Old Folsom prison, 2
Oliver, Ken, xxxi–xxxiv, xxxviii, 128
Olympic Games, 93–94
O’Neil, Caitlin, 76
O’Neil, Stephen E., xxxii
Operation PUSH (People United to Serve Humanity), 111
oppression, systems of, 30–31
Oppression Olympics, 128–129
O’Rourke, Beto, 138
othering, 38, 44
Owens, Jesse, 93
Payne, Billy, 93–94
Pelican Bay State Prison, xxxiii, 104, 105
people of color, definition of, 149
The People’s Plan for Prison Closure, 60
Pfizer, 8
Picturing Resistance, xxx
Pierce, Sahirenys, 85
Pinell, Hugo, 35
Pink Floyd, xxiii
Pleasant Valley State Prison, 60
police officers
qualified immunity doctrine, xxx–xxxi
race of, 22
police violence
cause of, xxix–xxx, 48
deaths and, xxix, xxxi, 6, 12, 81–82, 108, 125, 128–129, 140
protests against, xxx–xxxi, 6, 108, 132–133
policing, hot-spot, xxxi, 65, 148
politics, 136–138
powell, john a., 38
definition of, 149–150
race and, 19–20
Pressley, Ayanna, 131
pretrial risk assessment tools, 8–9
Prison Journalism Project, xxiii
prison labor, xxix, xxxviii, 5, 23–24, 72–74
Prison Policy Initiative, 135