,,Grim Root'' by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam is a dark and atmospheric fantasy novel that delves into the world of magic, mysticism, and ancient forces. Set in a land where mythical creatures and arcane powers are very real,...

,,The Godsblood Tragedy'' by Bill Adams is a gripping fantasy novel set in a world where gods and mortals are entwined in a complex web of power, loyalty, and betrayal. The story follows a young hero who, after the...

,,The Fragment of Power'' by Ben Hale is an epic fantasy novel that weaves together elements of adventure, magic, and intrigue. The story follows a young hero who discovers an ancient relic, the Fragment of Power, which...

👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️,,Dead Men Don't Pay'' by Ben Bruce is a gritty, fast-paced crime novel that explores the dangerous world of organized crime and betrayal. The story follows a group of criminals who, after a heist goes...

,,A Short Guide to Spiritual Formation'' by Alex Sosler is a concise and accessible book that offers practical insights into the journey of spiritual growth. Aimed at readers seeking to deepen their faith and spiritual...

💫💫,,Girl Friends'' by Alex Dahl is a psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of friendship, obsession, and deception. The story follows the lives of two women, Camille and her best friend, who share an...

,,I Am Wolf'' by Alastair Chisholm is a captivating children's book that tells the story of a lone wolf trying to find its place in the wild. Through simple yet poetic language, the wolf narrates its journey of...

,,Fleeing France'' by Alan Hlad is a historical fiction novel set during World War II, following the gripping journey of individuals caught in the turmoil of Nazi-occupied France. The story focuses on resistance...

,,Houdini Unbound'' by Alan Attwood is a fascinating blend of historical fiction and fantasy, centering on the legendary escape artist Harry Houdini. In this novel, Houdini is not only a master of physical escapes but...

⭐,,Son of a Soldier'' by Aiken A. Brown⭐ is a compelling novel that explores the life of a young man growing up in the shadow of his father, a decorated military veteran. The story follows the protagonist's journey of...

,,The Last Draft'' by Agatha Frost💮💮 is a cozy mystery novel centered around Julia South, a café owner in the charming village of Peridale. Julia has a knack for stumbling upon mysteries, and when a renowned local...

📢,,Strangers on the Shore'' by Adrien Brooke📢 is a queer romantic thriller set in 1963, during the tense period of the Cold War. The story follows Wu Yukying, a socialite from Hong Kong, who embarks on a Mediterranean...

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