"Inked by the Ithaqua" by Wendi Gogh is a captivating and atmospheric horror novel that delves into the realms of ancient myth and supernatural terror. The story follows a protagonist who becomes entangled with an...
"Don't Let Her Go" by Willow Rose is a gripping psychological thriller that centers around a suspenseful and emotional narrative. The story follows a young woman who finds herself in a desperate situation involving a...
⏳"The Doomsday Archives" by Zack Roland Clark is a gripping science fiction novel that delves into a world of secrets and hidden dangers. The story centers around a group of protagonists who stumble upon a series of...
"A Death in Cornwall" by Daniel Silva is a gripping mystery novel that combines elements of suspense, intrigue, and rich setting. The story is set in the picturesque and often enigmatic region of Cornwall, England, and...
🏖🏖"The Summer Pact" by Emily Giffin is a touching and introspective contemporary novel that explores themes of friendship, love, and personal transformation. The story revolves around a group of friends who, after...
🌞🌞"Just for the Summer" by Abby Jimenez is a heartwarming and engaging contemporary romance that explores themes of love, healing, and personal growth. The story follows the journey of a protagonist who, during a...
🍹"Funny Story" by Emily Henry is a contemporary romantic comedy that delves into the world of love, relationships, and self-discovery with humor and heart. The story centers on the life of a witty and relatable...
"Fourth Wing" by Rebecca Yarros is a gripping fantasy novel set in a war-torn world where elite dragon riders are trained at Basgiath War College. The story follows Violet Sorrengail, a young woman who, despite her...
"Swan Song" by Elin Hilderbrand is a captivating tale set in the glamorous yet turbulent world of Hollywood, focusing on the lives of a tight-knit group of actors and filmmakers. The story revolves around the making of...
"Iron Flame" by Rebecca Yarros is the highly anticipated sequel to Fourth Wing, continuing the electrifying story set in the brutal world of Basgiath War College. In this second installment, Violet Sorrengail, the...
"The Wedding People" by Alison Espach is a sharp and witty exploration of modern relationships, societal expectations, and the pressures surrounding weddings. The novel follows the lives of several intertwined...
🦋🦋"The Lost Story" by Meg Shaffer is a heartwarming and imaginative tale that combines adventure, mystery, and personal growth. The story follows the journey of a young writer, who, after suffering personal loss and...