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“My aunt Sophia’s even worse than my parents. The woman’s determined to see me married to one of her friends’ rich, dry-humored, boring sons.”

Alex chuckled. “Your aunt just loves you—wants the best for you,” he argued, trying to play devil’s advocate.

“Hmph, my aunt’s just ashamed of me,” Topaz corrected, her voice unusually rigid. “She just started to speak to me again, you know?”

Alex frowned a bit. “What happened?”

Topaz rolled her eyes and leaned against the desk. “Sophia wanted to kill me when I broke up with Simon.”

The mention of that relationship caused the muscle to twitch in Alex’s jaw. He stood from his chair. “So why are you stressing a party with the woman if she’s so hard to handle?”

“Because she’s my dad’s only sister,” Topaz explained, smoothing her hands across her bare arms. “She’s got no kids of her own. Rich and lonely ... I sort of feel sorry for her, you know?”

Alex didn’t know. Sophia Emerson sounded like an aunt he’d write off no matter how pathetic her life was. Of course, this was Topaz and he was beginning to see how truly special she was. She had been treated coldly, but rose above it all to keep a callous aunt from being lonely.

Topaz noticed Alex staring and tilted her head a bit. “Everything okay?” she probed.

Alex pushed one hand into the pocket of his beige trousers. “You’re too sweet for your own good,” he admitted simply, regarding her with a narrowed blue-green stare. “I pray it never gets you into trouble.”

Topaz shrugged. “I’m afraid it has. More than once. Anyway,” she sighed, moving away from the desk, “looks like I’ve got another Sophia Emerson party to suffer through.”

Silence filled the den for a few moments. Then Topaz turned to pin Alex with an anxious gaze.

Alex’s mouth curved into a curious smile as he watched her. “What?”

Topaz glanced at the floor, then hesitantly took a few baby steps toward him. “Would you consider going with me to this party?” she blurted.

Alex blinked, momentarily surprised by the invite, but curious as well. “Don’t you think you’d be putting yourself out there for more crap from your aunt? Obviously she’s got someone for you to meet.”

Topaz stepped closer, clutching her hands. “That’s why I want you with me. My aunt’s a very proper woman. She wouldn’t be so crass as to push someone up in my face right in front of you. Besides, it would keep her other boring friends from holding my ears hostage all night,” she decided, expelling a soft laugh.

Alex didn’t appear quite as amused. “So are you saying you don’t expect to be bored with me?”

Topaz sobered. “Not a chance. Please, Alex?” she whispered, raising her clasped hands in a pleading gesture.

Of course, Alex had no thoughts of refusing. When she moved closer and said, “Please,” he knew in that instant he would move heaven and earth to make her happy.

“I’ll be there,” he promised, taking both her hands in one of his. “Just tell me when you want me to pick you up.”

Topaz was so elated, she squealed and threw her arms around Alex’s neck. Impulsively, she pressed a lingering kiss to the corner of his mouth, then gasped and moved away.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “It’s just that you don’t know how much aggravation your being there will save me. Lemme get you a Kleenex,” she offered, never noticing the intensity of Alex’s stare as she walked over to the end table.

“I can’t wait for my aunt to see me walking in with you,” she rambled, while wiping all traces of lipstick from his cheek. “This may be the first party she’s given that I’ll enjoy,” she went on, glancing at Alex as she spoke. The undeniable emotion she glimpsed in the startling depths of his eyes drew a gasp past her lips. Before her nerves could get the better of her, she moved away.

“I’m ready if you are,” she called, heading out of the den. “Just let me grab my jacket from the hall closet.”

Alex made no move to follow, watching her walk away. He brushed his fingers against his cheek, then rolled his eyes and cursed his reaction to her. Silently, he berated himself for behaving like some young boy who had never been touched by a woman.

A soft chuckle erupted then, causing his dimples to flash. No, he was far from that. Topaz was just different—too different from the type of women he was used to. She had the face, body, and sensuality of an expert seductress. However, it was the sweetness that practically radiated like a beacon that threw him. That was the quality that held him utterly entranced.

“Alex? I’m ready when you are!” she called from the hall.

Snapping to, Alex clicked off the television and left the den. He found Topaz in the hall about to ease into a delicate chiffon jacket. Pulling the garment from her fingers, he held it for her and pulled her hair from the upturned collar. He allowed himself a moment’s indulgence, immersing his fingers in the sleek black mass a bit longer than necessary. Then, clearing his throat, he stepped past her to hold open the front door.

Topaz locked up and waited as Alex checked the door behind him. She took note of his attentiveness—the way he cupped her elbow as they descended the front porch steps, the way he held open the door of the SUV before helping her inside, making sure her jacket never touched the step rail. Alexander Rice behaved more like a gentleman than any of the dozens of “cultured” young men she’d dated. Still, there was that ... something ... a dangerous aura that followed him like a mist.

Alex shut the driver’s-side door as he settled behind the wheel and started the engine. Topaz shook her head and told herself she was reading too much into the demeanor of a sexy, rugged man who made her heart race and ignited the most intimate areas simply by looking her way.


My Place lived up to its name in every sense of the phrase. The restaurant was decorated just like a home. The lobby was fashioned like a comfortable den, complete with cushiony sofas, pool tables, televisions, and magazines littering the coffee tables.

The kitchen was in the rear and encased in glass. The dining room tables were round and the room itself was furnished with oversized shaded lamps and murals. Diners were afforded the luxury of having their meal served in personal casserole dishes, enabling them to dip their own food and eat their fill. Though a bit on the expensive side, the place was well worth it.

Alex and Topaz arrived to find the restaurant quite busy. Luckily, their table was almost ready so the wait would be brief. Topaz decided to pass the time inspecting the lobby. Alex followed.

“They’ve got a pool table,” she announced upon entering the doorway.

Only two other couples occupied the lobby. The men actually ceased their game to watch Topaz, who strolled around the room. Alex lingered behind and watched the scene unfold. As he expected, the two angry girlfriends slapped the back of their men’s heads to regain their attention. Topaz was still inspecting the room and didn’t notice the arguing foursome a few feet away. The group had stormed out, several seconds before she even approached the table.

“Do you think we have time for a game?” she was asking Alex.

He glanced at the silver wristwatch he sported and grimaced. “I doubt it.”

Obviously disappointed, Topaz looked back at the table and sighed.

“You that good?” Alex inquired, taking a seat on the table’s mahogany trim.

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