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His face was void of emotion, except his eyes filled with amusement.

He thinks he can charm his way out of this. Not waiting for an answer, I stomped away. I grabbed my suitcase with the hidden manuscripts I was working

on. I began flinging random items into my suitcase.

Jeremy watched with a cold, calculating look on his face as I filled another

bag with my things. “You need help, Caitlyn. I’m not your father. Just because

he cheated on your mom doesn’t mean I’m guilty of the same crime.”

“Why would you bring him up? This is about you and your inability to be with one person. You won’t change, so I need to leave.”

“Babe, I want to help you, but you’re right. I think you should go. It will be

better for both of us.” He picked up the packed bags.

I stared at him in shock. “That is all you have to say for yourself? I need help? I do? Why am I playing Stepford wife while you’re sleeping with trash?”

“I’ve done nothing wrong. When would I have time for an affair with your

insatiable demands? You’re letting your imagination run wild, Caitlyn. So, a beautiful woman texted me, did you see any responses from me? I’ve been nothing but a faithful and loving husband to you.”

Jeremy gripped my arm and dragged me out of the bedroom. I struggled as

he pulled me harder towards the front door. “If you want me to make a scene and

embarrass you, I will, Caitlyn. I prefer you act like a lady and leave our reputation intact.” He pushed the button on the intercom. “Have my driver outside in five minutes. Mrs. Whittaker is going on a vacation.”

Stunned, I rode in the elevator. The doors opened on floor twelve, and Joe and

Susanna Taylor joined us.

“Are you guys going on a trip?” Susanna asked.

I was too numb to answer. We knew this couple. We’d had dinners with them

on several occasions. To my surprise, Jeremy lied to them about a fabulous surprise he had planned for me.

“I have the best wife in the world.” Jeremy wrapped his arm around me, kissing my cheek. “Caitlyn really deserves a break. She just found out I’m whisking her off to the airport. After her eleven-hour flight, she will have a week to spend touring Paris on her own for some shopping therapy.”

Shocked, I plastered a smile on my face.

“I’ve also planned a private tour of the Louvre. Caitlyn loves talking about

art,” Jeremy said.

He almost sounds like he knows what I like.

“Twenty-six days to see everything Europe has to offer. I know my Cait will

love the French Riviera. She will need the bike tours to keep this figure after all the food she will be eating,” Jeremy laughed and affectionately pulled me closer.

What a convincing liar. By the time we reached the lobby, I almost believed I was going on a fabulous trip.

“I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back,” Susanna said excitedly.

Jeremy led me to the waiting car as I waved to the couple. The icy chill from

the night air hit me, and I took a long, slow breath. Opening the door, Jeremy waited until I entered.

Leaning inside, he warned, “I’ll not let you drag my name through the mud,

Caitlyn. You need to get help. I don’t want to see you until you’re ready to apologize to me.”

Having been instructed to take me to my mother’s house in San Diego, the driver proceeded with a nod.

Stunned, I rode in silence. I couldn’t believe he had really sent me away. My

cell phone vibrated.

Jeremy: Your credit cards are canceled. I have called a locksmith. When

you’re ready to behave, call me.

Staring out the window, I felt blank. Has this really happened? Did my husband just kick me out of the house because I caught him cheating? Picking up my cell, I texted the only person in the world I knew would listen – Thomas.

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