"Family Reunion and Other Stories" by Berry Fleming is a collection of short stories that delves into the intricacies of family dynamics and human relationships. The stories capture a range of experiences, from the...

"Lucky Day" by Beth Morrey is a heartwarming and uplifting novel that explores themes of hope, friendship, and the power of second chances. The story centers around a protagonist who feels stuck in a rut, believing that...

"Recipe for a Crime" by Beth Ford is a cozy mystery novel that blends culinary delights with a gripping whodunit. The story follows a talented amateur chef who stumbles upon a murder while preparing for an important...

"Test of Fire" by Ben Bova is a thrilling science fiction novel set in a post-apocalyptic future where Earth has been ravaged by nuclear war. The story follows the efforts of a determined group of survivors who are...

🌊🌏💙"The Lies We Tell" by Beth Orsoff🌊🌏💙 is a gripping contemporary novel that delves into the complexities of relationships, secrets, and self-deception. The story centers around a woman who appears to have the perfect...

"All the Jingle Ladies" by Beth Garrod 🌲🍊🎊🎄✨🎈 is a fun and festive holiday rom-com filled with humor, heart, and holiday cheer. The story follows a young woman navigating the chaos of the Christmas season while dealing...

"The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two A" by Ben Bova is a remarkable anthology that brings together some of the most influential and celebrated novellas from the golden age of science fiction. This volume is...

"The Best of Bova" by Ben Bova is a curated collection of some of the most compelling and thought-provoking short stories from the acclaimed science fiction author. This anthology showcases Bova's diverse storytelling...

"Kinsman Saga" by Ben Bova is a thrilling science fiction epic that combines two novels, "Kinsman" and "Millennium", into one cohesive storyline. The saga follows Chet Kinsman, a dedicated astronaut and military...

💙🌃🔍"City of Darkness" by Ben Bova 💙🌃🔍 is a gripping science fiction novel set in a dystopian future where society is divided between the wealthy elite and the impoverished masses. The story unfolds in a sprawling,...

💞"Finding Love at Sunset Shore" by Bella Osborne💞 is a charming contemporary romance that takes readers to a picturesque coastal village. The story follows a woman seeking a fresh start after facing personal challenges...

"Bounty Hunter" by James A. Muir is an action-packed adventure novel that follows the life of a skilled and relentless bounty hunter. The story delves into the dangerous and often morally ambiguous world of tracking...

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