"The Billionaire's Temporary Marriage" by Tamie Dearen is a delightful contemporary romance that blends the classic fake-marriage trope with humor, warmth, and a dash of drama. The story follows a billionaire who finds...

❤️ ❤️"Fear Itself" by Tammy Bruce is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of how fear is used as a tool to manipulate individuals and societies. In this book, Bruce, a political commentator and author, delves...

"Time of the Cat" by Tansy Rayner Roberts🕶️ 🕶️ is a whimsical, time-traveling adventure filled with humor, magic, and a mischievous feline at its heart. The story follows a protagonist who stumbles upon an extraordinary...

"Daddy by Design" by Taryn Quinn is a steamy, romantic novel that blends passion, unexpected parenthood, and the complexities of modern relationships. The story centers around a successful, career-driven woman who...

💐 💐 "The Thirty Before Thirty List" by Tasneem Abdur-Rashid💐 💐 is a charming and relatable novel that follows the journey of a woman approaching her 30th birthday. The protagonist, driven by societal pressures and her...

"The Widow's Guide to Second Chances" by Valerie Pepper🌈 🌈 is a heartfelt novel about love, loss, and the unexpected opportunities that come with new beginnings. The story follows the journey of a widow who, after the...

💙 "Well Prescribe You a Cat" by Syou Ishida💙 is a charming and whimsical novel that explores the profound bond between humans and their feline companions. The story follows Shiori, a dedicated veterinarian who has a...

"We Solve Murders: A Novel" by Richard Osman is a delightful and clever mystery that centers around a group of senior citizens who form a unique crime-solving club in their retirement village. The story follows...

"The Small and the Mighty: Twelve Unsung Americans" is a compelling historical account that shines a light on the lives and contributions of twelve individuals who played significant yet often overlooked roles in...

"Tell Me Everything" by Elizabeth Strout is a poignant exploration of human relationships, memory, and the complexities of life. This novel follows the life of Zachary as he navigates the intricacies of his upbringing,...

🍃 🍃 🍃"The Last Thing She Saw" by Nina Laurin is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the themes of memory, trauma, and the struggle for survival. The story centers around Lena, a woman who has been living...

✈️ "Ice Heart" by J.A. Fuller✈️ is a captivating fantasy novel that immerses readers in a world of magic, danger, and self-discovery. The story follows Elin, a young woman with a mysterious past and an extraordinary...

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