,,Back from the Dead: Red'' by Sara Harris💙📖💙📖 is a thrilling and suspenseful novel that combines elements of mystery and drama. Plot: The story follows the protagonist, who finds themselves unexpectedly pulled back...
,,Things Don't Break on Their Own'' by Sarah Easter Collins is a thought-provoking novel that combines elements of drama and introspection to explore the complexities of human relationships and personal growth. Plot:...
The Vatican Dictator by Alan Bayer is a gripping political thriller that delves into the world of international intrigue and religious power. Plot: The novel centers around a high-stakes conspiracy involving the...
,,Mint Tea and A Midsummer Murder'' by Victoria Tait ☕💛📚 is a charming cozy mystery that combines the allure of a small-town setting with a tantalizing murder investigation. The story follows the protagonist, a tea shop...
Assault on Ming by Alan Caillou is an action-packed adventure novel set against the backdrop of international espionage and political intrigue. The story follows a group of elite operatives tasked with infiltrating the...
The Blood of God by Alan Harrison is a gripping historical thriller that combines elements of mystery, religion, and conspiracy. Set in the medieval era, the novel follows a determined knight who embarks on a perilous...
,,The Seeds of Chaos'' by Alan Harrison is a thrilling science fiction novel that delves into the far reaches of space and the dark potential of genetic engineering. The story is set in a distant future where humanity...
🚘📚💙,,The Life and Trials of Benjamin Tate'' by Alan Feldberg🚘📚💙 is a historical fiction novel that chronicles the journey of Benjamin Tate, an ambitious and idealistic man living in the turbulent 19th century. The novel...
,,Greenthieves'' by Alan Dean Foster💛📚 is a humorous and satirical science fiction novel that takes readers on an environmental adventure with a twist. The story is set in a future where Earth’s ecosystems are in...
Cat-A-Lyst by Alan Dean Foster is a whimsical and adventurous science fiction novel that revolves around a mysterious cat named Mirk, who seems to possess extraordinary abilities. The story follows a man named Alex, who...
🧿📖,,The Island of Mists and Miracles'' by Victoria Mas🧿📖 is a captivating novel set on a mysterious island shrouded in fog and legends. The story follows a protagonist who arrives on this remote island, drawn by stories...
,,Clouds Are the Mountains of the World''by Alan Davis🌃🌏 The story delves into the lives of characters who grapple with their inner turmoil while seeking meaning and peace in a remote, mountainous region. The novel's...