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Alma nodded, satisfied. “You’re a smart kid. I feel very good about trusting you with my money.”

Liam froze. “Scuzi?”


Liam got home near dusk to find his houseguest furiously at work setting dinner to the table.

“Buonasera, Liam. There is roast chicken with thyme and shallots from the garden. Garlic seasoned potatoes, zucchini on the side also from the garden and a delicious prosecco.”

“That also from your garden?” Liam teased, referring to the white wine Athena had listed.

She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Now that would be a gift. There’s a winery in town that trades near the market. Their vineyard is just past-”

“Don Alma wants to send me to America to help DiCenzo become a millionaire with his fabrics.”

A heavy spoon sent a clatter through the kitchen when it hit the counter. Athena moved to the table and sat as if she were dazed. “That’s why he wanted to see you.”

“He’s offering full passage aboard The Venetian Sword, leaving from the Port of Venice,” Liam continued, “there will be living quarters in New York and a warehouse property to serve as storage, factory or whatever I see fit.”

Athena watched her hands fidgeting over a fork and spoon. “When are you leaving?”

“I’m not going alone.”

She gave a watery laugh. “I didn’t think you would be. I suppose Nandi and the others are over the moon.”

“I guess they will be once I tell them. I wanted to tell you first.”

Her smile was tight over the news. “Don’t worry, it won’t take long for me to be ready to leave.”


“When do you want me gone?” Her every word trembled then.


Her jaw dropped. “Surely you don’t mean for me to live here in your family home?”

“I was hoping you’d come with us.”

Athena was pushing to her feet, violet eyes wide with shock. “You’re insane! America? Come with you to-to...”

“Yes Athena, America. I want you there with us. With me.”

Speechless then, Athena backed away feeling cold in the green sundress she wore. She returned to the stove, but made a poor effort of stirring the pot there. Leaving that task, she began to wipe down the counter space and couldn’t stick to that job either.

“Liam!” She huffed, tugging at the ties of the apron at her waist. “All I’ve done, why-”

“In the past. Everyone says America is a new world. Why don’t we see if they’re right?”

“What would I do there?”

“Whatever you want. I’d like you to be part of this venture.”

“Me?! A woman? Your friends will really give you hell for that!”

She laughed then and Liam fully appreciated the sound.

“Don Alma put me in charge, Athena.” He moved past her to the stove and sniffed the pots bubbling there. “What do you say?” He pressed, still focused on the pots’ offerings. “Are you bold enough to see more of the world than our delightful Trento?”


Dinner was served a short while later. Athena was bringing a plate of hot bread to the table when her eyes lit on the parchment near Liam’s chair.

“Our efforts in the hills weren’t in vain,” he said when she pushed the document aside. “We helped capture the bandits responsible for the attack on Don Alma’s daughter. The Don says it’ll be an old fashioned trial. Chances are, those men will be hung right there after the verdict is read and they’re sentenced.”

“Should be quite the event,” Athena sighed. “People enjoy turning out for an execution,” blithely, she unrolled the parchment and froze. The page crinkled around her fingers when her hands shook.

“Are they...sure they have the right men?” she asked.

“The Don seems certain,” Liam was more interested in filling his plate with food.

Athena continued to review the page. Her eyes traced Dante Borja’s and Georgano Llama’s familiar faces. They couldn’t have been joined up with bandits in the hills when the three of them had spent their afternoons fucking for the better part of the six months before and during the time of the attack.


She hesitated a moment longer and then forced a refreshing sigh. “You haven’t filled your plate with enough of that chicken, Liam Tesano,” she chided and set aside thoughts of her lovers a moment later.

The rest of the evening was spent with conversation about America, eating and laughter.

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