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“But, Paz—”

Don’t go in fixing things without discussing it with your customer first.”

Jacques Harris pressed his lips together and acknowledged his boss’s firm advice. “The fool treats that Testarossa like crap,” he couldn’t help but remark.

Topaz pressed her forehead against her palm and smiled.

“He don’t replace the wiper fluid, transmission fluid’s always low, glops of mud underneath the body, and I bet the nigga don’t even check the oil.”

“So you’re upset, why?” Topaz challenged, shrugging as Jacques pinned her with his deep-set chocolate gaze. “Sweetie, you are getting paid each and every time he pulls this stuff.”

“But the car, Topaz ...” Jacques moaned, shoving one hand through his thick Afro. “People like him shouldn’t have cars like that.”

“Jacques, listen, I appreciate your passion. I’m proud to have a mechanic like you on my staff, but you’ve gotta take a step back from it, okay? Why don’t you try to lightly suggest to Mark the things you’ve noticed before you fix them? Open up the lines of communication just a little bit more,” Topaz advised, spreading her hands apart for emphasis. “That just might get you a lot further with this guy.”

Still exasperated, but somewhat pacified, Jacques nodded. “Thanks, Topaz,” he sighed, then left the spacious back office.

Topaz was chuckling softly when the phone rang. “Top E Towing and Mechanical,” she greeted.

“Hey, girl, how about dinner?”

“Simon?” Topaz blurted, surprised to hear the man’s voice. “All right, now I’m suspicious. First the party and now a dinner invitation? What’s up?”

Simon uttered an overexaggerated sigh, pretending to be offended. “I don’t see the problem with one friend asking another one out to dinner. You got plans?”

“I guess I do. With you.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. Pick you up at seven, all right?”

“All right. Uh, Simon?”


“You okay?”

Silence met the question. “Why?” he finally replied. Topaz shrugged, tapping her fingers on her glass-topped desk. “Just wondering if there was anything wrong. You sound ... funny.”

“Funny, huh? I should take offence to that.”


“Baby, I’m fine. Okay?”

“If you say so,” Topaz conceded, deciding to find out more during dinner. “See you later.”

The connection broke and less than a minute passed before the phone rang again.

“Grand Central around here,” Topaz whispered as she pulled the receiver off its hook. “Top E Towing and Mechanical,” she greeted.

“Hey, girl.”

“Well, hello,” Topaz drawled, smiling at the light tone of Casey Williams’s voice. “I haven’t talked to you since we separated at Goldie’s. So. How was the after party?” she slyly inquired.

“Hmph, obviously not that great. I made it to work on time,” Casey lamented.

Topaz laughed. “Mmm ... your lady friend wasn’t up for overnight company in the middle of the week, I take it?”

“Nah, and neither was her man.”


“Don’t worry ’bout it. Today more than made up for my night.”

Topaz toyed with one of her pigtails. “Should I take that to mean that you’re gonna be happy working for the Queen City Happening?”

“You should.”

“So tell me about it.”

“Well, actually, it had a lot to do with you.”

“Me!” Topaz shrieked, bolting up in her mauve suede desk chair.

Casey was laughing as he spoke. “I had an idea for a new section featuring local businesses and entrepreneurs. It was a hit and our first story will feature Top E Towing and Mechanical and its beautiful proprietor—Topaz Emerson.”

“Me?” Topaz sighed, a bit calmer this time. “I can’t believe y’all would consider me.”

“Why not? You’re perfect,” Casey assured her. “Smart, gorgeous lady makin’ a killing in a, quote, ‘man’s business’? Girl, people are gonna eat that mess up,” he predicted.

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