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‘So, Siara, I have a little bit of a background on your recent challenges, but your mother thought it might be helpful to talk through some specific events,’ she says warmly, motioning to the set of chairs across from her desk. I sit. No doubt she’s already been briefed by my loving mother in great detail. I can’t imagine the things she’s been told – hallucinations, breakdowns, time loss. In reality, I’m afraid I’m going to be a disappointment. She finds her place behind her desk.

The afternoon sun beams rays of light onto the client file. If I lean just a little more in my chair, I might be able to make out the notes. That’s when I see it. In the corner of the office, tucked away under a stand, is a little transparent being. Small but eerie, it warps the space around it, distorting the furniture as it glides through unnoticed. I haven’t seen one like this before.

‘Is something the matter?’

I hold the therapist’s stare. If I don’t see it, it’s not there. ‘No, nothing.’

Her gaze narrows, smile still intact. She doesn’t believe me. I wouldn’t believe me either.

‘I’m just feeling a little sad, I guess,’ I lie as the creature passes under the seat, clicking and whirring.

Her gaze softens.


His screams howl through the darkness, a piercing sound in the silent forest. By the time I reach him, his voice is lost. What a pitiful sight.

The mound of flesh lies deformed at the base of the cliff. Jagged bones divert off in unnatural angles while lumps of shining skin expand so greatly you would think they may burst. To complete the artistry, hues of the deepest blacks and purples blotch his almost unrecognisable being. What was once a man is now barely a thing at all. How grotesque. Surely something so pathetic must be an act of divine humour.

Rustles on the forest floor catch my attention, drawing my focus behind me. The scurrying and clashing of leaves start to grow louder until the nine year old boy bursts through from amidst the towering trees, running out onto the rocky ledge. His glowing eyes meet my own. ‘Master!’

The boy’s expression drops as his eyes fall to the object at my feet.

I turn my gaze back to the deformed human. ‘If this frightens you then look away.’

The boy steadies his breath, taking a few tentative steps forward in the moonlight and dropping the dangerous plummet to land safely on his feet. ‘No. I know now. I shouldn’t look away.’

He finds his place by my side.

A faint wheeze struggles from the human. My eyebrows twitch in a rare combination of surprise and amusement. It is still alive.

‘Master, can’t we do something?’

‘… Yes.’ From between two swollen lumps of skin, a pair of pleading eyes appear. They cry for compassion. My lungs breathe in an unnecessary breath of air, holding it firm within my chest.

I bring the ice spear down through his body, skewering what was once his skull. His eyes detach from focus, his soul fading out from view. Yanking the spear out with a grunt, human blood flicks onto the ground around us. My breath releases slowly, knowing there is no need for me to take another.

A zap of electricity buzzes from behind us, giving us a split-second warning. Xander’s glare finds mine and we both understand. It’s too late; there’s not enough time. We’re caught.

I turn to the small portal forming, wiping the excess blood on my coat. I can feel the small green demon tensing beside me.

‘You two will be the death of me,’ a feminine voice chimes from the crackling portal. She steps through gracefully, the space around us becoming heavier in an instant.

‘Heret-Kau,’ I mutter, ‘impeccable timing as always.’

The Goddess smiles. ‘William, getting up to no good – as always.’ Her eyes drift disapprovingly to the human lain dead in front of me. ‘Not falling back to old habits, are we?’

My jaw clenches. Xander opens his mouth in protest, but my glance sends the small boy quiet. She wouldn’t understand. Heret-Kau frowns, looking from Xander to myself. ‘Silence is the coward’s confession, William. If you have killed the man, I’ll have you speak it.’

She lifts her chin, her snake eyes bearing down in an attempt of intimidation. It’s unnecessary, her existence itself is intimidating enough, despite how accustomed to it I have become.

‘It was me that ran the human through.’

I see something flicker behind the Goddess’ stare. Disappointment? Anger? Possibly both, but I don’t care enough to investigate.

‘I see,’ she concludes, letting the silence linger. A frown gathers on her forehead, accompanied by a bothered sigh. ‘I will send my people to clean up your mess, give the man a burial and enact his chosen religious rites. For now, walk with me. We have much to discuss.’

My feet find their way but Xander remains frozen, no doubt confused by the speed in which she moved on from the killing.

‘You will remain here in the mortal realm,’ she continues as we walk through the dim forest. ‘Who am I to ruin your rebellious escapade?’ Her teasing humour could fool many, but I know her; it is never something simple with Heret-Kau. I remain expressionless and mute, not playing into her games.

Realising her bluff is called, she grins devilishly. ‘There is a new lead – something has changed.’ With my sceptical glance, she continues, ‘The spirits have whispered to me. There is a girl here in the human realm; they say she is connected to who you’re looking for. They say she sees spirits.’

Xander has found his way alongside me once more, glancing at my expression.

It’s been so long, I had almost accepted my fate. In fact, I was convinced it was going to end just moments ago when she arrived. ‘I see.’

Heret-Kau glances over to me, a fleeting melancholy gracing her features.

‘Best to hurry. Time waits for no one, William,’ she says, letting us pass in front. ‘Not even the dead.’




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