REIFS, robberies.
REIVERS, robbers.
RIGGS, ridges, ploughed ground.
ROKELAY, a short cloak.
RUDAS, coarse, hag-like.
SAIN, mark with the sign of the cross, bless.
SAIR, sore, very.
SAUMON, salmon.
SAUT, salt.
SAY, a sample.
SCHELLUM, a rascal.
SCOUPING, scowping, skipping, leaping, running.
SEANNACHIE, a Highland antiquary.
SHEARING, reaping, harvest.
SHILPIT, weak, sickly.
SHOON, shoes.
SIC, siccan, such.
SIDIER DHU, black soldiers, independent companies raised to keep peace in the Highlands; named from the tartans they wore.
SIDIER ROY, red soldiers, King George's men.
SIKES, small brooks.
SILLER, silver, money.
SIMMER, summer.
SLIVER, slice, slit.
SMOKY, suspicious.
SNECK, cut.
SNOOD, a fillet worn by young women.
SOPITE, quiet a brawl.
SORNERS, sornars, sojourners, sturdy beggars, especially those unwelcome visitors who exact lodgings and victuals by force.
SORTED, arranged, adjusted.
SPEIR, ask, investigate.
SPORRAN-MOLLACH, a Highland purse of goatskin.
SPRACK, animated, lively.
SPRING, a cheerful tune.
SPURRZIE, spoil.
STIEVE, stiff, firm.
STIRK, a young steer or heifer.
STOT, a bullock.
STOUP, a jug, a pitcher.
STOUTHREEF, robbery.
STRAE, straw.