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An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC


Copyright © 2024 by Sharon McMahon

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Library of Congress control number: 2024940366

ISBN 9780593541678 (hardcover)

ISBN 9780593541685 (ebook)

Cover design and illustration: Brian Lemus

Book design by Chris Welch, adapted for ebook by Kelly Brennan



Introduction New York, 1804

Angel of the Rockies

One Clara Brown, Kentucky, 1830s

Two Bleeding Kansas, 1850s

Three Clara Brown, Colorado, 1870s

The Next Needed Thing

Four Virginia Randolph, Virginia, 1890

Five Henrico County, Virginia, 1907

America the Beautiful

Six Katharine Lee Bates, Cape Cod, 1859

Seven Katharine Lee Bates, England, 1880s

Eight Katharine Lee Bates, Chicago, 1890s

Forward Out of Darkness

Nine Inez Milholland, New York, 1910

Ten Maria de Lopez, California, 1911

Eleven Rebecca Brown Mitchell, Idaho, 1856

Twelve Inez Milholland, the West, 1916

Thirteen France, 1916

An Orientation of the Spirit

Fourteen Anna Thomas Jeanes, Philadelphia, 1822

Fifteen William James Edwards, Alabama, 1869

Sixteen Julius Rosenwald, Illinois, 1862

Seventeen Booker T. Washington, Virginia, 1856

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