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“Who do you think you are?” Topaz snapped, wrenching free of his hold. “What right do you have to question anything or anyone I’m involved with?”

“What are you tryin’ to say?”

“I said it! You have no right to come at me like this. I don’t have to justify a thing to you!”


“Especially when it’s about somethin’ as innocent as a golf lesson!” she raged.

Alex, however, seemed calm. “A golf lesson?” he almost whispered, a wicked smirk triggering deep dimples near his mouth. “A golf lesson. And I suppose if he’d stuck his hand down inside your pants, you would’ve thought he was just tryin’ to give you a better stance?”

Topaz slapped him and didn’t stand around to witness his reaction. Again, she prepared to storm off, but again, she was hindered. Alex’s reflexes were swift. He caught her arm in one hand while the other curved around her neck. He punished her with a deep kiss. Of course, the “punishment” simply belied the sensual, heated thrusts of the kiss.

Topaz kept her hands curled into fists, which she pounded against his chest. The blows had little power as the seeking, caressing lunges of his tongue soon left her gasping his name.

Several moments passed, and then Topaz felt Alex’s touch venturing to the button securing her jeans. Her anger was rejuvenated, her fists slamming against his chest and shoulders. His kisses were impossible to resist, but she would not allow her desire for him to overrule all rational thought.

Of course, Alex was unfazed by her resistance. He ignored the refusals and suavely unfastened her pants, removing them and her shoes. He lifted her as though she were weightless and carried her despite her kicking and punching, to the sofa. There, he made her straddle his lap, keeping her wrists locked in his grasp as he unraveled her ponytail.

“Damn you.” She sneered, desperate to free her wrists. An angry tear slid from the corner of her eye when she felt her body respond to his touch, which ventured beneath her sweater. Her lower lip trembled in a mix of frustration and desire. “Don’t.” She weakly resisted when he pushed the sweater from her shoulders and went to work on the bra hooks.

The straps gave way once the fastenings were loosened. Alex released her wrists in order to free her of the lacy garment. Immediately, Topaz responded with a cracking slap to the side of his face.

Alex grimaced at the sting before jerking her close. “Stop fighting me,” he ordered, tightening his hold on her upper arms.

His striking stare drained her refusal and Topaz averted her face when he leaned close to ravish her neck with his attention. Her lashes fluttered with a will of their own. Her fingers curved into the neckline of his sweatshirt and she pulled him closer.

Alex’s massive hands smoothed down her back and hips, savoring the feel of her silken dark chocolate form bared to his gaze. His hold firmed upon her waist to settle her closer. One hand moved to cup a breast for his mouth. Topaz let her head fall back as his lips traced the plump circumference of her breast. His tongue stroked her infrequently, finally closing around one nipple and suckling as the bud grew more rigid with his manipulations.

Topaz watched as his mouth worked across her skin. She observed the way his sleek brows drew closed as he focused on her body. When he turned his attention to the other firming bud, she wiggled herself across the incredible ridge straining beneath his jeans.

“Alex,” she moaned, only to have him push her down on the sofa to further indulge himself in the pleasures of her body.

Leaving her clothed only in the inviting wispy panties, Alex began a devastating assault against the uncovered areas. Topaz squeezed her eyes shut, determined not to lose herself in such overwhelming pleasure. Of course, that would be impossible to accomplish as he began to satisfy her through the barrier of her only undergarment. She could feel his nose nudging her—his tongue feverishly thrusting against the drenched middle of her panties. Her breathless cries filled the tiny cabin and eventually she sought to free herself from the confines of the lingerie.

Alex pressed her hands to her sides and held her in place while he continued the erotic torture. At last, his perfect teeth tugged away the panties. He loved her with his lips and tongue until she screamed his name. When at last protection was in place, he pleased her with the delights of his incredible body. Desire left Topaz both drained yet unashamedly wanton. They spent the entire day making love. Alex only allowed Topaz brief intervals of sleep between the rapacious love sessions that zapped her strength while invigorating her erogenous zones. It was approaching dusk when they finally walked out of the hidden cottage.


Horace White and Stan Webster sat stone-faced and speechless as they watched the short, thin, balding man who had just completed his report.

Horace leaned forward, bracing his elbows on the top of his desk. “You’re kidding, right?”

“A joke before he gives us the real story?” Stan guessed.

Raymond Jolzon shook his head while closing the silver briefcase he’d brought into the meeting. “I assure you both that we are not mistaken,” he said, fixing both partners with his steadiest gaze.

Horace and Stan looked at one another. After almost a full minute, grins simultaneously creased their faces.

“Damn, Ray, when we asked you to do the survey, we were just covering our bases. We never expected you to find somethin’ like this.”

Raymond shrugged, but appreciated Stan Webster’s astonishment. “What will you do with this information?” he inquired, chuckling when the partners responded with dazed looks. “You both realize, you all are now very comfortable financially.”

Horace slowly spread his hands. “Ray, we’ve been very comfortable financially.”

“Yeah, but now you’re filthy comfortable,” he clarified, pulling his briefcase off the table and turning for the door. “Call me when you get over the shock.”

“Did you expect this?” Horace whispered, when he and his partner were alone.

“Not in two million years.... It all makes perfect sense, though.”

“You mean the buyouts?”

Stan only nodded.

“What do you think we should do?”

“I think it’s time to have another meeting.”


Topaz attempted to smother another yawn, but failed at the task. “Simon,” she groaned, leaning her head against the man’s shoulder.

“Just a little longer, sweetheart,” he whispered, smiling down at her.

“I don’t believe you,” she grumbled, feeling his shoulder when he chuckled.

“Simon, my man, you plan on takin’ advantage of Weston or Graeme when you play the market again?”

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