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Sourouzian, H., Les monuments du roi Merenptah (Wiesbaden, 1989)

76 | Paneb

Cerny, J., ‘Papyrus Salt 124 (Brit. Mus. 10055)’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 15 (1929), 243–58

Vernus, P. (tr. Lorton, D.), Affairs and Scandals in Ancient Egypt (Ithaca and London, 2003)

77 | Bay

Dodson, A., Monarchs of the Nile, 2nd edition (Cairo, 2000), 141

Grandet, P., ‘L’execution du chancelier Bay: O.IFAO 1864’, Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 2000 (2000), 338–45

78 | Ramesses III

de Buck, A., ‘The Judicial Papyrus of Turin’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 23 (1937), 152–64

Grandet, P., ‘Ramesses III’ in Redford, D. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (New York, 2001) vol. 3, 118–20

Leahy, A., ‘Sea Peoples’ in Redford, D. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (New York, 2001) vol. 3, 257–60

Redford, S., The Harem Conspiracy: The Murder of Ramesses III (Chicago, 2002)

Vernus, P. (tr. Lorton, D.), Affairs and Scandals in Ancient Egypt (Ithaca & London, 2003)

79 | Ramessesnakht

Bierbrier, M., The Late New Kingdom in Egypt c. 1300–664 BC. A Genealogical & Chronological Investigation (Warminster, 1975), 10–12

80 | Naunakht

Cerny, J., ‘The will of Naunakhte and the related documents’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 31 (1945), 29–53

81 | Thutmose

Wente, E.F., Late Ramesside Letters (Chicago, 1967)

82 | Panehsy

Dodson, A., Monarchs of the Nile, 2nd edition (Cairo, 2000), 152–53

Janssen-Winkeln, K., ‘Das Ende des

Neuen Reiches’, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 119 (1992), 22–37

van Dijk, J., ‘The Amarna Period and the later New Kingdom’ in Shaw, I. (ed.), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 2000), 272–313, esp. 308–09

83 | Herihor

Epigraphic Survey, Chicago, The Temple of Khonsu, vol. 1, Plates 1–110. Scenes of King Herihor in the Court with Translation of the Texts (Chicago, 1979)

Taylor, J.H., ‘Nodjmet, Payankh and Herihor: the end of the New Kingdom reconsidered’ in Eyre, C.J. (ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists (Leuven, 1998), 1143–55

84 | Wendjebaendjedet

Coutts, H. (ed.), Gold of the Pharaohs. Catalogue of the Exhibition of Treasures from Tanis (Edinburgh, 1988)

Kitchen, K.A., The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100–650 B.C.), 3rd edition (Warminster, 1995), 265

Montet, P., La nécropole royale de Tanis, II. Les constructions et le tombeau de Psousennes (Paris, 1951)

85 | Osorkon

Aston, D.A., ‘Takeloth II – A king of the ‘Theban Twenty-third Dynasty’?’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 75 (1989), 139–53

Caminos, R.A., The Chronicle of Prince Osorkon (Rome, 1958)

Dodson, A., Monarchs of the Nile, 2nd edition (Cairo, 2000), 169–73

86 | Piye

Kitchen, K.A., The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100–650 B.C.), 3rd edition (Warminster,1995), 362–63, 378

Morkot, R., The Black Pharaohs (London, 2000)

87 | Harwa

Lichtheim, M., Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol. 3. The Late Period (Berkeley, 1980), 24–28

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