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"You know they are bad luck, right?" Killian tells me. “I’ve heard a lot of rumours about goblins, but I’ve never met one to know if they are true. Either way, all the rumours are bad.”

"That's what you think, but Kit isn’t all bad," I reply, and Killian just shakes his head at me.

“You named him? Like a pet?” Killian asks, and I nod. He isn’t a good pet, but hey ho, mum never let me get a puppy.

"How did you hurt your hand?" Seth asks me, and I'm surprised he noticed at all. Why the hell does he care?

"One of the charms on my necklace burnt it. The charm is powerful, more than I could have expected, and it creates green lightning. It burnt my hand when I used it, thinking it did something else. It's how I accidently killed that higher god," I explain, and Killian just laughs as Seth shakes his head. We stop at the end of the alleyway. Killian places his hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing and no one can create lightning," Killian says, still laughing. "Though, my little liar with pretty red hair, hold your breath. We have a long trip." I gasp as the world spins rapidly, bursting into gold light, and then we fall.

Chapter Twelve

The magic the twins use to pull us to wherever we currently just dropped into is strong and powerful enough to make me nearly pass out as we arrive. I have to rest on Killian's arm for a second, waiting for my legs to finally get the strength I need to stand and actually be aware of where we are. All the air in my lungs seems to leave me as I look up at the black stone building with no windows and only one massive door that looks like a dragon mouth with glowing gold eyes. The building towers over everything around it, the forest it is in the middle of and even the mountains in the distance, because it is so tall and wide. It's imposing, and it makes you want to run away from it somehow. There are no guards because they are that certain that no one could ever escape. No one ever has, at least as far as the magical community knows.

"Let me go, just for a little bit, and then I promise I will let you lock me up," I try to plead with them, panic and desperation filling me. I’m scared, really, really frightened of whatever is in there. I’m not a bad person, I don’t deserve this. I made one mistake and my life is over the moment those doors open. No matter what I say, I know they won’t let me go. This is their job, and they don’t believe me anyway. My family isn’t going to be able to help me now.

"Do we look stupid?" Seth asks, and I can only smirk at him. He doesn't want me to answer that one, and his frown tells me he knows my answer. "Come on, brother, we are wasting time that could be used on our other work."

"So do a lot of people break the laws then?" I ask them, anxiously wanting to distract myself as Seth holds my one arm and Killian holds my other, pulling me towards the prison. The place makes me more scared and nervous the closer I get to it, and my smart mouth isn’t going to save me now. I might as well just talk to them.

"Yes. We come here every other day, at the moment," Killian tells me, though Seth looks like he wants to do nothing more than get rid of me. "Though usually we don't have as much trouble catching them as we did you. That tornado was impressive. I am looking forward to examining these charms of yours later."

"Impressive enough to let me go?” I question, hating how he isn’t going to give me my necklace back. Dickhead.

"No, so stop asking," Seth growls out before Killian can answer.

"I wasn't asking you, goldipops," I tell him, and he glares at me, having a familiar look in his eyes that my brothers have when they want to murder me but aren't allowed to. My smile soon drifts off as we get outside the doors of the prison, which is basically a black stone wall with a small circular symbol right in the middle of it. Killian lets go of my hand as a tear falls down my cheek, and he looks back, seeing me in this brief moment of pure fear. Our eyes just seem to lock with each other, and his lips part to say something, but then he changes his mind and turns back to the door. I try to remember what Peyton said about being strong, what he would be like in this situation. He wouldn’t be crying, that's for sure. Neither would my mum or any of my family. We are the Kismets, and it takes damn more than locking us up to break us down. I need to remember that. Killian pulls out a yellow stone from his jacket, pushing it into the gap, and it glows, spreading a yellow light like water through all the gaps on the door as Killian steps back to my side.

“What does your shirt say?” Killian asks as we wait outside the prison doors, watching the light spread across the whole door, and it surprisingly takes a little time. I roll my eyes at him, knowing he is just trying to distract me from my doomed fate, though I'm not surprised he is looking at my boobs already. We only met like today, or it might be yesterday now by the look of the bright skies. This is so typical of the asshole gods that fuck anything, or that's what I've heard in the magical community. Luckily, I might be able to play this one into my favour. Though my top does say “My name is Karma, and it is pronounced fuck you.” I’m pretty sure the stuck up twin god here might not laugh at that.

“Why don’t you step closer and have a look?” I try to seductively suggest, and to my annoyance, Seth grabs his brother’s arm as he tries to step in front of me to look. I’ve never been good at the whole seductive thing. My go to way to tell a guy I’m interested is to get drunk and literally throw myself at him. Most of the time, it’s worked. Maybe that’s why I’ve always ended up with asshole boyfriends.

“Nope, don’t do it. Whatever it says won’t be funny, and she uses her boobs to get whatever she wants,” he warns.

“I don’t do that,” I protest, totally lying my ass off. I’ve used my boobs on more than one occasion to get out of shit. I knew I shouldn’t have gone on a date with this asshole god of justice who really can’t take a joke. I learnt that fact roughly two minutes into our date. That’s what you get for letting your crazy ass best friend set you up on a blind date. I would have much preferred a hottie with sexy hair or a sex god (not the literal kind), but oh no, she got me the friggin’ god of justice as a joke. Though she didn’t have a clue he was a god and that we aren’t allowed to date each other, so it wasn't her fault. She thought he was just a stuck up human she met at college in her business study class, and Mads said he was a nice guy. She also said she thought we would get along...which is the polar opposite to the truth. I really do not like him.

“Karma, yeah you do,” he sourly replies. Seems he is still pissed about that whole date fiasco. It’s not my fault he is stupid and doesn’t understand what “run” means. If someone shouts run, you run, right? Not just stand there. So yep, that date was not my fault, and somehow I was the one that got shot. He walked away scot-free, so I don't get why he is mad.

“Well…if I let you see my boobs, will you let me go?” I ask, lowering my joined hands to the bottom of my top.

“No chance,” they both say at the same time. Damn. We all seem to freeze as there is a loud bang, followed by the sound of the stone door rising up in the air. Dread feels like it slams into my body, taking control until I can barely see straight from it. Screw being brave, I want to scream.

"Good luck in there, Karma. I wish things had been different," Seth quietly says, pulling me towards the door as I look up at him. For a second, I see something other than annoyance and hate in his eyes. He looks sad. I push him away and pull Killian's hand off me.

"I can walk into my own fate, you assholes. Don't think I will forget you doing this to me," I warn them, because I really won't. “Bad karma comes to those who do wrong. This is wrong because I am innocent. Karma is one thing that never forgets.” I see the looks of confusion and worry in their eyes before I turn away. I raise my head high as I walk through the door into the stone corridor, where the walls are covered in scratches, burn marks and dried blood. Seems like it's usually a fight to get anyone in here, or they tried to get out. Either way, it doesn’t make me feel any better.

I stop, turning around to watch the stone door close when I frown at the sight of the twins fighting two hooded figures. Gold light blasts into me, throwing me further down the corridor, and I roll across the stone before stopping. One of the hooded men starts shooting long spears of ice in all directions, and I crawl to the wall, covering my face as a couple fly past me. I look up to see the twins are struggling to fight the hooded figures off, even with the impressive amount of power they are throwing around. The door starts to make a sound, getting ready to close, when the twins are thrown into the corridor by a blast of ice. Killian scrambles to his feet just as the door slams shut, locking us all in here, and my handcuffs disappear. Well, well, well...seems I'm not the only one stuck in here now.

Chapter Thirteen

"What the fuck was that?" Seth shouts abruptly, pulling himself off the stone ground and running to the door, banging on it as I get myself up. I watch as Seth pushes gold energy into the wall, but nothing happens, and it just disappears into dust. Eventually he growls to himself, stopping as gold dust litters the floor, and he looks worn out.

“Brother, this place dims our power. We are weak here and don’t have a chance,” Killian reminds him, but his eyes are fixed on me like I’m the problem. I’m pretty sure his brother losing it is the problem here. I want to take credit for their bad luck, but this wasn’t my doing.

"Let us out!" Seth shouts, banging his fists against the stone door, even though it does nothing.

"Brother, stop. No one can hear us, you know that as well as I do," Killian says, sounding exhausted and stressed. It makes me smile.

"This is your fault!" Seth suddenly says, stomping over to me and putting a finger in my face that soon makes me lose my smile. "The hooded ice fuckers said we couldn't stay out here because we knew too much about you!"

"Well then, it isn't my fault, is it? You could have let me go, and then you wouldn’t be trapped down here with me," I retort, smirking as I cross my arms, loving how angry he gets. I’m pretty feckin’ mad at him as well. His skin starts to turn red almost until Killian pushes him back to the other side of the corridor and starts speaking quietly to him.

"Look, something big is going on, and at the end of the day, we need to focus on surviving in here and worry about getting out some other time. Those doors have to open eventually for someone else to be brought in, and then we can make our play," Killian reasonably tells Seth, and I can't help but overhear their conversation. I’m sticking to their asses like glue if they are trying to get out.

"We have put hundreds of people in here. The moment they recognise us, we are dead," Seth points out. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t stay that close to them.

"Well, I'm definitely not sticking around with you guys then," I say, standing up straight, shifting my backpack, and making my way down the corridor, leaving them behind. They may be attractive, but I'd have to be crazy to stick by my kidnappers’ side at this point. Regrettably, they both run and catch up to me, walking at my sides. I look up at Killian first, raising an eyebrow.

"Did you not hear me tell you to get lost?" I ask.

"I heard you, and even though we were tricked out there, we are good fighters to have at your side. We are sticking with you, maybe you could give us a bit of good karma," he suggests, and I roll my eyes.

"I don't do that," I reply, and he laughs, the deep, sexy sound vibrating off the walls. Even if I did give out good karma like lollypops, they wouldn’t be getting one.

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