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“No need for apologies. I’ve got no blame to lay at anyone’s feet.”

“Not even Persephone’s?” Mick managed to ask. She was slowly becoming less unnerved by and more curious about the man she’d first seen surrounded by night outside her front door.

“Not even Persephone’s.” Hill shook his head, his expression soft.

Mick sighed, appearing loads more relieved. “I wish the rest of your boys felt the same.”

“They’ll come around.” Hill chuckled a little.

Mick and Ty traded unconvinced looks.

“The journey to that event will make for quite a story,” Ty said.

“Speaking of stories,” Mick sat next to Hill at the table. “I’d love to do one on you.”

It was Hill trading a look with Tykira that time. Soon, the two were both throwing back their heads to laugh.

“That’s even funnier than people finding me looking at baby pictures.” Hill gave a laughing sigh.

“You’ve got the kind of story people love to read about,” Mick scooted her chair closer to the table. “Your story...it’s got everything-family turmoil, danger, villains-”

“Yeah, we’ve got plenty of those…”

“I’m not trying to make light of any of it.”

“I know that, Michaela.”

“It’s just a really fascinating story and it’s got the one thing people enjoy most of all.”

Once more, Hill and Ty traded looks. Shrugging, they both looked back to Mick, rapt with expectation.

Mick replied with an exasperated laugh. “Love,” she said.

“That’s a good one, Mick,” Hill leaned back in his chair. “Don’t love stories require one of those happily ever after endings?”

Mick shrugged. “Don’t you already have one of those?”

Some of Hill’s trademark ease faded. “I hope so.” He squeezed Mick’s and Ty’s hands when they each took one of his.

“Anyway,” he was shifting back into his easy charm then. “I can’t possibly allow you to write a book about me before I read one of your others,” he gave Mick a look of mock skepticism. “I should see if you’re as talented as I’ve heard before I decide.”

“Well I am,” Mick gave a saucy toss of her head, “but that’s a fair request. I’ll order and sign them just for you. Would your mailing address be the same as Persephone’s?”

The sly element reawakened Hill’s grin. “I hope so,” he said again.

Conversation in the distance broke the moment. Hill, Mick and Ty saw Quest and Quay arriving on the patio.

Mick rolled her eyes. “Ty, I came to see if you wanted to head out with us?” She was saying as she stood. “Sabra planned something and we’re all supposed to meet in another half hour or so.”

Ty cast a disparaging look toward her husband and his brother. She stood then too. “Sounds good.” She promptly gathered the baby photos, squeezed Hill’s shoulder and then went to grab her tote.

Mick left Hill with a smile and then headed off with Ty. The women took the opposite direction from their husbands while Hill’s quiet laughter followed them. Pure amusement burned bright in Hill’s dark eyes as he watched the scene play out. Quest and Quay silenced their conversation to observe their wives’ exit. In flawless unity, the twins brought their hands to their hips and shook their heads.

“Sorry for all the drama, fellas.” Hill said as the brothers took the chairs their wives had just relinquished.

“We don’t need an apology from you, man.” Quay muttered.

“Our wives on the other hand,” Quest finished in the same manner.

“Aw, give ‘em a break,” Hill knocked the back of his hand to Quest's arm. “Mick is about to give you another baby.” He nudged Quay’s elbow with his. “Ty just gave you two at the same time. I’d say they’ve made up for whatever they’ve done.”

“That go for Persephone too?” Quest’s curiosity had darkened his arresting gray eyes but a fraction.

“It does.” Hill’s reply was fixed. “We’ve got stuff to work out, but yeah...Hell yeah, it does. She’s not leaving me again. I’ll damn well chain her to a bed first.”

Soft laughter followed the threat.

“Besides, I can’t afford to have her too pissed with me. I don’t know how to raise kids- girls at that. They um...they terrify me,” he admitted with a far off look. “How do you know you’re doing right by them? How do you protect them without drivin’ them crazy by being overprotective?”

“Well, the second one’s easy.” The twins replied in eerie unison.

“Doesn’t matter if you drive them crazy.” Quay said.

“They’re protected- that’s paramount.” Quest added.

“As for doin’ right by ‘em, you just have to do your best and then wait and see,” Quay tacked on with a shrug. “That’s what my parents told us. Yours would probably say the same.”

Hill settled deeper into the thickly padded chair he occupied. “Does that advice work when twins are involved?” He looked to Quay. “You’re raising two sets.”

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