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“You disobeyed me.”

Without breaking my gaze, Rainer darts his hand out and crushes the man’s throat with a speed and strength unnatural for a human. Mouth gaping like a fish, the man stumbles to his knees while clutching his throat and collapses to the floor, squirming desperately for breath.

“Disobedience is an act of betrayal,” Rainier tosses over his shoulder to the gangly man at his back. “There's no place for disloyalty in my court.” Stepping forward, Rainier’s lips tug up into a savage grin as he leers at me. “Hello, Your Majesty.”

Scanning his handsome face, staring into those cruel glacial blue eyes so full of triumph, I wonder how I was ever able to endure his presence. Sweeping my gaze over his black hair that almost appears blue, I suck in a pained breath when I see the gold crown atop his head, studded with orange topaz and starlight jewels and speckled with blood. My stomach roils into itself when I realize whose blood it's speckled with. Valor's blood. Valor’s crown.

“How?” I don't need to ask why. Cascadonia is a prosperous kingdom. Mild weather, a fruitful growing season, rich in coin and beauty. As for Rainier’s kingdom, Brecca is an arctic wasteland. An inhospitable landscape made even harsher for the human dominated kingdom where they have no fae or immortal citizens to alleviate the strain. Rainier may be a king, but he’s a king of a barren land and destitute people. A king of nothing.

Rainier smiles. “The Goddess of Death gifted us absolute protection against your power.”

I scoff, a flash of fire searing through my wound with the act. “We are Uriella’s favored. Her crown jewels. Desdemona would never defy her so openly.” None of the gods would.

“Oh, yes!” He laughs, a rumbling, arrogant sound. “The Goddess of Life's golden pets. But it would seem you are no longer her crown jewels. For you are not from her loins, and she has born a son. With Azazel, no less.” 

“Impossible,” I breathe. “The Stars forbid it.”

Always one for showmanship, he waves a finger, tsking. “The Stars are fickle entities and will do as they please. And what they wish for is for the Mother of Life and the Creator of All to bear a babe.” 

If this is true, it will upset the balance even more than it already is. Any child born from that union would have limitless power. Power that could rival all the gods, maybe even the Stars themselves. Too much power for one being. An abomination. One that the gods would not allow to live. 

Stars save us.

“Ah.” Rainier chuckles in glee. “You see it now, don’t you? Uriella’s favor means little to the gods when they’re already condemned by hunting her only natural born child.” 

“What does Desdemona get out of this agreement?” I ask, swallowing thickly, seeing now this is so much more than a battle between kingdoms, but a war against gods. “I doubt she needs a human for anything.” 

His face shudders. “Her plans are not your concern. What should be, is that Desdemona granted me a taste of her power, giving me the means to conquer Cascadonia. And when I prove my loyalty to her, she’ll bestow her full blessing on Brecca and we will be the ones favored by the gods.” 

I laugh bitterly, blood spurting from my wound as the vibrations tear it open even more. “You mean you'll be her slaves.” 

Glacial blue orbs narrow. “A faithful servant. And with her guiding hand, I’ll rule over all of Vanyimar.”

Walking toward me, he stops a few paces away, speaking in an alarmingly quiet tone. “Where are your children?” 

Lifting my chin, I say nothing, my hard gaze boring into his cruel one. 

“If you tell me, I'll spare your life.” Silence. “I know you've hidden them somewhere.” His lips tighten. “I'll find them one way or another. At least this way you can live.” 

Rainier’s eyes suddenly brighten, smiling in triumph when I lean forward. My shoulder and wrists screaming, I curse the man shackling my wrists between his impossibly strong grip as I overextend my arms and arch toward Rainier. “Fuck. You.”

That arrogant smile falls, his gaze hardening as he takes two large strides towards me, stopping when the tips of his shoes rest against my bare toes. Leaving only a breadth of space between us, he shapes his hand as if it's a spear, and an agonized scream tears from my throat when he stabs his hand into the seam of my wound, twisting his fingers.

Screaming and sobbing, my vision wavers and I begin to lose consciousness. Left hand still torturing me, his other strokes my hair with mock affection. “Shh shh… It's alright,” he soothes. “Tell me where the children are and the pain will stop.”

“I don't know!”

“You don't know?”

“No!” I scream on a sob, desperate for the pain to end, but not desperate enough to betray my children.

He pulls his fingers from my wound and gently places his blood-slicked hand upon my cheek along with the other, delicately cradling my face.

“You're lying.” Blue eyes roam my face. “Gorgeous,” he murmurs. “You're even a legend amongst immortals, did you know that? They say your beauty could rival Uriella herself.” He traces his finger softly down my cheek as his eyes glaze over in lust, his voice hoarsening. “You truly are stunning.”

Revolted by his touch, I jerk my head from his grip and spit on his face. 

Rainier stills, and a foreboding silence fills the room as he slowly wipes the glob off his cheek. Then his face contorts into a snarl and he grips my chin hard enough to break bones. Eyes maddened from rage he snarls, “Where are they?”

Tremors racking my body, I shake my head as much as I’m capable within his bruising grip.

A vicious light suddenly flashes within his eyes. Still gripping my chin, he slowly slides his opposite hand along my neck, his fingers trailing down my collarbone. Once he reaches the top of my dress, my chest clenches in fear as I struggle to free my arms with no success.

He rips the top of my gown, my breasts bouncing free as he slips his hand beneath one, cupping it. As affectionate as a lover, he slowly traces my areola and I swallow back bile as he tweaks my nipple to a pebbled state. Spreading his hand to encompass my entire breast, I cry out once he begins kneading it. But that cry quickly turns to a torturous scream when he viciously clenches my breast, then twists.

Shutting his eyes, he rests his forehead against mine and I feel the heat of his breath caress my face when he releases a hunger-fueled groan.

“Tell me where they are,” he demands, his voice thickened with lust. “I cannot rule Cascadonia uncontested while your children still live.”

All my pain, all my grief, all my fear and disgust swirls together, coalescing into an unmanageable whirl of chaos that swiftly morphs into a volatile mixture of rage and hate. 

Pale green eyes expressing every ounce of loathing for him and his despicable race, I scream, “Never! I'll never tell you!” With heaving breaths, I promise, “You'll never find my children and you'll never rule Cascadonia. Even with a goddess’s favor.” I laugh, a crazed, bitter sound. “No immortal or fae will ever bow to a filthy human.” 

Rainier’s features contort into a blistering rage and he backhands me, throwing me from my captor’s grip to land face first on top of the bed. Head swimming and vision full of stars, I'm unable to regain my senses before I feel the weight of Rainier’s body lying atop my back, pushing me into the bed.

“You always were a sanctimonious little bitch, weren't you?” he says scornfully. “Never knew when to keep your mouth shut. Valor thought you to be spirited.” He laughs. “What a fool he was. Never realized that bitches must be trained to obey.” 

He grinds his growing erection against my ass, prodding me. I squirm, crying out when he fists his hand into my hair and jerks my head back, licking up the column of my arched throat.

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