"Threats in the Deep" by Addison Fox is a romantic suspense novel that plunges readers into a world of danger and intrigue beneath the ocean’s surface. The story follows marine biologist Emma Foster, who becomes the...

🤍 🤍"Wait for Me, Jack" by Addison Jones🤍 🤍 is a poignant novel that explores the complexities of a long-term marriage over the course of several decades. The story follows Jack and Milly, a couple who met in the 1950s...

✅ "River Justice" by B.J. Daniels in English is a thrilling romantic suspense novel set in the rugged landscapes of Montana. The story follows Jack Durham, a former sheriff turned rancher, who is drawn back into a world...

💌 💌 "Peppermint Bark & No Bite" by Bailey Seaborn💌 💌 is a cozy mystery with a delightful holiday twist. The story follows amateur sleuth Tilly, who runs a small-town bakery famous for its seasonal treats, especially...

🔒 🔒 In "Ranch Ambush" by Barb Han The story follows the life of a rancher, Colby Gage, who is determined to protect his land and family after a series of strange and threatening events. When Samantha Callahan, a woman...

✈️ ✈️ "The Leaping Flame" by Barbara Cartland ✈️ ✈️ that follows the life of a young, beautiful, and strong-willed heroine, Chandra. She is caught between her duty and her heart's desires in a tumultuous period. The...

,,Scop'' by Barry N. Malzberg is a dystopian science fiction novel that explores themes of control, despair, and the nature of human existence. The story is set in a future world where the United States has established...

"Love Off Script" by Abigail Taylor is a charming and engaging contemporary romance that explores the complexities of love and the entertainment industry. The story follows a talented screenwriter whose life takes an...

🌸 🌸 "Fake" by Abby Brooks 🌸 🌸 is a contemporary romance novel filled with humor, heartfelt moments, and the beloved trope of fake dating. The story centers around two characters who, for various personal reasons, agree...

"The Mourning of Leone Manor" by A.M. Davis🧩 🧩 is a haunting and atmospheric Gothic novel that blends mystery, family secrets, and supernatural elements. Set in the eerie and decaying Leone Manor, the story follows a...

"Bond of a Dragon" by A.J. Walker is a gripping fantasy series that spans four books, immersing readers in a world of dragons, magic, and epic battles. The series follows the journey of a young hero who discovers a deep...

🦅 "Wyvern's Gold" by A.H. Hadley🦅 is a captivating fantasy adventure that takes readers into a world of dragons, ancient treasures, and daring quests. The story follows a courageous protagonist who embarks on a...

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