📚📚"Folktales of England" by Katharine M. Briggs and Ruth L. Tongue is a rich collection of traditional English folktales that preserves the storytelling heritage of England. The book compiles an array of tales from...

"It's Called Magic: Susan" by Lauretta Hignett is a charming and whimsical story that blends magic with heartfelt life lessons. The book follows the character Susan, who is introduced to the enchanting world of magic...

💗💗"The Villain Edit" by Laurie Devore is a gripping young adult novel that delves into the darker side of high school life, focusing on themes of power, perception, and the complexity of teenage relationships. The story...

"Obstacle Challenge" by Jake Maddox is an exciting and motivational sports novel aimed at young readers, focusing on teamwork, determination, and overcoming personal challenges. The story centers around...

"Longboard Letdown" by Jake Maddox🎾🎾 is an exciting sports novel that centers around the world of longboarding, perfect for young readers who love action and adventure. The story follows a passionate longboarder named...

"Diamond Double Play" by Jake Maddox🏐🏐 is an action-packed sports novel aimed at young readers, particularly fans of baseball. The story follows two talented players, best friends Caleb and Charlie, who both play on the...

🐙🐙"Danger on the Reef" by Jake Maddox 🐙🐙 is an exciting middle-grade adventure novel that immerses young readers in a thrilling underwater escapade. The story follows a group of friends who embark on a vacation to a...

"A Wonderland Wish on Ever After Street" by Jaimie Admans is a whimsical and enchanting novel that reimagines classic fairy tale elements in a fresh and engaging way. The story follows a protagonist who finds herself on...

💛💛💛"Jane's Fragile Facade" by Jaime Marie Lang is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of identity, vulnerability, and the complexities of human relationships. The story follows Jane, a young...

"Corrupted Heart" by Jagger Cole is an intense and emotionally charged romance that dives deep into themes of love, betrayal, and redemption. The story follows a complex protagonist who is grappling with her tumultuous...

"The Principal's Office" by Jae🔎🔎 is a captivating contemporary romance novel that explores themes of love, power dynamics, and the complexities of relationships within an educational setting. The story centers around a...

🥚🥚"Cuckoo" by Gretchen Felker-Martin🥚🥚 is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that delves into themes of identity, survival, and the complexities of human relationships. Set in a dystopian world where societal norms...

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