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“Oh, look who’s here. How proper of you.” The nurse was as unfriendly as ever.

And that face. It was like looking in a mirror. And a voice that sounded just like hers. That can’t be, thought Abino as she sat down on the sofa.

“Please come in,” a male voice called out from the examination room.

When Abino entered, she saw that the doctor was smiling kindly.

“Ah, you’re looking good. It seems the cat’s done wonders for you,” he said.


Abino sat down on the chair, feeling puzzled. This doctor also looked just like Nikké’s owner. Abino would occasionally see him in the waiting room at Suda Animal Hospital, always accompanied by his black cat. Dr. Suda had told her the man worked for some animal rescue organization. Perhaps he was a psychiatrist who volunteered at shelters. The vibes they gave off were different, but their appearances were identical.

Abino decided to ask him a question as a test. “Is Nikké doing well?”

The doctor smiled and nodded. “Yes, I’m very well, thank you. So, did your cat come back?”


“Did your cat come back?”

The doctor’s question caught Abino off guard. The pet carrier on her lap started to jiggle. Even when Mimita was quiet, she could feel the vibrations.

“Yes, he did.”

“That’s good. Chitose, please take the cat.”

The doctor reached over for the carrier, but Abino hurriedly interjected, “I’m sorry for asking this out of the blue, but is Mimita your cat? If so—”

“No, no. He’s not my cat.” The doctor chuckled. “He’s from a pet store. His breed is popular, but apparently, people prefer Scottish folds with flatter ears, and now he’s grown too big to be sold. Humans love kittens. They say this one’s already past his prime.”

Past his prime? Abino frowned, but the doctor looked unfazed.

“The pet shop’s a business, after all. They need to do something about the fully grown cats, so they rotate them from store to store. They say that changing up their location sometimes means they catch the attention of new buyers. Let’s hope he finds an owner at the next place. Now, shall we?” said the doctor. He swiftly lifted the carrier and stepped toward the curtains.

Abino stopped him. “Wait, please. Where is this pet shop you mentioned? Where can I go to find Mimita?”

“Hmm. I wonder. If you search earnestly, you’ll find him, won’t you?”


The curtains opened, and the nurse walked in. Her brows were knitted into a stern expression.

“Dr. Nikké, instead of making unpleasant remarks like that, why not just tell her?” she said, snatching Mimita’s carrier from the doctor’s hands. She looked at Abino. “This cat’s headed to a shopping mall in Kusatsu in Shiga Prefecture.”

“If I go there, can I find Mimita?” asked Abino.

“Yes, but these things are fated. Families flock to the store on the weekends, so it’s better if you head there early, I think.”

“Y-yes, that’s true. I’ll go as soon as possible.”

“And you don’t have to worry about me,” said the nurse, turning her face, which was identical to Abino’s, primly to the side. “I just happened to be in that kind of mood on that day, in that moment. It wasn’t like I was waiting for you, and I didn’t disappear to make things difficult for you. I made the decision and left of my own volition, so I hope you won’t keep moping about it forever.”

Abino was unable to comprehend what the nurse had just said.

The nurse furrowed her brows again, looking a bit embarrassed, and continued. “There are a ton of cats out there, you know. So quickly forget about me and go pick him up. He seems clumsy and slow, but he’s reasonably cute. Don’t you think he suits you?”

“Th-thank you—”

Before she could properly express her gratitude, the nurse left the room with the carrier.

What a strange woman. So unfriendly, but apparently, she’d just given Abino some advice.

Despite Shizue’s and Yuriha’s wishes, Abino had still been hesitant about keeping Mimita. If the conditions hadn’t been right, she might have held back. However, the nurse’s words settled her feelings.

“Chitose acted like I was being mean or something. I was just trying to be considerate of her,” the doctor grumbled.

“Dr. Nikké?”


“My family and I discussed this. We’d like to keep Mimita if we are fortunate enough to have him. What do you think?”

“What do I think?” The doctor laughed curiously and tilted his head. “Are you worried about what I think?”

“Well, no—” she began, and hung her head. She had no idea where she was or who this doctor was. But he was the only person who could give her an answer. Making up her mind, she looked up at him. “What does Chitose think?”

The doctor chuckled again. “That, I don’t know. She was putting on a brave face earlier, but cat or not, only the person herself knows how she feels. But to speak from the cat’s perspective, it’s only humans who become attached. Cats, though small in stature, have their own worlds. From the moment they step into a new world, they’re already looking toward the future. No matter how tough that world is. You are unable to release the cat’s tail from your grasp not because you feel sorry for the cat but because you miss her. But she can’t shake you off, because, even now, she still loves you.” The doctor smiled kindly. “It might be time to let go and bid her good-bye.”

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