be, but seminary rules are exact. And who knows?
When you discover the excellence of Syntoraxis, your attitude may change! Consider that!"
"It is a most remote possibility. What I have seen so far I abominate."
Lilo said coldly: "For now, you may use that booth, for your privacy."
Glawen stepped into the booth, removed his outer garments and emerged, to find Mutis waiting for him.
Mutis pointed to a stool.
"What for?"
"So that I can remove that septic louse-mat from your head.
Here we live in a state of civilized cleanliness."
"Never mind the haircut," said Glawen, restraining his outrage with an effort.
"When I leave here I don't want to look a freak."
"Sit." Mutis and Funo seized his arms and thrust him down upon the stool.
"Now, then!" said Mutis.
"Sit quiet and give us no trouble or it's the owl-trap for you, and the wind blows cold of nights."
Lilo said tonelessly: "Do as he orders. It will be for the best."
Silently vowing a dozen revenges, Glawen sat like a stone while Mutis, with rude efficiency, clipped away his hair.
"Now, then!" said Muds.
"Off with your breech clout or whatever you call it, and into the bath!"
Glawen was forced to wash in acrid de contaminant fluid," then shower in cold water, and at last was allowed to dress in standard seminary garments which he selected for himself from bins.
"You cannot. Do as you are told. Come with me. I assure you it is the best way."