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Athena’s pre-departure excitement never waned, though it did take a few stumbles especially when she saw how dank and close her ship’s quarters were. She would have expected slightly more lavish accommodations considering they were traveling at the expense of the well-known Don Sante Alma. In the end, she was content knowing she had her own cabin and didn’t have to share like so many did aboard the ship.

Of course there was one she would have gladly shared her lodgings with. Sadly, he’d made other arrangements hence the source of another stumble in her excitement. Liam had decided to bunk with Nandi. She supposed that made sense, after all the two had been talking business non-stop. Even their partners Tonelo, Beniton and Marco lost interest after a while.

Liam and Nandi had discussed plans well into the night their first night at sea. Being sequestered in their own quarters, seemed like a fine idea and yet...Athena had the feeling Liam’s arrangement had less to do with his and Nandi’s business and more to do with their own. She told herself that was a good thing. A smart man like Liam Tesano was viewing her as an equal. If he thought her enough of an equal, she could find herself the master of her own life- a fulfilling possibility.

As fulfilling as being Mrs. Liam Tesano? That felt like a possibility that was slipping farther away each day.


It didn’t take long to adopt a rhythm aboard The Venetian. Dinner was by far the best meal of the day. There was no shortage of fresh caught seafood which the galley cooks expertly seasoned then broiled, stewed or baked to perfection. Paired with crisp vegetables, the meals were unsurpassed. Breakfast, though not quite the culinary spectacle, was equally enjoyed. The day’s first meal drew quite the crowd. Travelers jockeyed for invitations to sup at the Captain’s table, but the Captain made himself more available during breakfast and the occasional lunch. There was the running joke that the man spent more time in the dining halls than at the helm of the ship and if they all weren’t careful, the boat could wind up right back where it started.

Thankfully, The Venetian had a spot-on crew which left its captain more than enough time to socialize with his passengers. Captain Jose Diamante, however, had a respected reputation despite his love for wine and women. In truth, Diamante’s favorite drink was the Kentucky bourbon that he always kept stocked on his ship. That wasn’t to say he was averse to sampling other alcoholic delights. The man was rarely without a drink in hand, yet he amazingly never showed signs of intoxication.

“You reek, Sir.”

Diamante grinned at the insult. Despite missing an upper and lower molar, he managed to maintain a decidedly dashing quality. Athena, who had made the observation, had to wonder how one such as he managed to maintain his appeal.

Diamante’s eyes took full liberties as they surveyed the curvy Italian beauty who had caught his eye from the day she first boarded his ship. Her scowl had been laced with such loathing that day, that for a time she took his mind away from the fine Italian vino some of the passengers had seen fit to make a gift of.

It had taken less than a week for Diamante to woo her into his quarters and less than an hour for her to drop her underthings for him. He missed some of the usual dining appearances that day. He would’ve happily forgone dinner and breakfast to follow for another climax like the one she’d brought him to with the fellatio she’d treated him to after a scandalous romp atop his desk.

Now, in the passageways under the casual glances of crew and passengers alike, they played new roles. She was the outraged lady, he the rakish brute. Well...at least one of them wasn’t playing a role, Diamante thought.

“Apologies if I’ve offended you, Madam. I dare say that I smell like a man who works very hard.”

“Many men work hard and manage to remain pleasing to the nose,” her smile carried underlying sultriness.

“To the eye as well, it would seem Madam Cavalese. You travel with the pretty boy...Liam-Liam Tes...Tesano, yes?”

Some of Athena’s sultry allure sharpened into warning. Diamante moved closer, the dimness of the passageway allowed for bold familiarity to his touch. Casually, he reached up to brush his thumb across the rise of bosom visible at the fitted bodice of the capped-sleeved olive green dress she wore beneath a prim sweater.

“We’re dining together tomorrow evening,” Diamante said. “I expect we’ll have quite a lot of interesting things to talk about. Will you be joining us?”

“Doubtful,” she eyed him unflinchingly. “I may be otherwise engaged.”

“Pity...I should like to have you on my-excuse me-at my table.”

Livid then, Athena studied Diamante’s big, round face covered in months of beard growth and sweat. She couldn’t believe her mouth had favored his cock like it was a sweet treat. The idea made her throb nonetheless. Her lashes fluttered as his thumb made its way around a slowly protruding nipple.

“I do hope you’ll change your mind Miss Cavalese.”

Diamante moved his hand and walk past her so quickly, Athena nearly stumbled forward.

She whirled with fire in her eyes and saw what had encouraged the man’s sudden departure. The Captain was shaking hands with Nandi. She used the moment to make her escape. She needed fresh air to clear the flush from her cheeks and hurried to the deck. She’d been there less than five minutes when Nandi found her. It was enough time to collect herself. She thought it was, anyway.

“Liam is my oldest and best friend,” Nandi wasted no time when he caught up to Athena. “More than that, he’s the best man I know. I wouldn’t take it so well if he was hurt or made a fool of and I would make sure the one who hurt him didn’t fare too well either.”

Athena forced her eyes to Nandi’s when she responded. “It sounds to me like you’re threatening this person. Whomever he or she may be.” Her response carried no trace of the chills Nandi’s words were sending down her spine.

Nandi barely tilted his head in acknowledgement. “Just making sure I’m understood.” He stalked away in the same cool manner he had arrived.


“Trouble, paesano?” Nandi asked when Liam returned to the meeting. He and their partners couldn’t help but notice Liam and Athena in the grips of what seemed to be an explosive conversation at the door to the officer’s lounge.

“No trouble,” Liam said while reclaiming his seat. “Just reminding the lady that this isn’t a pleasure cruise for me.”

The only uniformed man in the room began to chuckle from his place on the high-backed burgundy chair near the hearth. “Beg pardon for listening in, but when traveling with a woman that beautiful, pleasure is always involved.” Quickly, he raised a hand as if in submission.

“I don’t mean to make light, Sir,” he said, “I hope your lady wasn’t too upset about being barred from the meeting.”

“I’m sure she’ll forgive us,” Liam sighed. “Maybe when I’ve done what I promised with my client’s money, I’ll have time to see to that pleasure you speak of.”

“I urge you not to wait too long, Mr. Tesano. A beauty like that will attract suitors like bees to honey.”

“Too right,” Nandi replied grimly and then cleared his throat at Liam’s sharp look. “Mr. Pelt, will the Captain be joining us?” He asked to move the conversation forward.

First mate, Lindley Pelt’s smile illuminated the green eyes that perfectly complimented his auburn hair. “There is a shipboard function tonight and I fear our brandy and cigars will run out before our Captain’s had his fill of it. The Voyage Dance,” Pelt’s smile broadened. “From the conversation at the lounge door, it seems that Signorina Cavalese expected you to join her,” he said to Liam.

“It’s a spectacular event. Held once during each departure,” Pelt explained.

“Ah...” Nandi nodded. “That explains why the dining hall cleared so soon after the main course.”

“Yes, an evening of musical delight in the ship’s ballroom draws the passengers in droves,” Pelt said.

Liam remained silent while recapping the evening’s events in his mind. Athena had indeed been firing mad when she bolted off. He wondered however, if she was angrier over the dance or that she wasn’t invited to join the men for conversation regarding the business proposal Liam had started laying out during dinner.

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