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The man who had spoken previously rubbed his forehead as if it ached. “He will not be allowed an introduction until I have determined he is the type of gentleman you should know.”

Worthington. That’s who he was. Ladies Alice, Eleanor, and Madeine were his wards.

Guests were taking their places for the set. If they were going to dance this set, they must make haste. Giff held his arm out to Lady Eleanor and escorted her to the dance floor. The sisters and their partners along with one other couples joined them in circle. It was easy to carry on a conversation during the quadrille as two couples danced at the same time while the other two couples waited until it was their turn to dance.

Giff and Lady Eleanor took their places. She curtseyed, and he bowed. While they were awaiting their turn, he should attempt to discover more about Lady Alice. “Lady Alice said that the only thing different about being in Town this year was that she was finally making her come out.”

Lady Eleanor shook her head slightly. “We have been coming to Town during the Season for several years. However, I do think she will change her mind about nothing being different. After all, we have never before been to balls and other entertainments. This is the first year we are allowed to go riding in the mornings without Matt or one of our brothers with us.”

“I hope you are right. I would hate for her to be bored.” He’d dislike it immensely if she faked enjoying herself.

“I am certain she will not be.”

The other two couples returned to their places, and it was time for them to begin.

His next set was a country dance with Lady Madeline. “You have such a large group around you. Will you tell me who they are?”

“My sisters, brothers, and brothers-in-law.” She grinned. “My brother, Worthington, married Alice and Eleanor’s sister. Lady Grace Carpenter. They both had guardianship of their respective sisters and brothers. Ergo, we became one large family.”

Giff could hardly imagine it. And they all seemed to get on with one another. He’d heard Kenilworth and Rothwell had wed. Giff hadn’t known they’d married into the same family. He escorted her back to the group. The next set was the waltz. He looked forward to dancing with Lady Alice.

He led her out to the dance floor and took her in his arms, or as much in his arms as propriety would allow. Giff looked forward to learning to know her better, and this was one of the best ways to do it. Providing, of course, she did not forget how to perform the steps. The music started and within the first two movements it was clear she was extremely accomplished. She responded to his every move as if they had been dancing together for years. He spent a minute or so enjoying the set. Then he looked down into her summer blue eyes and something inside him happened. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but he was certain he needed to spend a great deal more time with her.

“What are you looking forward to most this Season?” The instant she raised her brow, he knew what a stupid question he’d asked. She was here to find a husband, just as he was here to find a wife. How could she even answer that question? And when had he become so inept? “I mean, your sister mentioned this was the first time you were allowed to ride with only a groom. Are there any other activities that have been denied to you that you may now do?”

“Driving our carriage when it arrives.” She did not seem impressed by his conversation.

“What type is it?”

“A high-perched phaeton.”

He knew many married ladies drove them, but a lady just out? “They can be dangerous. I’m surprised your guardian would allow it.”

Her eyes narrowed slightly. “We have all been well-trained by a friend of our family who is a famous whip. Tell me, my lord. What interests you?”

Was that a bite in her tone? He did not dare tell her he wanted to marry to get his estate. That and a son. Then again, he did have his uncle’s house now. “Naturally, to enjoy the Season.”

“What do you do when you are not in Town?” Once more, there was something in the sound of her voice.

“I do the usual things. House parties, hunting.” He almost cringed when he considered the house and hunting parties he’d attended. “I suppose you will be doing the same things now that you are out.”

Lady Alice mumbled something that sounded like ‘I doubt it.’ “Do you do anything to help people?”

That hurt. He wanted to take care of dependents and contribute in some way to the unfortunate, but he had not had an estate, and his father kept him on a small allowance. He couldn’t even afford rooms on Jermyn Street. Yet, he was not going to tell her that. “I generally leave that to others.”

“I see.” He’d never been at a loss in conversing with a lady. Why was this so much different? “Do you enjoy going to museums?”

She appeared interested. “Very much.

Finally, he’d found something that interested her. “I would like to take you to see the Elgin marbles if you like.”

He twirled her. “I must have my eldest sister’s permission. I do not think she will allow me to attend alone with you.”

Naturally. How could he have forgotten? Young ladies weren’t allowed to go anywhere but riding in an open carriage with a gentleman. “I will get up a party. Perhaps your sisters would enjoy the outing.”

Lady Alice frowned slightly. “If you could arrange that, she will probably give her consent.”

She waltzed better than any lady with whom he’d danced, yet Giff would be glad when this set ended. Lady Alice was the most disconcerting lady he had ever met. Still, he found her intriguing. And entrancing. His body tightened as he twirled her again. He wished he could be alone with her.

By the time supper, such as it was, was served, Giff had been introduced to the rest of her family and was able to join in some of the conversations. He escorted Lady Alice down to the supper room and found himself being almost herded toward a long table where the whole family was gathering. “Do you always sit together?”

She gave him a weary look. “This is our first event, but I assume we will have supper together at the others. That appears to be the habit.”

After he helped her into her chair, he joined the other gentlemen in fetching supper. Somehow, Montagu appeared to have got lost. Giff made a plate for his friend to give to his lady as well. He found Montagu striding to the refreshment table and handed him the plate. “I thought you might not know.”

“Thank you.” He accompanied his friend back to the ladies. “Is this typical of an evening at Almack’s?”

“Yes.” His friend seemed focused on their table. “Albeit it is more interesting to be in the Worthingtons’ group. They are all quite remarkable.”

Giff had been alternately listening to Lord and Lady Phinn discuss their travels and trying to work out why he was having so much trouble conversing with Lady Alice.

Montagu said something to Lady Eleanor when Lady Worthington said, “She will do what her sisters have done before her. She will have toast and tea before riding, then join the family for breakfast.” Lady Worthington gave him a considering look. “My lord, you are welcome to break your fast with us if you wish. It is no trouble at all.”

That was the perfect way to spend more time with Lady Alice. “Early breakfast?”

Lady Worthington laughed lightly. “You may join us as well.”

“Thank you, my lady.” Giff was pleased his ploy had worked. By the time a date was set, he would have had a chance to adjust his approach to Lady Alice.

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