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4. Simon Maloy, „Scott Walker’s Deranged Hawkishness: He’s Ready to Bomb Iran During His Inauguration Speech“, Salon, 20 iulie 2015

5. Amy Davidson, „Broken“, New Yorker, 3 august 2015; „Former Top Brass to Netanyahu: Accept Iran Accord as «Done Deal»“, Ha’aretz, 3 august 2015

6. omas E. Mann și Norman J. Ornstein, „Finding the Common Good in an Era of Dysfunctional Governance“, Daedalus 142, nr. 2 (primăvara, 2013)

7. Helene Cooper și Gardiner Harris, „Top General Gives «Pragmatic» View of Iran Nuclear Deal“, New York Times, 29 iulie 2015

8. Dennis Ross, „How to Make Iran Keep Its Word“, Politico, 29 iulie 2015

9. Dennis Ross, „Iran Wil Cheat. en What?“, Time, 15 iulie 2015; „Former Obama Adviser: Send B-52 Bombers to Irsael“, Ha’aretz, 17 iulie 2015

10. Javad Zarif, „Iran Has Signed a Historic Nuclear Deal – Now It’s Israel’s Turn“, op-ed, Guardian (Londra), 31 iulie 2015

11. Jayantha Dhanapala și Sergio Duarte, „Is ere a Future for the NPT?“, Arms Control Today, iulie/august 2015

12. WIN/Gal up, „Optimism Is Back in the World“, 30 decembrie 2013

13. Anthony H. Cordesman, „Military Spending and Arms Sales in the Gulf“, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 28 aprilie 2015, http://csis.org/ les/publication/150428_military_spending.pdf 14. Departamentul Apărării, Raport declasi cat asupra puterii militare din Iran, aprilie 2010, https://fas.org/man/eprint/dod_iran_2010.pdf 15. Baza de date privind cheltuielile militare a Institutului Internațional de la Stockholm






http://www.sipri.org/research/armaments/milex/milex_ database; Trita Parsi și Tyler Cul is, „ e Myth of the Iranian Military Giant“, Foreign Policy, 10 iulie 2015

16. Parsi și Cul is, „ e Myth of the Iranian Military Giant“

17. Cordesman, „Military Spending and Arms Sales in the Gulf“, p. 4

18. Seyed Hossein Mousavian și Shahir Shahidsaless, Iran and the United States: An Insider’s View on the Failed Past and the Road to Peace (New York: Bloomsbury, 2014), pp. 214–219

19. Wil iam A. Dorman și Mansour Farhang, e U.S. Press and Iran: Foreign Policy and the Journalism of Deference (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988)

20. Pervez Hoodbhoy și Zia Mian, „Changing Nuclear inking in Pakistan“, Asia Paci c Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament and Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament,







http://www.princeton.edu/sgs/faculty-sta /zia-mian/Hoodbhoy-Mian-Changing-Nuclear- inking.pdf

21. Haroon Siddique, „Bush: Iran’ the World’s Leading Supporter of Terrorism“, Guardian (Londra), 28 august 2007

22. Peter Bergen și Paul Cruickshank, „ e Iraq E ect: War Has Increased Terrorism Sevenfold Worldwide“, Mother Jones, 1 martie 2007

23. Somini Sengupta, „U.N. Moves to Li Iran Sanctions A er Nuclear Deal, Setting Up a Clash in Congress“, New York Times, 20 iulie 2015

24. Helene Cooper, „U.S. Defense Secretary Visits Israel to Soothe Al y A er Iran Nuclear Deal“, New York Times, 20 iulie 2015

25. Anne Barnard, „120 Degrees and No Relief? ISIS Takes Back Seat for Iraqis“, New York Times, 1 august 2015

26. WIN/Gal up, „Happiness Is on the Rise“, 30 decembrie 2014

27. James Chace, „How «Moral» Can We Get?“, New York Times Magazine, 22 mai 1977

28. Leon Wieseltier, „ e Iran Deal and the Rut of History“, Atlantic, 27 iulie 2015

29. Shane Harris și Matthew M. Aid, „Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran“, Foreign Policy, 26 august 2013

30. Vezi Alex Boraine, „Justice in Iraq: Let the UN Put Saddam on Trial“, New York Times, 21 aprilie 2003

31. Gary Milhol in, „Building Saddam Hussein’s Bomb“, New York Times Magazine, 8 martie 1992

32. Robert Litwak, „Iran’s Nuclear Chess: Calculating America’s Moves“, Wilson

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