"When We're Thirty" by Casey Dembowski🤍🖤 is a contemporary romance novel centered around the lives of two childhood friends, Hannah and Will, who made a pact when they were younger: if they were both still single by the...

♥️🌹,,When Love Calls'' by Stanley John Weyman♥️🌹 is a historical romance novel set in the early 17th century. The story is set against a backdrop of political intrigue and historical events, featuring a mix of romance,...

Unforgettable by Linda Barrett is a contemporary romance novel that explores themes of love, redemption, and personal transformation. The story follows the lives of its main characters as they navigate complex emotions...

,,Underground: Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier'' by Suelette Dreyfus🌏🗺️ is a non-fiction book that delves into the world of hacking and the early days of computer culture. The book provides an...

Uncovering Lily by Rene Webb✈️ is a contemporary romance novel that explores themes of love, self-discovery, and personal growth. The story centers around Lily, a young woman who is struggling to move on from a past...

The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie is the debut novel featuring Hercule Poirot, one of Christie's most famous detectives. The novel is set in an English country house called Styles Court, owned by the...

🚢🚢,,The Diary of a U-boat Commander'' by Sir Stephen King-Hall🚢🚢 is a gripping account of the experiences of a German U-boat commander during World War I. The book presents a detailed and personal diary of the U-boat...

,,The Czar's Spy: The Mystery of a Silent Love'' by William le Queux📚📚 is a thrilling espionage novel set against the backdrop of early 20th-century Europe. The story follows the adventures of a British spy who is...

,,The Border Legion'' by Zane Grey is a classic Western novel set in the American West during the late 19th century. The story centers on the adventures of a young and inexperienced man named Richard Gale, who is...

The Amateur Gentleman by Jeffery Farnol💚📚 first published in 1913, is a classic adventure novel set in Regency-era England. It follows the story of Barnabas Barty, a young man of humble origins, who embarks on a journey...

🪓🪓The After House by Mary Roberts Rinehart 🪓🪓 is a mystery novel published in 1914, blending suspense, drama, and intrigue. The story is set aboard a luxury yacht named Ella, where a series of brutal murders take place,...

Le Morte d'Arthur: Volume 1 by Sir Thomas Malory is one of the most famous and enduring works of Arthurian literature. Originally published in 1485, it tells the legendary story of King Arthur, his knights of the Round...

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