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“It's time to come inside, love. Cole and Meg are waiting for you.”

“I'm not ready for this, Gram,” my voice cracked. “I can't be who they think

I am…who you think I am.”

“It isn't who we think you are that matters. It is who you are.” Gram stood

and held out her hand to help me up. “We have a big day tomorrow. Let's get dinner and make plans.”

I took her hand, and we walked back to the house. Stopping, I grasp on her

tightened. “Wait,” I said. “I think we need to make more of that memory potion,

tomorrow. If something happens, I want to be able to keep my promise to protect

the magic.”

“See, my girl, it is what is inside you already. Tomorrow morning, we'll

make more, in case it is needed.” She smiled at me before she gently tugged my

hand. “Now, let's go eat.”

When we arrived home, we found Cole and Meg playing a card game at the

kitchen table.

“Cos,” Meg cried out, “you cheat. You can't play that card!” Meg threw her

cards onto the discard pile, and shouted, “I win! You cheated!”

“Winning isn't cheating,” Cole corrected. “You're becoming a horrible poor


Gram interrupted their argument. “Let's clear the table. The lasagna is ready,

and the garlic toast is going to be dried out if we wait much longer.”

Never wanting to miss a meal, Cole hopped up and went for the plates.

“Come on, Meg, we'll play again after dinner.”

Meg followed after him begrudgingly. “Why would I want to play with a


"Because you know you love me." Cole grinned and tousled her hair.

Dinner was exactly what we all needed. The warm vegetable lasagna oozed with

cheese while the garlic bread was crispy and buttery. Eating and laughing, Gram

went over her mental checklist of the things we needed to finish in the morning.

With the meal finished, the dishes cleaned up, and everything put away, we

settled in the living room. Meg and Gram snuggled on the overstuffed purple love seat. Cole and I chose to sit close together on the red couch.

“Everything is ready to go.” Gram smoothed Meg's hair. “In the morning, we

can load up the truck and head out about nine. I want everyone to bed early.”

Eyeing me, she repeated, “Everyone.”

Yawning, I agreed, “I'm exhausted already. I think I'm going to make it an early night after I take a warm bath.” Resting my head on Cole's shoulder, I asked, “You won't be too mad if I head off now, will you?”

Glancing towards my grandmother and sister, who looked like they would

nod off at any moment, he chuckled. “You all have had a long day. We should all

hit the hay.”

Agreeing, Gram stood up and kissed us both on the head. “Come on, little

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