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“So, how is she still alive?” Did he have enough affection for her that he let her live? She was certainly beautiful enough for it…

My discontent seemed to leak down the bond because Edison was suddenly sliding down the couch and pressing into my side, his hand reaching for mine and pulling it up to the stubbled scar tissue of the old gunshot wound on his chest. It was the same one I’d seen Dr. Stedmeyer treating the night I eavesdropped on them four years ago.

“She was a long standing member of the Keane clan, even as a widow. If I wanted her gone I would need a good reason for it.”

I frowned at him. “And her shooting you in the chest and attempting to assassinate you wasn’t one?”

“Admitting to my men that anyone had gotten close enough to put a bullet in me when I was vulnerable was not something I wanted to do. My father’s health took a quick turn after that night and things were already on rocky ground. I didn’t want to appear…” Edison paused, searching for the words.

“Weak. You didn’t want to look weak.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the alpha. It was typical of a man to not want to admit that a woman had gotten the better of him when his pants were down. “So. Now that she’s married to Liam do you think he’s the one who wanted to assassinate you?”

Edison shrugged, absentmindedly moving my hand away from his scarred chest and up to his mouth so that he could press a kiss to the inside of my palm. “Perhaps. At first the threads lead back to Volkov and his side, though I’m not sure what the Russians stood to gain from taking me out before I even took over as head. At least Liam has a motive.”

“Sean,” I provided with a sigh, thinking about the young teenager that the older generation of the Keane clan were throwing their support behind.

“Sean,” Edison agreed. “If I was killed that night they would have had an easy time installing him as my father’s heir and making him their puppet. I couldn’t take the chance of them sending another woman into my bed to finish the job when I was distracted… and luckily I didn’t have to anymore.”

Edison’s eyes shifted away from mine to the alpha that had been silently listening to our conversation, his thumbs rubbing deep grooves into the bottom of my feet as he did so.

“And things seemed to work out for the better in the end, wouldn’t you say, Rho?”

Rhodes’ chuckle was deep and delicious, sending the shiver of anticipation that I’d been pushing off since we’d stepped into this room skittering down my spine. “I think so.”

But there was one more question that I had before I could give in to the heat of lust that was threatening to put me out of my mind for the night. “How did you know that I wouldn’t do the same to you? For all you know I could have been a plant by Amante.”

There was a beat of silence before both men burst into laughter.

“What?” I asked, looking between the two of them as they continued to laugh like I’d just said the funniest thing in the world. “I could have been.”

Rhodes regained his composure first, though the corners of his eyes still crinkled in one of his rare smiles as he leaned over to rest his chin on my shoulder, bringing his chocolate scent right up into my nose as he spoke. “Perrie, I watched you run into a door the other day and apologize to it.”

I’d been hoping no one had seen that.

“You don’t have a malicious bone in your body, pet—though that slap from earlier was definitely a turn on.” Edison scooted in close until I was pressed distractingly between the two alphas on the couch, all of my coherent thoughts flying from my mind as the temperature in the room seemed to shift.

“Yeah?” My voice was breathy as I turned to face him only to find his lips inches away from mine.

“Yeah,” Edison agreed before holding my chin in his fingers and pulling me in for a toe-curling kiss, his tongue sliding along mine as his lips worked to turn the mood completely away from the serious discussion we’d been having.

“We should finish talking about Yulia,” I murmured against his mouth before turning away only to find Rhodes’ lips waiting for me. He had more facial hair than Edison, so his kiss was mingled with friction as he devoured my mouth.

“Later,” I heard Edison promise as stray fingers began to work at the zipper of my dress. “But for now, can we get to our surprise?”

“Surprise?” I managed to ask with a gasp as two sets of hands slipped inside my shimmering gown and danced down my bare skin.

“We’ve been so busy that there hasn’t yet been a chance to come together… as a pack,” Edison finished, using the word that had been thrown around in secret between the three of us, but never actually consummated.

It had been driving me practically crazy every time Rhodes would pull away from my kisses because he was called away or it wasn’t time yet.

I had no idea that the two were planning this.

“Are you ready for us, pet?” Edison asked, his thumb sliding along where my pulse was thrumming in my neck before brushing over his bond mark, making both of us shiver.

I nodded emphatically. “I’ve been ready for weeks.”

“Good,” Rhodes whispered, his mouth close to my ear. “Because once this happens I don’t think there’s any going back.”

That was fine by me. I didn’t want to go back. Not ever.

“There already was no going back, Rhodes,” Edison cut in, seeming to echo my thoughts as I watched their mouths meet over my shoulder.

The last time I’d seen them kiss like this had been on my wedding night and it had been from afar. Now it was right in front of my face and I could watch the way their tongues moved, almost fighting against each other as they kissed.

Heat bloomed in my belly as I inhaled a deep drag of their mixed scents and wriggled under their squeezing hands, gasping as one of them, I wasn’t sure who, gave my nipple a pinch as if to say they hadn’t forgotten about me.

The fingers rolled the stiff peak, sending electric shocks of pleasure straight to my core as I continued to watch the two alphas kiss.

Then they were breaking apart with a gasp as two sets of eyes turned to me again.

Edison’s swollen lips pulled up into a smirk. “Do you like watching us, pet?”

I opened my mouth to tell him yes, but no words seemed ready on my tongue, so instead I just nodded dazedly.

“The way you two smell when you do that is unreal,” I admitted, finally finding my voice.

“Just wait until things really get started,” Edison teased, exchanging a glance with Rhodes before two mouths descended on mine.

It was awkward at first. Trying to kiss two men at once was definitely outside of the realm of my experience, but Edison and Rhodes seemed to take it in stride until they were taking turns. Edison was definitely the nippier of the two, his teeth pulling at my lips as Rhodes’ lips pressed into my jaw and cheek before they traded places and the teeth began to work at my neck while Rhodes gave me long, languid kisses.

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