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(Some of the people who are aware that Onassis captured Hughs, dispute that Hughs was taken out of the country.) The top floor was rented for the "Hughes Party". For a month the captive Hughs was shot full of heroin, and then secretly transported to a cell on Onassis’ private island of Skorpios.

Hughs two doubles stayed on under the pay of Onassis. One became Hughs, and the other became Hughs’ double. Computer programs which can duplicate signatures were used to provide Hugh’s signature. The computer and its program used for duplicating Hughs’ signature even became public knowledge when the Los Angeles TImes had an article on 1/28/71 about a computer which had been programmed to write the signature of Hughes. The Mormon Mafia that supposedly guarded Hughs

actually ran the Hughs empire for Illuminatus Onassis, which accounts for the change in policies that were made by Hughs empire. It also explains why they bought up every newsreel they could find on Hughes in order to duplicate voice-prints using computers. When they were through with the double L. Wayne Rector he was shot at Rothschild’s Inn on the Park, in London.

In a meeting with feilow Satanist Joseph Kennedy in September, 1957, the decision was taken to use the Mafia’s power to get John F. Kennedy elected. The Mafia was caught in Chicago tampering big time with the voting--but Nixon was denied a recount of the votes. Nixon backed off from making a fuss, because he was promised the chance to be President later. Illinois Republicans made an unofficial recount of 699 paper ballot precincts in Cook County and came up with the vote in favor of Nixon. Those votes would have changed Illinois’s electorial votes and thrown the victory to Nixon.

However, Sam Giancana and his henchman Mayor Richard Daley were not about to let an official recount take place. In 1961, Joseph Kennedy had a stroke, and John Kennedy and Robert feeling their freedom, and disliking some of the powerful Illuminati like Aristotle Onassis, decided to use their popularity to destroy the conspiracy. I believe Kennedy and Robert had more courage to take on the conspiracy, due to the fact that they were familiar with it from having been (in a sense) on the inside of it during their days growing up. However, neither son had received the Illuminati training and indoctrination that their older brother had, and when be died. Joseph made a mistake when he decided to replace Joe, Jr. with John (who they called Jack). The mistake was that John F. Kennedy may have seemed like he’d be a good Illuminati President, but he actually thought for himself. He thought for himself because he was young and with that impetuousness and vigor of youth, and with the popularity he had, he had the possibility to do some good for this nation. If I were state my evaluation, it would be to tell conservatives that they have been "hoodwinked". John F. Kennedy did more conservative (preserving this nation) things in his Presidency than Nixon and Reagan who are heralded as conservative. Kennedy didn’t recognize Red China, no-- that was Nixon. Kennedy didn’t triple the national debt, no, that was Reagan. The CIA has been out to get JFK, ever since they realized JFK didn’t view himself as their puppet, but that he viewed himself as their boss. The head of the CIA on purpose ruined the CIA’s chances to succeed at the Bay of Pigs. He personally prevented the CIA air cover from taking off, which the CIA knew that without air support, the operation had no chance, which was soon proved correct. in everyone’s zeal to get JFK they blamed JFK. It all sounded so believable, because the CIA were going to tell the full story. The public is not astute enough to realize that the press had subtly turned against Kennedy. Two powerful friends who liked John F. Kennedy and wanted to help JFK fight the elite were taken out before Kennedy was assassinated. Senator Estes Kefauver, whose Crime Commission had discovered the 1932 deal that Onassis, Kennedy, Meyer, Roosevelt, Lansky and other Illuminati--Mafia figures had made. Kefauver was poisoned so that he had a secret poison induced "heart attack" on Aug. 8, 1963. One suspect that might have done it was his subordinate Bernard Fensterwald, who was also a CIA assassin. The other was Phillip Graham. His wife Katherine MEYER Graham has been a full participant of the conspiracy and shows up repeatedly in elite activities. Katherine bribed some psychiatrists to certify her husband who was editor of the Washington Post was insane. He was ordered by a judge into a mental hospital. When he was allowed to visit home on a weekend, he was found "suicided" by a shotgun. Bobby Kennedy had a good idea who shot his brother. He wrote an unpublished book called The Enemy Within, and then later he was assassinated too. Actually, the whole establishment were out to get Kennedy, and even George Bush was involved with the assassination.

The key to understanding the Illuminati is that it is headquartered in the London area. The Satanists (and witches) refer to Great Brittain as the mother country Onassis had the best connections anyone could want in the British Government, as would be expected of someone of his standing in the illuminati. He had many British friends, just one example is Sir Lionel Heald, the Br. Attorney General. He attended the exclusive Br. Other Club. When W.W. II broke out on Sept. 3, ’39, Onassis was living in Savoy Hotel where the headquarters for the Illuminati’s Pilgrim Society are. The British London Times backed Onassis in his dispute with Peru over whaling. Onassis did finally get himself into trouble with illegal whaling when the nation of Norway gathered the evidence of his lulling of hundreds of whales that were illegal to hunt. Just two more quick examples of his social connections in Brittain are his attendence at J.Paul Getty’s party at Sutton Place, Eng. in the ‘50s, and Onassis’

own big party for the elite on 17 June ’58 at Dorchester, England. As explained in Be Wise As Serpents, Britain’s overseas intelligence MI-6 is the Illuminati’s chief intelligence agency.

There is no way of knowing how many meetings took piace dealing with the planning of the assassination of Kennedy. The first were high level Illuminati meetings. But the Illuminati meetings were not operational level meetings. There were several levels of meetings. Next, a series of meetings by British Intelligence at Tryall Compound at Montego Bay, Jamaica, and Mafia meetings at who knows where. A minor trading company called Permindex was the cover to an assassination bureau that had its major U.S. subsidiary the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. The FBI’s Divison 5

was tied in with Permindex, and Permindex’s board of directors had U.N. posts, Mafia positions, European banking ties, Nazi ties, etc. In other words Permindex was well connected. By the time the planning was done, it included certain elements of the CIA and Freemasons. A Major Lauis Mortimer Bloomfield, Permindex’s Pres. & Chairman, a key player in Hoover’s Division 5, and a member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (the Protestant branch of the Knights of Malta) was a homosexual lover of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. All the board of Permindex and many of its various subsidiaries were in various areas in November, 1963 carrying out the assassination and coverup. One of the covers for the Permindex operators/teams was to pose as missionaries of the American Council of Christian Churches (ACCC). The whole reason the elite set up the extensive ACCC was to have a cover for their killing units. For instance, a group of about 30 of the best marksmen were undercover as part of ACCC missionary school in Puebla, Mexico, The Tolstoy Foundation (who I have visited with] were another pseudo "Christian" front. Later, the headquarters of this assassination group was shifted to Paradise Island, Grand Bahamas to Intertel. Ian Flemming’s novels write about a Third Force used to create a world government that was based in the resort islands of the Carribean. How true that has become. In the Westerns put out by Hollywood, when the bad guy does something to the good guy, he runs off with his woman. That is what happened with JFK. Onassis was one of the Illuminati kings who decided JFK must go, and he got to run off with the dead man’s wife. Onassis had already gotten Jackie onto his yacht, sexually, prior to Kennedy’s assassination. Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. was on board together with Aristotie and Jackie. Jackie didn’t enjoy her marriage to Onassis. At one point in their marriage when they were swimming nude at Onassis’ island Skorpios, ten photographers with underwater cameras and telephoto lens captured Jackie naked and her picture was splashed across Playmen and Hustler, etc. Jackie was furious and wanted her husband to sue the newspapers and magazines, which he refused to do A year before Aristotle died he actually admitted that he had planned the whole operation. The date given for the actual Howard Hugh’s death, who had been kept prisoner under horrendous conditions by Onassis, was Apr. 18, 1971. In the previous year 1970, Hugh’s purported autobiography had come out written by Clifford Irving. Clifford Irving’s wife took the publisher’s check made out to Howard Hugh’s to one of Onassis’s Swiss banks, and was paid.


Onassis’ second wife was Tina (Athina Mary Onassis) when she divorced her husband for committing adultery said, "It is almost thirteen years since Mr. Onassis and I were married in New York CIty. Since then he has become one of the world’s richest men, but his wealth has not brought me happiness with him nor, as the world knows, has it brought him happiness with me."

Tina divorced Ari and then went on to soon marry a relative of Winston Churchill, the Marquess of Blandford. Later, she divorced him and married her old brother-in-law Stavros Niarchos in May, 1971. But after he killed her sister she quit him too.


Eugenic, the sister-in-law of Ari Onassis, died according to the official version of an overdose of sleeping pills. Her body in the post-mortem was covered with bruises, black left eye, swelling on the left temple. a hemorrhage to the left of the larynx and so forth down the rest of her body. Let’s not.

swallow the Illuminati’s propaganda to lull us into sleep about what they have done.

It might also be important to comment on the background of the Uvanos family. Both Stavros Niarchos and Aristotle Onassis married Uvanos girls.

The Uvanos family was a prominent family on the Turkish island of Chios. The island of Chios had a type of tree, mastic trees that produced an early form of chewing gum. From the word mastic is where we get the word masticate. Chios was the privnte property of the sultan and it was where he kept his harem. The island was given special royal treatment and allowed to have it full of chewing gum, and

"booze and broads". The Uvanos family was one of the leading families on this island.


Interviews with people, and notes from other researchers. Author’s own research.

Genealogy compiled from research notes of this writer Fritz Springmeier. Frischauer, Willi. Onassis.

NY: Meredith Press, 1968.

Heymann. C. David. A Woman Named Jackie. NY: Carol Commun., 1989 Lilly, Doris. Those Fabulous Greeks Onassis. Niarchos. and Livanos. NY. Cowles Book Co., 1970.

Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995

The Rockefeller Bloodline

One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world is the Rockefeller bloodline. Today, there are around 190 members of this family with the Rockefeller name and of course some others by other last names. This article is to explore further for those who investigate the Illuminati, how the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of the occult and Satanism, and how they are involved in the control of the Christian denominations. This article keys in on just one family, the Rockefellers. To understand the full extent of the Illuminati’s control of religion, including Christendom, would require perhaps several books. The Illuminati itself draws its lifeblood from around 500 very powerful families worldwide. This article will not attempt to explain their networks and the many organizations of the Illuminati. It will not even try to do this for the Rockefellers. In fact, no one knows how many trusts and foundations the Rockefellers have. They have hidden trusts within secret trusts within secret trusts. It is estimated that they have between 200 and several thousand trusts and foundations. The finances of the Rockefellers are so well covered that Nelson Rockefeller did not pay one cent in income taxes in 1970, yet he was perhaps the richest man in the U.S. The Rockefellers exert enormous influence over religion in this nation in the following ways: 1. They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United States need to operate.

2. They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate. Education influences the religious values of our people.

3. They provide large grants to various religious organizations.

4. Their influence and control helps determine who will get publicity in the major news magazines, and on television.

5. Their influence has contributed to various anti-Christian organizations being set up.

6. They directly help control certain religious groups such as Lucis Trust.

The Rockefeller’s influence is both subtle and not so subtle.

In the book The Unholy Alliance details are given on how the seminaries, church boards and Christian colleges have been captured. Much of the money for this came from the Rockefellers. One of the principle large Foundations that was instrumental in controlling religious institutions of various kinds was the Sealantic Fund. (They have now shifted to other channels.) This Foundation which was incorporated in 1938 and was headquartered in New York City (50 West 50th St.) gave enormous sums of money to manipulate Protestant concerns. In 1964, according to the Russell Sage Foundation’s book The Foundation Directoy the Sealantic Fund gave away $681, 886 in grants.*

In 1969, the Fund gave $1,889,550 in grants.**

By 1984, the Sealantic Fund was not being used. But a look at anotherRockefeller non-profit untaxed Foundation the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund shows a revealing grant pattern. Many people would not be able make any sense out of what seems a random pattern of grants without the broad picture of what the Illuminati is doing today. My book Be Wise As Serpents should have clarified how those 1

various groups who receive grants are related and helpful to the Rockefeller agenda. Although these other Rockefeller Foundations are not specifically geared toward religion such as the Sealantic Fund was, it is clear these other Foundations still impact religion.


Council on Foundations- $41,000 (This money was according to R.B. Fund info ‘Toward work of project which will carry out recommendations from study that points out lack of knowledge about global interdependence and about relationship between international and domestic issues. Emphasis will be placed on information and educational programs to help funders become more familiar with and learn how to analyze opportunities for international grantmaking.” Harlem Interfaith Counseling Service-$100,000. Private Agencies Collaborating Together - $25,000 (“encourages collaboration among private development agencies working in Africa. Asia, and Latin America...”) Trilateral Commission - $240,000




CHILE - $224,200, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS -$165.000, NAACP- $100,000, POPULATION COUNCIL - $ 1,235,000, UNIV. OF NOTRE DAME - $25,000

Catholic institutions have been large recipients of grants from foundations connected to the World Order. The Catholic Church, the Episcopalian Church, and the Unitarian-Universalist Church are all playing big roles in the New World Order for the Satanists. One ex-Satanist has talked about visits that were made with the Pope and Vatican leaders, where the Pope dealt with this person as a member of the Illuminati. In other words the Pope was not in the Illuminati hierarchy, but he carries out transactions with them, and coordinates his actions according to their instructions.

We will now go into some depth on the six items above.

1. They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United States need to operate.

The Union Theological Seminary has operated from Rockefeller funds.***** UTS hasn’t been the only Protestant Seminary receiving Rockefeller funds, but it may be the best example of a seminary controlled by the Rockefellers.The Sealantic Fund stated under its purpose and activities, “Current interests are primarily Protestant theological education...... ******

The President of the Sealantic Fund when it operated was David Rockefeller, and Laurance (not Lawrence) S. Rockefeller was Vice-President. Steven C. Rockefeller was one of the trustees.

2. They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate. Educationinfluences the religious values of our people.

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