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"I will see you again, won't I?" she asks.

"I can't promise that. This is serious, Mads. They don't give second chances, and they will lock me up," I explain to her. "But I'm going to try and make it out of this."

"You're Karma Maria Kismet. If anyone can escape the god law or whatever you call it, it is you," she says and rushes to hug me once more before stepping back. I lift my head high, trying to keep her words in my mind as I run down her corridor and towards the stairs. Let's hope I can run away long enough for my family to help me, because I know if they throw me into the correctional facility, I won't ever see the light of day again.

Chapter Nine

Resting my head back on the seat of the third bus I've been on tonight, I watch the busy city of Dublin pass me by. I’ve never caught buses before, and now I know you have to read the signs near the stops to know where you are going instead of just expecting it to go there eventually. I glance outside the window, looking for any signs that I’m being followed, but nothing looks out of the ordinary. I’m close to where I need to get to anyway. I know there is a portal in a pub on the edge of the city, an illegal portal that some old god set up and forgot about. I’m pretty sure the portal was there before they built the pub around it. The portal goes to London, which would be a good start in escaping Ireland at least and making my way from there.

I thought about using Peyton’s plan and getting a ferry over to England and then working out a way to France, but then I thought everyone would do that. I have to think outside the box to survive, that’s my motto for the moment. The gods of justice can't be too far behind me now anyway, and somehow they always catch whoever they are after. I just have to hope the pub owner will let me travel through the portal without too much of a high cost. I've heard he always wants a steep price, and I don't exactly have time to go and get gold right now.

The bus stops, and I quickly look outside to see empty, creepy looking streets and not much else until the sound of laughing teenagers fills my ears. I turn to see three of them climbing onto the bus, bottles of beer in their hands as they start checking their pockets for money. I never had that innocence growing up, worrying about partying and bus money. I was busy training with my parents like Damien is, and Mads was just the same in a way, but she was struggling to find work and keep a roof over her head. From the look of sick on the one guy’s leg, I’m sure I didn’t miss out on much. They pay for their tickets and choose to sit at the back, laughing about pointless teenage stuff as I look around, knowing the next stop is mine anyway. I climb out of my seat, pressing the stop button and then slowly walking to the front of the bus, waiting next to the door.

"A young lady like you shouldn't be out at night all alone, miss," the bus driver says as he slows the bus down to a stop. I turn and look at the middle-aged man in his work uniform. He has a kind smile that reminds me of my dad and big eyes that are concerned for me. I can’t think about my dad, not without worrying about how panicked he must be. Dad doesn’t like mum stressed or any of his kids in trouble. Today is definitely going to cause big problems.

"Don't worry about me; I can handle myself," I reply to him, but he still looks apprehensive as he presses the button for the doors to slide open after he stops the bus. I wave at him before jumping off the bus, ignoring his sigh as he closes the doors behind me. I wait at the bus stop as the driver hustles off, leaving me on the busy street, the dark clouds hiding the stars, and the moon occasionally peering out to make the street brighter. There is a row of pubs here, all of them filled to the brim with drunk people who are either laughing, shouting, or drinking more. I glance down the street at the only semi-quiet pub on the row, the one that looks hella creepier than the others. The one I need, funny enough, as I peer at the sign. The Swanky Swan Pub.

I remember Peyton telling me about this place, but I've never actually been. The name is sure memorable though. He came as a teenager with some of his mates, and that's when he found out about the portal because he went through it when he tripped over as drunk as a bat and then ended up calling mum and dad for help from London. In just his underwear, as the guy that owned the portal took his money and clothes for payment. I smile, just remembering him hobbling up the stairs, covered in dust and dirt as we all laughed. That is Peyton’s past though, and no matter how much I wish it, mum and dad can’t just come and save me from this.

I walk across the street, ducking and moving between drunk people until I get outside the pub. I avoid the hostile looks from the old couple sat on a bench outside before I push the door open and walk in. Ignoring the heavy smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke, I walk across the plush, red, patterned carpet to the dark wood bar where there are three men sitting enjoying a smoke and beer. They don’t even look my way, completely happy to enjoy their drink, and I don’t blame them. I’d like to be them when I’m older, just happy sitting with my drink in a random pub. Now, I got to worry about staying alive somehow. I slide into one of the seats, waiting for the old man with long grey hair and a mischievous grin to come over to me as he dries a glass with an old tea towel.

"You don't look like my usual clientele, lassie," the man says, his thick Scottish accent hard to miss.

"You don't sound like the common Irish riff raff you'd expect to find in here," I respond, and I can see I’ve earnt his respect in a matter of moments.

"You have some balls, little girl; the rumour about redheads and their fiery attitudes must be true. What drink can I get for you?" he asks, putting the glass down underneath the bar.

"Surprise me," I say with a big grin that makes him laugh as he goes off to make me a drink. I could certainly use one, and I need to get the bartender to like me. I pull my bag off my shoulder and place it on the empty stool next to me before opening it up and pulling out some cash. I grab a handful of nuts from a little bowl on the bar and chuck them in my bag for Kit, hoping that will keep him happy for a little bit. I do the bag back up before putting it back on just as the Scottish dude brings me a purple cocktail with a little umbrella cocktail stick in it. Cute.

"Thanks, you can keep the change," I say as I offer him the money, and he smirks as he takes it off me, sliding it into his blue apron.

"Thanks a bunch, lassie. Now, why are you here?" he bluntly asks, getting straight to the point before I can even sip a little bit of my drink. I like this dude, shame he is a million times older than me. I bet he was cute when he was younger.

"I want to use the portal for one trip. Tonight…like right now," I tell him.

"My boss will want a price for the permission to use it, goddess," he replies, crossing his arms and making it clear he knows exactly what I am, though he feels human to me. "A price that isn't gold." He moves his eyes to my necklace, seeing all the charms. Dammit, that's not what I want to give up. I hold up one finger and lift my foot up, unclipping the anklet of spare charms and holding it in the air. As much as it hurts to give it up, I need to stay alive more than I need it right now. I can always come back when I’m proven innocent and get it back. At least I will have my necklace either way.

"Will this do? They are all magical charms. Rare ones," I say, holding the anklet in the palm of my hand. The bartender picks it up, scrolling through the charms before clicking his tongue. “One of them turns anything into pure gold. It’s a useful charm.”

"I think it will, but charms only work depending on how strong the god is. A weak god would be able to do nothing more than turn a grain of rice gold. I will take it to him and find out if he is interested, lassie," he says, telling me something I really didn’t know about charms before. That’s interesting when I think of the lightning bolt charm and what I managed to do. I don't really have any choice but to smile and nod, letting him go off through a door behind the bar. I look at the cocktail, knowing I'm not going to drink the mysterious concoction, but at least it is pretty.

The room suddenly feels different, and hairs raise on my arms as I turn my head around to see two men walking into the room. They slowly come into the light as my heart pounds in my chest. They both have blond hair, short and thick with white highlights pulled naturally through the locks. Their skin is tanned, golden almost, and it suits their big chests and slim waists. With sexy jawlines and picture perfect faces, it’s hard to move my gaze away. The twin on the left is taller, dressed in a suit fitting for a lawyer, and his gold tie matches his glowing gold eyes. The other twin is more casual, everything from his stance to his jeans and loose blue top says as much. He has the same glowing gold eyes as his twin, but they are darker and don't have the glow of his twins. I quickly turn back in my seat, muttering "fuck" under my breath. I feel them come to stand behind me, their eyes seem to burn a hole into my back.

“I knew they’d send you after me,” I mutter, swirling the ice around in my glass with the cocktail stick.

“You killed a god. I’m one of the gods of justice, who did you expect?” one of them asks, his voice so familiar and reminds me of the last time we met. How this stuck up eegit is still alive, I will never know.

“Not you. The last time we ‘hung out’, you shot me!” I snap, turning my head back to glare at him as he straightens his tie and gulps. “Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten what happened. I still have the scar on my arm.”

“Accidentally!” he growls back, and his brother laughs, looking between us.

“You shot her? Like with a human gun?” his brother asks, crossing his arms. “How boring of you, bro. You know we can shoot ice and fire out of our fingertips, right? Make golden arrows out of nothing but dust? And you chose a gun?”

“We are not going into that story right now. Besides, Karma is just trying to distract us,” he replies in a bored tone, turning those handsome gold eyes on me, and I chuckle. Damn right I am. I just find my tornado charm, the one I'm never meant to use inside and bring it to my lips. Both of them try to grab me, only to be thrown across the room by a gust of wind. I don't waste a second as I slide over the bar, looking back to see the gust of wind has turned into a tornado in an instant that is swinging chairs and tables around like toys. I laugh when a table slams into one of the twins, knocking him onto the floor, and his face is a picture I wish I had my phone to take. This was a brilliant idea.

The other two humans are holding onto the bar, screaming for dear life, but the one guy is still holding his beer. That’s a true Irish dude right there. I duck as a chair flies past my head, and I keep my head down as I jog to the door, pulling it open and sneaking into the back. I run down the long corridor, looking for the bartender as the building shakes and finding only one door at the end of the hallway. I pull the door open, pausing at the sight of the bartender sat on a desk with a hooded man who is holding my anklet up in the air.

"What is all that noise, lassie?" the bartender asks as I shut the door behind me, seeing that the corridor is still empty so the tornado must be keeping them busy. There is a loud crashing noise, followed by the whole building severely shaking as I flash a sheepish grin at my new Scottish friend. "Nothing to worry about...but it seems I have to leave. Like right now, so do we have a deal?" I ask, pulling my eyes to the hooded man who nods his head.

"Seems like we do. Though if there is a mess out there, you owe us a favour," the bartender warns me and walks to the other side of the room which is covered by a curtain. The bartender pulls the curtain back, revealing the dark green swirling portal I came here for. I have to brace myself as I stop right in front of it, knowing that illegal portals aren't easy on the stomach to jump through.

"The gods out there made the mess, not me," I say, winking at the bartender who only laughs before I jump headfirst into the portal, hoping for the best.

Chapter Ten Killian

“How the fucking hell did she do this?” Seth shouts at me from the ground as he just about manages to roll over, and I’m glued to the wall thanks to the tornado air pressure. Chairs, bottles, glasses and some human guys fly around the pub, and Karma has made her escape. I’m damn impressed by the Irish sexy little redhead. Shame we have to lock her up because she clearly is a little kill happy, from what we have been told. Which isn’t a lot. I don’t get how she could even kill a higher god, but man, is everyone pissed at home. Higher gods are meant to be immortal and unkillable. She did the fucking impossible. I wish I knew how she did it or how she conjured up a tornado this big. I shouldn’t find that more attractive about her…but I do. The mysterious thing has always been a big turn on. I duck my head as a table flies past, smashing into the wall next to me, and splinters cut into my arm. Well, that hurt.

“You tell me! I thought she was just a karma goddess with no outward powers!” I shout back, and I start laughing as Seth gets hit by a few more flying chairs and bottles. I haven’t had this much fun in years.

“Stop laughing and stop the tornado before it destroys the pub and she gets away!” Seth shouts, sounding extremely pissed off, though that is my twin’s usual expression. I think I’d be concerned if I saw him smile, at this point. I smirk at Seth, desperately wanting to let the tornado go on for a little longer to make him suffer. “Killian!” my twin warns me. Fine, the fun is over. I clap my hands together, calling on my powers as I close my eyes. Power builds in my hands, making me feel like I could destroy the world if I wanted to. The power is addictive, and I love using it. I open my eyes as I pull my hands apart, creating a ball of gold light that sucks all the air into it like a vacuum. Just when it starts to feel hard to breathe, I clap my hands together, destroying the magic. My hands stop glowing as Seth picks himself up off the floor, looking furious.

“You tell no one about this, I mean it,” he huffs, straightening his tie. I can barely contain my laugh, because I’m so telling everyone about this. “Now I’m going to wipe their memories and clean up. Go and find out where Karma went.”

“You have beer on your jacket,” I respond, knowing that there is nothing my brother loves more than his expensive suits. No dry cleaning is going to get that much beer out of his clothes.

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