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“H-how?” She was barely able to get the word out.

“I had the necessities delivered along with our usual fabric and supply shipments-there are seeds all the way from Italy.”

Athena pulled her husband close. “It’s perfect.”

Liam kissed the tip of her nose. “You think so?” he asked.

“I do, I do,” she squeezed him in a tight show of gratitude and in an effort to quiet the voice in her mind that prayed it would be enough.


Captain Earnest Claymore’s giant voice sounded even more gargantuan in the cozy confines of his three room office building along the wharf.

“Romantic and practical,” the captain bellowed. “I’m sure your young wife thanked you very sweetly for your generosity.”

Liam grinned. “We were too tired for her to be overly thankful.”

“Careful, young man,” Claymore’s voice rumbled with warning and laughter. “Don’t let the pursuit of business jeopardize the important things.”

A playful groan drifted in as the partially opened door to the main office, opened wider. The young woman who entered held a tray stocked with coffee and sandwiches.

“Is he passing along sage advice again?” The young woman asked Liam.

“He’s a man of the world and with lots of experience,” Liam said while accepting the cup of black coffee he had requested.

“Mmm...that’s what he likes for the unsuspecting to believe,” Erica Lewis sighed while providing her uncle with his heavily creamed coffee and a towering roast beef sandwich.

“Young people,” Claymore took the teasing in stride. “You should learn how to appreciate such treasures.”

“We do, Unk,” Erica kissed her uncle’s forehead and then left the men to enjoy their lunches.

“My sister’s child,” Claymore said. “A blessing to me as I have no one of my own to help with all this.”

Liam bit into the hearty turkey on rye he’d requested when Erica sent out for her uncle’s standing lunch order with the nearby sandwich shop.

“What was that you said about treasuring advice?” Liam asked as he chewed.

“Exactly,” Claymore pointed a wide index finger skyward. “Had I the benefit of sage and wisened council, I’d have my own village by now.”

There was laughter between the two business associates turned friends. Then, Claymore sobered, his broad distinguished dark face harboring an intensity.

“You and my niece have a lot in common, Tesano. You’re a work driven husband and she had a work driven husband.”

“Had,” Liam probed.

“Erica and her husband have two children same as you and your wife. Sadly, for her, Paul couldn’t make the kind of living inland to support a growing family. He makes his living at sea, same as me.”

“He is one of your crew?” Liam asked.

“No, he’d never work for me. Paul Lewis knows I’d see he made port much more if he worked for me.”

“Doesn’t the man want to come home?”

“Of course he does. My niece is a beautiful woman, but that’s the thing about the pursuit of business. It eats time. Once it’s done with you, the beautiful things may not be around to enjoy. Don’t think the garden you’ve surprised your wife with will take your place.”

Claymore raised his mug in toast. Thoughtfully, Liam responded in kind.


Athena heard Humphrey’s excited squeal and rushed out from the kitchen to find her son being swung high into his uncle’s arms.

“Dio mio! You scared me to death!” She chastised and immediately retreated when the man advanced with her laughing son tucked under his arm.

Giaimo Tesano’s long strides put Athena’s retreat to shame. He caught her easily and earned a kiss to her cheek for his trouble. “How are you, bella?” he asked.

“Very well,” Athena’s response was sweet, but she didn’t linger in her brother-in-law’s arms. Quickly, she backed away when his hold loosened. “You’re early,” she called on her way back to the kitchen. She and Liam were hosting his brothers for dinner that night.

Giaimo got Humphrey settled in the living room with one of the child’s never ending supply of dump trucks. Then, he followed Athena to the kitchen.

“There’s red wine on the table,” Athena said from the stove.

Giaimo moved past the wine and went to Athena. She worked at the stove sprinkling scallions into a bubbling pot of red sauce.

“Looks good,” he raved, “how long has it taken?”

“All day,” Athena sighed. “Same as everything else.”

“Sounds like you could use time for yourself.”

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