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Tiraditti, F., ‘Three years of research in the tomb of Harwa’, Egyptian Archaeology 13 (1998), 3–6

88 | Montuemhat

Leclant, J., Montouemhat, Quatrième Prophète d’Amon, Prince de la Ville (Cairo, 1962)

Lichtheim, M., Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol. 3. The Late Period (Berkeley, 1980), 29–33

Russman, E.R., ‘Relief decoration in the tomb of Montuemhat’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 31 (1994), 1–19

89 | Padiamenope

Anthes, R., ‘Der Berliner Hocher des Petamenophis’, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 73 (1937), 25–35, plates V–VI

Aston, D.A., ‘The Theban west bank from the Twenty-fifth Dynasty to the Ptolemaic Period’ in Strudwick, N. & Taylor, J.H. (eds), The Theban Necropolis: Past, Present and Future (London, 2003), 138–66

Bianchi, R.S., ‘Petamenophis’ in Helck, W. & Otto (eds), Lexikon der Ägyptologie, vol. 4 (Wiesbaden, 1984), 991–92

Eigner, D., Die monumentale Grabbauten der Spätzeit in der thebanischen Nekropole (Vienna, 1984)

Porter, B. & Moss, R.L.B., Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1927), 66–67

von Bissing, F., ‘Das Grab des Petamenophis in Theben’, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 74 (1938), 2–26

90 | Nitiqret and 91 | Sematawytefnakht (I)

Caminos, R.A., ‘The Nitocris Adoption Stela’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 50 (1964), 71–101, plates 7–10

Kitchen, K.A., The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100–650 B.C.), 3rd edition (Warminster, 1995)

92 | Ahmose II (Amasis)

Josephson, J.A., ‘Amasis’ in Redford, D. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (New York, 2001), vol. 1, 66–67

93 | Wadjhorresnet

Bares, L., Abusir IV: The Shaft Tomb of Udjahorresnet at Abusir (Prague, 1999)

Lloyd, A.B., ‘The inscription of Udjahorresnet: a collaborator’s testament’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 68 (1982), 166–80

94 | Wennefer

Ray, J., Reflections of Osiris. Lives from Ancient Egypt (London, 2001), 117

von Känel, F., ‘Les mésaventures du conjurateur de Serket Onnophris et de son tombeau’, Bulletin de la Société Française d’Egyptologie 87–88 (1980), 31–45

95 | Nakhthorheb

Dodson, A., Monarchs of the Nile, 2nd edition (Cairo, 2000), 200–01

Josephson, J.A., ‘Nektanebo’, in Redford, D. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (New York, 2001), vol. 2, 517–18

Ray, J.D., ‘Late Period: Thirtieth Dynasty’ in Redford, D. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (New York, 2001), vol. 2, 275–76

Ray, J., Reflections of Osiris. Lives from Ancient Egypt (London, 2001), 113–29

Spencer, N., ‘The great naos of Nekhthorheb from Bubastis’, Egyptian Archaeology 26 (2005), 21–24

96 | Sematawytefnakht (II)

Clère, J.J., ‘Une statuette du fils aîné du roi Nectanebô’, Revue d’Egyptologie 6 (1951), 135–56, esp. 152–54

Gardiner, A.H., Egypt of the Pharaohs (Oxford, 1961), 379–80

Lichtheim, M., Ancient Egyptian Literature, Vol. 3. The Late Period (Berkeley, 1980), 41–44

Tresson, P., ‘La stèle de Naples’, Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 30 (1930), 369–91

97 | Padiusir (Petosiris)

Lefebvre, G., Le Tombeau de Petosiris (Paris, 1924)

Lichtheim, M., Ancient Egyptian Literature, Vol. III. The Late Period (Berkeley, 1980), 44–54

98 | Ptolemy I

Bevan, E., The House of Ptolemy. A History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty (Chicago, 1968)

Ellis, W.M., Ptolemy of Egypt (1994)

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