"A Very Woodsy Murder" by Ellen Byron is a delightful cozy mystery set in a charming, rustic woodland town. The story revolves around an amateur sleuth who gets caught up in a murder investigation after a body is...

"Devil's End" by Dave Sinclair☠️ is an action-packed thriller that follows a fast-paced investigation into a series of mysterious and deadly events. The story centers on a skilled protagonist, often dealing with shadowy...

👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️"The Shape of My Eyes" by Dave Gibbons is a poignant and reflective memoir that delves into the author's personal journey of self-discovery and identity. Through a series of vivid, emotional vignettes, Gibbons...

"33 Myths of the System" by Darren Allen is a provocative and insightful exploration of modern society's underlying assumptions. The book challenges widely accepted beliefs about politics, economics, education, work,...

"Pain in the Axe" by Daphne Elliot is a cozy mystery that combines humor, suspense, and quirky small-town charm. The story follows a clever protagonist who stumbles upon a murder mystery involving an antique axe with a...

,,Palestine Speaks'' by Cate Malek is a powerful and poignant collection of oral histories that provides an intimate look into the lives of Palestinians affected by the ongoing conflict and occupation. Through the...

,,The Stolen Papyrus'' by Cate M. Turner is an exciting historical thriller that follows archaeologist Morgan as she unravels a mystery involving an ancient Egyptian papyrus, which has been stolen from a museum. The...

,,The Lost Sepulcher'' by Cate M. Turner is an adventurous and suspense-filled historical mystery that takes readers on a thrilling journey through ancient secrets and modern-day danger. The story follows the...

🌘🌘,,The Aegean Vault'' by Cate M. Turner is a gripping historical mystery that combines ancient secrets with modern-day adventure. The story follows a young archaeologist named Morgan, who uncovers a mysterious vault...

"The Dark Mirror: German Cinema Between Hitler and Hollywood" is a scholarly exploration of German cinema during a tumultuous period marked by the rise of the Nazi regime and the subsequent influence of Hollywood on...

"Fallen For Three" by Jade Wilkes is a steamy contemporary romance that follows the captivating journey of a woman who unexpectedly finds herself entangled with three irresistible men. Set against a backdrop of...

🧰🧰"Suite Surrender" by Jade Winters 🧰🧰 is an engaging contemporary romance that explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the complexities of relationships. Set in a luxurious hotel environment, the story revolves...

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