,,The Last Gentile'' by Philip Cook is a thought-provoking novel blending elements of political intrigue, prophecy, and suspense. Set against the backdrop of global upheaval, the story follows a man who uncovers a...
,,Gunning for Secrets'' by Renee Pawlish is a mystery novel centered around private investigator Reed Ferguson. In this thrilling installment, Reed is hired to uncover hidden truths, leading him into a web of dark...
Traditions of Love by Renee Anne explores the complexities of relationships, culture, and family expectations. The novel delves into how love is experienced and expressed across different generations and backgrounds,...
,,Eyes of the Sky'' by Rayda Jacobs is a novel set in South Africa, reflecting the complex dynamics of race, identity, and social change. The story focuses on personal and communal struggles in the context of apartheid...
The Killing Kind by Sarah K. Stephens🔍📚💙📖 is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into themes of identity, trauma, and the nature of evil. Plot: The story follows the protagonist, who becomes entangled in a...
Dohány Street by Adam LeBor is a gripping historical and political thriller set against the backdrop of Budapest's complex and tumultuous history. Plot: The novel centers around a high-stakes investigation involving...
Pride by Sarah Hegger is a compelling novel that weaves together themes of romance, personal growth, and overcoming personal challenges. Plot: The story centers around the protagonist, who faces significant personal and...
Wrath by Sarah Hegger is a gripping novel that combines elements of romance and suspense. Plot: The story follows a complex and intense narrative centered around the protagonist, who is likely dealing with themes of...
🌺💞📖,,The Enemy: Revised and Expanded Edition'' by Sarah Adams🌺💞📖 is a comprehensive and updated exploration of conflict and adversarial relationships. Plot: This revised and expanded edition delves into the dynamics of...
Rebekah's Keepsakes by Sara Harris is a touching and evocative novel that delves into themes of memory, family, and personal legacy. Plot: The story follows Rebekah, a woman who is tasked with sorting through a...
The Night She Dies by Sarah Clarke is a gripping thriller that explores themes of mystery and suspense. Plot: The novel centers around a dramatic and unsettling event: the death of a woman on a fateful night. As the...
As It Pleases the King by Sara Harris is a captivating historical fiction novel set in a richly detailed royal court. Plot: The novel unfolds within the opulent yet treacherous environment of a royal court, where...