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Alex leaned his head against the chair, his eyes closing as he realized how the situation began. “Hmph, Cal was always a sucka for a get-rich-quick scheme,” he chided.

Carlos nodded, but he was far from amused. “He’s a misguided soul and determined to keep this family drowning in illegal activity,” he said, slamming his palm to the desk as he stood. “I never apologized for the way I handled my business. I did what I had to do because then it was the only way I felt I could do it and I had a family to support. I did those things so Calvin wouldn’t have to ... ” He trailed away, rubbing both hands across his balding dome. “He’s never understood it. I’ve actually seen him turn giddy from the possibility of violence. There’ve been times when I’ve wondered if he’s my son at all. I know I’ll never be able to entrust my life’s work to my only son,” he admitted, turning toward Alex.

“On the phone, your contact said ‘things’ were in the works to remove the threat to my fiancée’s life. Can you clarify that?”

The worn look of a disappointed father left Carlos’s face and was replaced by a more stoic expression. “If something isn’t done, there will be no more Fines Group,” he said, coming to take the armchair next to Alex. “I’m an old man, Xan, but many young fathers depend on me to feed their families. My ... son is spoiled, selfish, and evil with no desire or intent to change.”

Alex leaned forward, knowing he had to be misreading what he saw in the older man’s eyes. “He’s your son.”

“He won’t live to see the beginning of the week. It’s been decided. The only question now is: Who will see it through?”

“So you called me?” Alex queried, his light eyes intense and mercilessly probing.

“You’re surprised?” Carlos argued, spreading his arms as he stood. “Cal’s never cared for you, because I cared for you. He’s always known you were the better man and when you walked away ... he knew you’d only gained more of my adoration. I could sit here for hours reminding you of all the things that transpired between the two of you. But the most damning reason for you to handle this is wearing your ring on her finger. His threats on her life have to be eating away at you.”

Alex stood. Suddenly, the rush of rage’s bile threatened to bring him to his knees. The anger built steadily inside him as his hands curled into massive fists aching to strike.

“You have no idea how much it eats away at me,” he said when he was able to turn and face Carlos. “To do this would give me a satisfaction you can’t imagine. But I don’t want that life anymore.”

Carlos leaned against his desk. “Who said anything about that? You would be ridding yourself of the man who threatened the life of the woman you love.”

“And it’s because of her that I can’t do this,” Alex decided, knowing Topaz had much to do with it. Moreover, he knew that to resist so powerful an urge would be the greatest step in triumphing over the anger that had ruled his heart for so long.

Carlos folded his arms across his chest and nodded. “Topaz Emerson must be a remarkable lady and not just on the outside.”

Alex cleared his throat. “She is and if this was all you wanted to discuss, I’ll be saying good night to you.”

Carlos studied Alex’s extended hand momentarily, before he accepted the shake. “All the best to you, son,” he whispered.


Lynetia Rice left the ladies’ room to find her soon-to-be daughter-in-law seated on one of the brick-red-paneled benches along the corridor. Lynetia’s captivating heart-shaped face softened with adoration for her son’s choice and she strolled across the hall.

“Looks like you’re hiding,” she observed, smoothing a lock of Topaz’s hair behind her ear.

“Is it that obvious?”

Laughing softly, Lynetia settled her petite frame on the short bench. “Family gatherings can be a lot to take. Especially when something else is on your mind.”

Topaz’s smile belied the confusion in her eyes. “Something else?” she asked.

“Mmm,” Lynetia confirmed, smoothing her small hands along the silky gold sleeves of her blouse.

“Lynetia, nothing’s wrong. I’m sorry if I upset you.”

“Oh, hush,” the little woman playfully scolded, brushing her fingers against the flaring plum hem of Topaz’s dress. “I know my son well enough to know when he’s in a mood, and I believe you know it too. Besides, you were completely changed when you came back to the table.”

“Oh, Miss Lynetia,” Topaz moaned into her hands, “I love Alex so much, but it’s so hard to deal with him when he shuts me out this way.”

“It’s something I’ve had to deal with for years, baby,” Lynetia shared, hugging Topaz. “My son has gotten himself into some things that have haunted him terribly. I think he may always be haunted by them.”

“How did you handle that? Him shutting you out that way?”

Lynetia’s smile only increased the youthful radiance of her honey-toned complexion. “Well, sweetie, I did have an edge. I’m his mother and I couldn’t walk away no matter how much I sometimes wanted to.”

Topaz laughed, blinking away her tears as her mood lightened

“My son is very, very adamant about protecting and providing for those he loves. Sometimes I think he actually obsesses about it. The way we struggled when he was so very young played a huge part in the decisions he made later on. Then, when he realized what he’d gotten into, he felt he had no one to turn to and no way out.”

Topaz turned to face Lynetia more fully on the bench. “But he had you,” she pointed out.

“And getting him to confide in me was like pulling teeth and it still is at times. Even as his mother, I have to keep pressing until that iron will of his caves in,” she confided, reaching out to cup Topaz’s cheek against her palm. “It’s an exhausting process, but he always gives in.”

Topaz reached up to pat Lynetia’s hand. “Some mothers would have given up. Cast Alex off as a worthless son.”

Lynetia smiled off into the distance as though she were picturing her son just then. “Alex is a man worth saving. I’ve always believed that and I’d like to think I’d feel that way even if he weren’t my son.”

“I believe he’s worth saving too and I also believe you’ve worked alone in doing that for too long,” Topaz whispered, pressing a kiss to Lynetia’s cheek before they hugged.


Alex could not shake his furious mood despite his firm decision to not take part in Calvin Fines’s demise. He couldn’t return to the hotel. Topaz was there and he wasn’t ready to face her. Instead, he opted for lodging in a New York City hotel and a call to his therapist.

The talk with Beck had calmed him, but his reaction to Carlos Fines’s request concerned him. Scared him. Clearly, he was still easily riled—murderously so. For that reason, he refused to go to Topaz. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her, in any way.

Alex grimaced at the bourbon bottle on the nightstand next to his bed. After a moment, he twisted the sealed cap and took a lengthy swallow. “Damn it,” he hissed, knowing what he had to do.


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