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Simon chuckled. “Getting away? Taking some time off?”

“Oh, that ...” Topaz remarked with an airy wave.


“Simon, that sounds so good right now, you have no idea. But there’s no way I can take time away right now. There’s way too much going on.”

“Am I gonna have to take it upon myself to see that you take a break?”

Topaz smiled, smoothing her hands across his shoulders as she stepped close. “Listen, I promise I intend to get away. If it makes you feel better to know this, I have two friends about to have an engagement party in a couple of months. It’s supposed to be a weekend thing, so there.”

Simon wasn’t content. “You work way too hard for just a weekend off. What about something more extended?”

“Paz, I’ll meet you out front, all right?” Casey called, taking note of the fire brimming in her eyes. “Simon, man, I’ll be seein’ you,” he added.

“Now listen,” Topaz whispered, her expression still inviting, “I don’t want to fight again over this.”


“But I am fine. I realize I need some time away and I’ll take it.”

“Just not now?”

“Just not now,” she confirmed, watching Simon press his lips together. “Can we drop this? Please?”

Simon answered by placing a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I’ll always care about you, honey.”

“I know and I feel the same about you. So why not do yourself a favor and take your own good advice?”


Topaz giggled. “Here you are, getting on me for working too hard, when it’s you who’s the workaholic.”

Simon laughed at once, nodding his agreement.


“Alex? There’s a Beck Gillam on the line for you.”

Alex froze, his back going rigid beneath the fabric of his tan shirt. The name never failed to produce the same reaction.


“Uh, thanks—thanks, Sarah,” he called to Clifton’s assistant. “Put him through,” he said, turning to stare out at his view of downtown. “Thanks for not putting the title before your name, man.”

Dr. Beck Gillam chuckled over the line. “Just proving once again that I know how to keep the confidence of my patients.”

“Well, I thank you. So, um, what’s goin’ on?”

Beck cleared his throat shortly. “I was concerned, Alex. You know you haven’t been in touch in a while.”

“I’m impressed,” Alex drawled, managing to sound as though he were teasing when in actuality he was quite perturbed at being tracked down. “You so interested in all your patients, Doc?” he asked.

“Only the seven-foot giants with anger management issues.”

“Don’t start, B.,” Alex whispered, his teasing persona vanishing.

“I want to know how you’re doing.”

“Just fine.”

“Still taking your medication?”

Alex’s gaze faltered. “I started to slack off,” he admitted, moving to sit on the edge of his desk. “I haven’t had any problems. Now I’m completely off the stuff.”

“Don’t try to doctor yourself, man,” Beck advised, making no attempt to mask his displeasure.

Alex let his lashes flutter closed. “For the last time, I’m fine.” He spoke through clenched teeth.

“Fine, huh?” Beck challenged. “Anything stressful going on right now?”


That’s what worries me.”

“Beck ...” Alex warned, knowing full well what the psychiatrist was leading to.

“I truly believe you are feelin’ fine right now—you’re probably feelin’ great now. But the minute something happens to stress you is when the problems will begin.”

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