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It was as shabby as the rest of the house, with a sagging bed and cracked leather armchair, but somehow neater. No spiderwebs, no jumbles of knickknacks, no riotous confusion of colors. His room was more somber library than bedroom. An old, gilt-edged desk, monstrous and magnificent, stacked with books and drawing pads. That leather armchair tucked near the side, with a curved desk lamp next to it. Deep yellow bed curtainsā€”the color of marigolds, of French mustard. The gray walls were unpainted and mostly bare. A tennis racket, its wood worn bright, hung like a work of art. Two watercolors of the crumbling chĆ¢teau, signed C. CrĆ©pet were as soft and blotted as though viewed through a rainy lens.

One painting was done in haunting oilsā€”a thin woman, all angles and edges. She wore a drapey dress, touched with gold where the light hit, and slouched against the armrest of a square throne with arms carved into dragonsā€™ heads, staring challengingly at the painter. She might be a queen, but she was no damsel in distress.

That queen, she wouldnā€™t let anyone put her in a corner. She wouldnā€™t let anyone leave her behind. She wouldnā€™t be overlooked.

And, in the middle of this room, this room of books and art and attempted respectability, stood Luc.

For a moment I didnā€™t say a word. He stood without a shirt on. His chest was thin and pale. A smooth brown stone, threaded on a thong, nestled beneath his collarbone. Standing shirtless, with head bowed, he looked so private and almost vulnerable. But I saw tacked above his desk that drawing of me, the drawing where I looked more like Mother than myself.

I stepped over the windowsill. ā€œI thought you were my friend.ā€

His head snapped up and his eyes opened wide.

ā€œI thought you were my friend, but now I canā€™t even trust you. You saw a painting of my mother in Paris, and yet you never told me. Why?ā€

But he didnā€™t answer my question. ā€œYou canā€™t justā€¦push in like this,ā€ he cried. He picked up his damp white shirt from where heā€™d dropped it on the floor and yanked it on.

ā€œPush in?ā€

ā€œThatā€™s all youā€™ve been doing since you arrived. Youā€™ve made me miss tennis matches and weekend studying. You made Stefan Bauer come all the way here and now heā€™s met you and Iā€™m hearing about it. And then I had a lecture from Maman, as though it were my fault that you held my face like that.ā€

None of what he said made sense. Iā€™d been the one dismissed earlier, when he introduced me to Stefan Bauer, but now he was acting as though Iā€™d done wrong merely by being there.

ā€œPush in?ā€ I repeated.

ā€œInto my room, into my life, into my mind, into myā€”ā€

ā€œI havenā€™t pushed into anything. I was invited.ā€ Now I was furious, too.

ā€œI didnā€™t invite you.ā€

ā€œBut yet you come almost every weekend. You wrote me letters and brought me fruit under the chestnut tree. Youā€™ve been always here.ā€

He angrily buttoned his shirt. ā€œWhen Maman asks me to come to meet her newest stray, what am I to say?ā€

ā€œI see.ā€ I pulled myself back up into the windowsill. ā€œIā€™m just another of Madame CrĆ©petā€™s dogs or cats. Somebody elseā€™s castoff. Youā€™re only here to be sure Iā€™m walked and watered, no?ā€

ā€œOh, thatā€™s not what I meant.ā€

ā€œItā€™s what you said,ā€ I shot back. ā€œOne more person who doesnā€™t want the burden of having me around.ā€

ā€œNow youā€™re twisting what Iā€™m saying.ā€

ā€œI heard your maman say that she didnā€™t think my place was here.ā€ I swung my legs out of the window. ā€œDonā€™t worry. Iā€™ll find someone who does. Iā€™ll find someone who cares.ā€

I slid down the roof to my own window, only realizing after that Luc hadnā€™t answered my question about the painting, the whole reason Iā€™d gone looking for him. But what did I expect him to say? Confess that heā€™d kept things from me? Confess that, all along, my mother had been a train ride away?

I opened the door to my room. The little brown-eyed maid was in the hallway right outside my door, looking concerned. Clearly, sheā€™d heard the shouting all the way from Lucā€™s room upstairs. ā€œPlease tell Madame that I am feeling unwell tonight. I wonā€™t take any supper, thank you. Tell her I will be going to bed early.ā€

The maid left and I pulled my small travel valise from the wardrobe. I filled it quickly, watching the door, afraid she would come back in. I buttoned up my new gray jacket and tucked in my little purse of money. From the valise, I took a yellowed envelope. In the corner was an inked fleur-de-lis. I opened it and, in my coat and hat, read the short note inside, though I could recite it by heart.

My Clare, I must go, to see the world, to find the art that I lost long ago. Itā€™s no longer in Scotland. Iā€™ll wilt away here if I stay. Forgive me.

I folded the note, folded the envelope, and put it in my coat pocket. Maybe she found that art. Maybe I could find her.

I slipped from my room and down the back staircase to the kitchen. Marthe was out cutting herbs, so no one saw me leave the kitchen and Mille Mots.

I only had the faintest idea of how to get to the train station. When Madame had brought me to Mille Mots all those weeks ago, it had been in a borrowed automobile, my first. I retraced my steps as best I could, along the river, through a village, up a ridge, until I saw the gleam of train tracks in the distance.

The waiting room at the station was empty, but there was one more train to Paris due.

ā€œYou can wait outside on the platform,ā€ the stationmaster said.

I patted my pocket to be sure I had my small purse and stepped outside.

But the station wasnā€™t empty. I saw, in the shadow of the platform, a pale suit.

ā€œMademoiselle.ā€ Lucā€™s friend stepped from the shadow, wheeling a motorbike. ā€œOr, as we say in my country, ā€˜frƤulein.ā€™ā€‰ā€ He touched his chest. ā€œStefan Bauer.ā€

ā€œAh, yes.ā€ I looked back over my shoulder. ā€œHow do you do?ā€

He followed my glance. ā€œAre you being followed, frƤulein?ā€

ā€œYes.ā€ I shifted the valise in my hands. ā€œI mean, no.ā€

ā€œMay I?ā€ He gestured towards my bag.

I hesitated, then handed it to him. ā€œIā€™m going to Paris, too.ā€

ā€œHow exciting for you.ā€ His English was so correct, like I imagined the kingā€™s to be. ā€œVisiting friends?ā€

Hands behind my back, I crossed my fingers. ā€œVisiting family.ā€

He leaned forward, almost confidentially. ā€œAll alone? You are brave, frƤulein.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not alone right now, sir.ā€ I hoped I sounded confident.

ā€œNo, you are not.ā€ He offered an arm. ā€œYou are certainly not.ā€

Stefan Bauer was a gentleman. After he loaded his motorbike, he led me onto the train. He found a quiet carriage and spread out a clean handkerchief for me to sit on. I watched as he hung his hat and patted his jacket pockets, finding a little candy tin. Though the car was empty, he sat right next to me and offered a sweet.

ā€œThe family you are visitingā€¦Luc did not say you had family who lived in Paris.ā€

I pressed my pocket to hear the crinkle of the envelope. ā€œMy mother is there.ā€ He glanced down at my hand over the pocket. ā€œI just have to find her.ā€

ā€œFrƤulein.ā€ He took my hand in his. It was cool and dry, like paper. ā€œYou have my help.ā€

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