“Code Exodus” by Frank Kennedy is a gripping science fiction thriller that delves into themes of survival, technology, and ethical dilemmas in a rapidly evolving world. The story follows a diverse group of characters...
💚💚“Like a Curse” by Elle McNicoll is a poignant contemporary novel that delves into themes of identity, belonging, and the challenges of navigating a world that often feels unwelcoming. The story follows a young...
“Mikhail Petrov” by Elle Maldonado is a captivating contemporary romance that explores themes of love, loyalty, and the complexities of relationships. The story revolves around Mikhail, a charismatic and enigmatic...
“Taking Initiative” by Elle M. Stewart is an inspiring contemporary romance that centers on themes of empowerment, personal growth, and the importance of taking charge of one's life. The story follows a determined...
“Body Check” by Elle Kennedy🏑🏑 is an engaging contemporary romance that combines humor, sports, and a touch of steamy chemistry. The story revolves around a determined female protagonist who is navigating her career in...
“Summer in the Falls” by Elle Gray is a heartwarming contemporary romance that captures the essence of love, friendship, and personal growth during a transformative summer. The story follows the protagonist as she...
🧶🧶“The Kept Girls” by Elle Gray🧶🧶 is a compelling contemporary novel that delves into the lives of young women navigating complex relationships and societal expectations. The story centers around a group of friends who...
“Marilyn in Manhattan” by Elizabeth Winder 👠👠 is a fascinating biographical narrative that explores the life of the iconic actress Marilyn Monroe during a pivotal time in her career. The book focuses on her experiences...
🧁🧁“Murder by Milkshake” by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo🧁🧁 is a captivating cozy mystery that combines humor and suspense in a delightful narrative. The story revolves around a quirky protagonist who finds herself entangled...
“Protecting My Peace” by Elizabeth Leiba📘📘 is an empowering self-help book that explores the importance of prioritizing mental and emotional well-being. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, Leiba guides...
“The Unnatural Habitat of a Cat Lady” by Dani Elias is a quirky and humorous exploration of life as a dedicated cat lover. The story follows the protagonist, who embraces her identity as a cat lady while navigating the...
“Her Billion Dollar Bump” by Dani Collins is a charming contemporary romance that combines humor, heart, and a dash of drama. The story follows a strong-willed woman who unexpectedly discovers she is pregnant after a...