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22. Stanley Ho mann, Samuel P. Huntington, Ernest R. May, Richard N.

Neustadt și omas C. Schel ing, „Vietnam Reappraised“, International Security 6, nr. 1 (vara 1981): pp. 3–26

23. Justin El iott și eodoric Meyer, „Claim on «Attacks warted» by NSA Spreads Despite Lack of Evidence“, ProPublica, 23 octom brie 2013, http://www.propublica.org/article/claim-on-attacks-thwarted-by-nsa-


24. James Bal , „US and UK Struck Secret Deal to Al ow NSA to «Unmask»

Britons’ Personal Data“, Guardian (Londra), 20 noiembrie 2013

25. Sondaj Gal up, „Americans Show Low Levels of Concern on Global Warming“, 4 aprilie 2014, http://www.gal up.com/pol / 168236/americans-show-low-levels-concern-global-warming.aspx

26. Robert S. Eshelman, „ e Danger of Fair and Balanced“, Columbia Journalism Review, 1 mai 2014

Capitolul 14. Oroare

1. Katie Zezima, „Obama: Plane Crash in Ukraine an «Outrage of Unspeakable Proportions»“, Washing ton Post, 18 iulie 2014

2. „Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Samantha Power, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, A er a Vote on Security Council Resolution 2166 on the Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine“,









3. Timothy Garton Ash, „Putin’s Deadly Doctrine“, Opinion, New York Times, 18 iulie 2014

4. Wil iam Taylor, interviu realizat de Anderson Cooper, CNN, 18 iulie 2014,





5. United Press International, „Vincennes Too Aggressive in Downing Jet, O cer Writes“, Los Angeles Times, 2 septembrie 1989

6. David Evans, „Vincennes Medals Cheapen Awards for Heroism“, Daily Press, 15 aprilie 1990

7. Ronald Reagan, „Statement on the Destruction of an Iranian Jetliner by the United States Navy over the Persian Gulf“, 3 iulie 1988. Online de Gerhard Peters și John T. Wool ey,

e American Presidency Project,

http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ ws/?pid=36080

8. Michael Kinsley, „Ral y Round the Flag, Boys“, Time, 12 septembrie 1988

9. Philip Shenon, „Iran’s Chief Links Aid to Better Ties“, New York Times, 6

iulie 1990

10. Dominic Lawson, „Conspiracy eories and the Useful Idiots Who Are Happy to Believe Putin’s Lies“, Daily Mail (Londra), 20 iulie 2014

11. Dilip Hiro, e Longest War: e Iran-Iraq Military Con ict (New York: Psychology Press, 1989)

12. John Crewdson, „New Revelations in Attack on American Spy Ship“, Chicago Tribune, 2 octombrie 2007

13. Miron Rezun, Saddam Hussein’s Gulf Wars: Ambivalent Stakes in the Middle East (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1992), 58f 14. Michael Omer-Man, „ is Week in History: IAF Shoots Down Libyan Flight 114“, Jerusalem Post, 25 februarie 2011

15. Edward W. Said și Christopher Hitchens, Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question (New York: Verso, 2001), p. 133

16. Somini Sengupta, „Why the U.N. Can’t Solve the World’s Problems“ New York Times, 26 iulie 2014

17. Ibid.

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