💛💛💛"Jane's Fragile Facade" by Jaime Marie Lang is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of identity, vulnerability, and the complexities of human relationships. The story follows Jane, a young...
"Corrupted Heart" by Jagger Cole is an intense and emotionally charged romance that dives deep into themes of love, betrayal, and redemption. The story follows a complex protagonist who is grappling with her tumultuous...
"The Principal's Office" by Jae🔎🔎 is a captivating contemporary romance novel that explores themes of love, power dynamics, and the complexities of relationships within an educational setting. The story centers around a...
🥚🥚"Cuckoo" by Gretchen Felker-Martin🥚🥚 is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that delves into themes of identity, survival, and the complexities of human relationships. Set in a dystopian world where societal norms...
🗺️🗺️"Rhymer" by Gregory Frost is a richly woven fantasy novel that draws inspiration from the medieval Scottish ballad tradition, particularly the legendary figure of Thomas the Rhymer. The story follows the titular...
"Filthy Rich Vampires" by Geneva Lee The story revolves around a strong, determined protagonist who finds herself entangled in the glamorous yet dangerous lives of wealthy vampires. As she navigates this seductive...
"The Secret Gods'' by G. Bailey is a captivating compilation of the first three books in the "Secret Gods" series. This omnibus edition brings together an exciting blend of fantasy, adventure, and romance, offering...
🦋🦋"To Bleed A Kingdom" by Ella Dawes🦋🦋 is a gripping fantasy novel that immerses readers in a richly crafted world filled with intrigue, power struggles, and the complexities of loyalty. The story follows a young...
"But How Are You, Really?" by Ella Dawson is a poignant and insightful exploration of mental health, self-identity, and the complexities of human emotions. The narrative delves into the author's personal experiences...
📖📖"Goodlord: An Email" by Ella Frears is a thought-provoking and engaging narrative that unfolds through the medium of email correspondence. This contemporary story offers a unique perspective on modern communication...
"Bound by Their Lisbon Legacy" by Ella Hayes is a captivating contemporary romance that intertwines themes of love, family secrets, and cultural heritage. The story centers around two main characters, each grappling...
💫💫💫"The Groom List" by Ella Quinn is a delightful historical romance set in the Regency era, filled with charm, wit, and engaging characters. The story follows the journey of a spirited young woman named Lady Charlotte,...