☄️☄️"Breathless" by Cat Wynn is a captivating romance that explores themes of self-discovery, passion, and vulnerability. The story centers on two individuals who, despite their differences, are drawn together by an...
"Partner Track" by Cat Wynn is a steamy contemporary romance that follows the story of professional rivals who are forced to work together, sparking a passionate and unexpected relationship. The book centers on Perdie...
"From The Ashes" by Damien Boyd is a gripping crime thriller that follows Detective Inspector Nick Dixon as he faces a complex and dangerous case involving arson, murder, and hidden secrets. The story begins when a fire...
"The Lone Hero 02" by Damien James is the second installment in a thrilling action-adventure series centered on a solitary, resilient protagonist navigating a dangerous world. In this sequel, the hero faces even more...
"A Lover's Return" by AlTonya Washington is a captivating contemporary romance that explores themes of love, redemption, and second chances. The story follows the emotional journey of the protagonist as she navigates...
"Little Rot" by Akwaeke Emezi🍬🍬 is a poignant and thought-provoking novella that delves into themes of identity, belonging, and the complexities of existence. Set in a vibrant, imaginative world, the story follows a...
🧹🧹"The Night of Baba Yaga" by Akira Otani is a captivating fantasy novel that weaves together folklore, adventure, and rich cultural elements. The story is centered around the enigmatic figure of Baba Yaga, a legendary...
"Far From Agrabah" by Aisha Saeed is a vibrant middle-grade novel that expands on the beloved Disney universe, particularly the world of Aladdin. This story follows the adventures of a young girl named Jasmine, who is...
"Shadowmated" by Aimee Easterling is an enthralling urban fantasy novel that explores themes of love, loyalty, and the supernatural. Set in a world where shifters and other magical beings coexist with humans, the story...
🔰🔰"Prince of the Tower" by Aimee Clinton is a captivating fantasy novel that transports readers into a world of magic, power struggles, and romance. The story centers around a young protagonist who discovers that she is...
🎬🎬"Book of Scandal" by AlTonya Washington is a gripping contemporary romance novel that intertwines themes of love, betrayal, and redemption. The story is set in a world filled with secrets and hidden truths, focusing...
"In the Midst of Passion" by AlTonya Washington is a captivating romance novel that delves into themes of love, desire, and personal growth. Set against a backdrop of intense emotions and complex relationships, the...