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“I understand.” The smile remained pasted on Lady Ester’s face. “We have been having lovely weather.”

The weather had been favorable lately. “Yes, it has been lovely.” At this point he would have dropped a tidbit of gossip, but the gossip he normally discussed was not suitable for young ladies. What the devil was he to talk about? They had a new monarch. That might work. “Have you been reading about the coronation?”

Lady Ester’s smile broadened a little. “Yes, indeed. How exciting it will be. Papa said we will attend. I suppose you will be there as well.”

Not if he could avoid it. Giff hoped he would be on his honeymoon by then. “I imagine I will.”

When they came back together again, Lady Ester said, “Did you hear that we will all be in Tudor costume?”

Giff had not and was very glad that the dance did not allow extensive conversation about the subject. It appeared being king would not halt Prinny’s spending at all. He was looking forward to hearing what his mother would have to say. The set ended and he escorted Lady Ester to her mother, who had been edged out from his mother’s circle. He bowed. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

“I shall, my lord.” She gave him a coquettish look.

Giff made his way to Mamma. “Are you ready to leave?”

“Yes, my dear.” She made her farewells, took his arm, and they strolled to the stairs. “Who were the ladies you danced with earlier?”

“Lord Worthington’s wards. Ladies Alice and Eleanor Carpenter and Lady Madeline Vivers.”

“How interesting. Lord and Lady Worthington’s love story was all the rage several years ago. I hear the family is quite large.”

“It is. I am joining them for breakfast after my ride tomorrow morning.” They waited while their coach was being brought around.

She tilted her head as she gazed at him. “Where have you been breaking your fast?”

How did she even know he’d been dining elsewhere? “At Montagu’s house. They breakfast early.”

“You poor boy.” Mamma patted his arm. “Soon you will have your own house, and you may eat as early as you wish.”

“I trust you are correct.” He noticed that she didn’t offer to have Cook make him breakfast. Giff helped her into the town coach. “I have been having a problem making conversation with the young ladies.”

Mamma went into a peel of laughter. “I did wonder. After all, your normal charming chatter is not suitable for them. Dear me. I suppose you should start reading some of the gossip sheets and pay more attention to court news.”

He pulled a face and she laughed again. “I am glad to have amused you, ma’am.”

Mamma rapped his arm with her fan. “It is your own fault. You must have known you would have to make some changes.”

Giff leaned his head against the soft leather swabs and tried to form a list of suitable topics. The weather was always appropriate, as his mother had said, the royals, fashion. He knew a few gentlemen who attracted a lot of female attention because they could discuss gowns. Horses. Lady Alice had a very fine Cleveland Bay mare. Good works. She also seemed interested in those. On the other hand, he was the heir to a dukedom and what lady didn’t want to be a duchess?


The next morning, Alice’s sisters and brothers-in-law gathered in the breakfast room with their older children. Because they had been promised a trip to London Tower if they behaved, each one of her nieces and nephews were on their best behavior. Even Hugh, Charlotte and Con’s son, was trying his best to behave. Unfortunately for him, it had not stopped a piece of egg from his fork from flying across the table, or his sister taking him to task for it.

She watched Lord St. Albans’s interactions with her family, especially the children. Or rather his lack of interaction as he said very little. Yet, after Alice’s talk with Con last night, she had decided to give him another opportunity to prove himself. It had not happened. He had not appeared to like having the children there at all. Of course, that did solve her problem of whether he could be made a suitable husband. In fact, she was glad he had failed the test. Every time she was around him she felt as if her skin no longer fit her properly. How or why that could be she had no idea. Alice tried to catch her twin’s eye, but Eleanor was focused on Lord Montagu who had just risen from the table.

“I regret to say I must take my leave if I am not to be late for the vote today.” He bowed to Grace. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“It was my pleasure.” Her sister smiled.

“I must be going as well.” St. Albans stood abruptly.

Alice was glad he had decided to leave.

Matt pushed back his chair and rose as well. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

Then the rest of her brothers-in-law departed as well.

Her sisters and Dotty remained for a while longer before going. As Alice started up the stairs, her twin gave her an odd look. “You are happy this morning.”

“You obviously did not see how disgruntled Lord St. Albans was by having to share his breakfast with the children.” It occurred to her she was almost gleeful about his behavior. “I do not believe he approved at all.”

“You think this will convince him to look elsewhere for a lady?” Eleanor’s tone was dubious.

“I certainly hope he does.” Alice reached the landing and waited for her sister. “He must understand that he does not fit with the lives we have.”

“We knew not many gentlemen would,” her sister reminded her.

“Very true. I hope you discover Lord Montagu is one who does.” Alice opened the door to her bedchamber. “I shall meet you in our parlor.”

An hour later, they and their footmen made their way to the new Burlington Arcade. “It is a shame the Pantheon Bazaar has become so shabby. It used to be fun going there.”

“And so inexpensive,” Madeline said.

Eleanor nodded. “But the Burlington Arcade is much nicer now.”

They entered a store with personal ornaments.

“I need a fan for this evening.” Eleanor said, glancing around the offerings. She picked up a fan with a scene painted in emerald green, deep pink, cream, and yellow. “What do you think?”

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